During the lunch break at one o'clock, Gao Yangtong also came to Jiang Yu's office to check the situation.

Seeing that Jiang Yu was actually sleeping leisurely, Gao Yangtong couldn't help but muttered to himself: "It's okay, my mind is very relaxed, I have prepared so many financial information for him that I need to look at, and I can still sleep at noon, I want to see what to do when you have a meeting in the afternoon." "

Gao Yangtong didn't go in to bother, turned around and left directly.

Because the finance department was not convinced by Jiang Yu, the new CFO, no one came to report to Jiang Yu after the lunch break, and Jiang Yu slept directly until the meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon.

When the time came at three o'clock, Jiang Yu had not yet come, and some of the company's management were a little complaining.

"Mr. Gao, isn't the meeting going to start yet? If this new CFO doesn't come, will we keep waiting?"

"Yes, Mr. Gao, it's too much to give this new CFO face. The shelf is so big, and we are late for meetings, so we all have to wait for him, it's too difficult to get along with..."

The man's voice immediately stopped abruptly as the door to the conference room pushed open.

"Sorry sorry, two minutes late. "

Jiang Yu walked into the conference room with a smile and sat down on Gao Yangtong's left.

Gao Yangtong found that Jiang Yu's eyes were still red, and he said in a strange way: "Mr. Jiang, you won't take a nap until you wake up just now!"

"How is this possible. "

Jiang Yu immediately gave a negative answer.

"But I see that your eyes are red, and it is obvious that you are not feeling sleepy. "

"Mr. Gao was too careful, because after reading so many financial statements, his eyes were bloodshot. "

Yu Zhanhe, the chief financial officer, immediately said: "Yes, Mr. Jiang, when I wanted to report to you around two o'clock, I found that you seemed to be sleeping on the recliner, and I didn't dare to disturb you." "

Yu Zhanhe also had some yin and yang weirdness, because he was a little disdainful of Jiang Yu in his heart: At such a young age, I don't believe that I have the ability to serve as CFO.

Yu Zhanhe had missed this position for a long time, and Jiang Yu's sudden airborne landing was equivalent to cutting off his thoughts.

Jiang Yu responded: "You must have read it wrong, I was thinking about some financial data at that time." As the company's CFO, I am naturally very conscientious, please rest assured of this. "

"Mr. Jiang just came, since he is working seriously, it must be because there are too many things to handle, so it is understandable to be late, let's start the meeting now. "

Gao Yangtong is not entangled in this problem.

"Send things down. "

Gao Yangtong said to his assistant.

The assistant distributed a copy of the materials he was holding in his hand.

After getting the information, everyone simply flipped through it.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the quarterly indicator for each of your departments, and there are some relevant program notes, you can see if there are any problems. If you have any questions, you can raise them and communicate them. The management of all departments of the company is present, and it can be coordinated now to make good use of the company's resources. "

People from various departments took a look at it and began to test whether they could achieve the new targets.

Seeing that these people were all thinking, Gao Yangtong didn't rush to ask them, but looked at Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Jiang, you are the chief financial officer of our company, responsible for the financial management of our company. Judging from the information in hand, do you think that in terms of budget management, cost management and other aspects, we can achieve the growth targets set by our company?"

"What do you say? Jiang Yu looked embarrassed.

"There's nothing bad to say, now you're the biggest voice in finance in our company, just speak your mind. Of course, if you don't know the data of the past few quarters, you can ask Yu Zhanhe, Director Yu, and he will tell you. "

Gao Yangtong had a smile on his face when he spoke, just waiting for Jiang Yu to show an embarrassed expression on his face.

"I'm a very grudgeful person, I scolded me that day, and I'll scold you back today. "

Gao Yangtong does not pay attention to the revenge of a gentleman, and he has not been overnight for ten years.

Gao Yangtong is talking about the revenge of a gentleman, and it is too late for three days.

can wait for so many days, and when Jiang Yu comes to work, Gao Yangtong feels that he is already broad-minded.

Specially given Jiang Yu such a short time, Gao Yangtong felt that Jiang Yu would definitely not be able to understand the company's data, so he would sleep in a depressed afternoon today.

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, you just came here today, the time is too short, maybe you haven't remembered the information, so you can ask me any questions. Yu Zhanhe immediately expressed his position, and seemed very willing to cooperate with Jiang Yu's work.

"Thank you, Director Yu, I still don't need your help. "

Jiang Yu said with a serious face: "Since I am the CFO of the company, then out of consideration for the company, I will have something to say directly." "

"I may not be able to speak well, but this is just for the sake of work, please understand. "

Then, Jiang Yu tore up the information he got in his hand and threw it on the table.

"He's..." everyone looked at Jiang Yu with a stunned expression.

Gao Yangtong's expression was not very good-looking, and he asked in a deep voice: "Mr. Jiang, what do you mean by this?"

"It's not interesting, it's just that this data is made, it's no different from garbage, does this person understand?"

"If you don't understand, don't do it, otherwise it's so stupid, but it will add a burden to people. If he had made it for me at the time, I would have thrown it in his face and told him to go back and redo it. "

"So kind?"

Everyone in the conference room was silent for a moment, the entire conference room seemed silent, and everyone looked at Jiang Yu's eyes, and couldn't help but wonder if Jiang Yu was crazy: "This Mr. Jiang didn't want to do it when he first came, right?"

Before Jiang Yu came, there was no suitable person to serve as CFO, so this position was held by Gao Yangtong, who is the president.

It is impossible for Jiang Yu not to know from his assistant that the person who is usually in charge of this work is Gao Yangtong, so Jiang Yu's words are obviously scolding Gao Yangtong for being stupid to the extreme.

As soon as the company comes to the company, he will provoke the CEO first, can he still do a good job?

Gao Yangtong's face was already ugly, but he still couldn't bear to get angry: "Mr. Jiang, you are a company executive, and you can't speak without going through your brain." You said there was a problem with this data, but what was the problem?"

"It's a big problem, I can't even find such a big problem, and I don't know how the person who made this document stayed in the company. This kind of rice bucket that doesn't have much ability to just eat, I think it's better to let him get out. "

Jiang Yu's words became more and more outrageous, and a special scene seemed to emerge in the eyes of the people present: "I always feel that after the meeting, this new CFO has to leave." "

"I finally have a job with an annual salary of one million, why can't I think so much. Some people who have no enmity with Jiang Yu mourn Jiang Yu in their hearts.

"I seem to have overestimated Jiang Yu's abilities. "Xu Lejia originally thought that Jiang Yu was really good, but now he doesn't even know the reason why he comes out to mix and try not to offend people, how can such a person mix in the workplace.

And some people in the finance department who are staring at the CFO's position are gloating: "I thought that this new CFO had a lot of ability, it seems that I will let Mr. Gao know that the CFO still has to invite the old man of the company to take the role, and the airborne ones don't have much ability." "

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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