Gao Yangtong's purpose in inviting Jiang Yu over was to educate Jiang Yu, not to let Jiang Yu scold him for being stupid in front of so many people.

"Mr. Jiang, don't just scold people, count your words clearly. "

"I'm definitely going to make it clear. "

Seeing Gao Yangtong's aggrieved expression, Jiang Yu couldn't help but smile.

"I won't say anything else, I'll just say that this piece of steamed cake in our company's product line is good. The main ingredients of cake food are flour and eggs. I'll take eggs as an example, according to the above display, the cost of our egg's purchase price is six cents a piece. "

"This product, one package of three small steamed cakes, just consumes one egg. "

"This quarter's sales expectation for this steamed cake product is to hope to reach 0 million, which means that 30 million eggs are needed. "

"But as far as I know, the price of the egg industry has been reduced, and the price should be reduced by about 10%, why will our procurement costs remain the same?

Yu Yingpeng, who was in charge of procurement, immediately came out and replied: "Mr. Jiang, the egg industry as a whole has reduced its price, but our suppliers have not reduced their prices. "

"Then why not find another supplier?"

"Mr. Jiang, we have always chosen stable suppliers to procure, so as to ensure food safety. I reported this matter to Mr. Gao, and Mr. Gao felt that there was no problem. "

"Ensuring the safety of food is of course crucial, but it doesn't conflict with finding new suppliers. You can take out your phone and take a look to see if the eggs you buy on e-commerce sites now cost about six cents a piece. "

"If people are broken, if you buy from suppliers, there is no difference from buying from these e-commerce websites, why not add more choices?"

"Besides, if I buy large quantities from these e-commerce sellers, these merchants will definitely be willing to give us lower prices, why do we have to stick to the so-called suppliers?"

Yu Yingpeng continued to answer: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Gao means that suppliers with long-term cooperation will be more secure, so no matter what market fluctuations occur, these suppliers are an important guarantee for our stable production!"

"Stupid. I've only heard of not putting your eggs in one basket, and you're still trying to find one or two stable suppliers and let them choke your neck, right?"

"If one day the cost of things goes up, you don't see if they will bargain with you. On the other hand, if the cost is reduced, they will not reduce the price, so how can they reasonably control the cost in this way?"

"An excellent company, if you can't control the supply chain, how can you run the enterprise well. "

Gao Yangtong immediately retorted: "Mr. Jiang, don't forget, we have contracts with these suppliers, and we can't breach the contract." "

"So, is that the explanation for incompetence?"

"What do you mean by that?" Gao Yangtong couldn't help himself.

Even if Jiang Yu didn't name anyone he was scolding, everyone knew that he was scolding him for being incompetent, could he bear it?

"The new CFO is quite a person. "

The people present didn't understand the situation one by one, and they had never seen subordinates and bosses do it so directly.

However, for Jiang Yu, he can leave at any time, but Gao Yangtong can't dismiss Jiang Yu at any time, because Gao Yangtong specially invited Jiang Yu to come to the company, but he didn't find a face, how could he be willing to dismiss Jiang Yu.

So in Jiang Yu's opinion, when Gao Yangtong came to invite, Gao Yangtong had already lost half of it.

"Mr. Gao, maybe it's not good, but I'm telling the truth. Jiang Yu also specially emphasized once.

"According to the financial report for the third quarter of the previous year, because of the increase in costs, the supplier's price to us was directly increased, and the increased cost became borne by us. "

"At that time, we refused to raise the price at first, but the other party directly refused to continue supplying us and was willing to pay liquidated damages, which were not worth mentioning compared to our inability to continue production, so we finally compromised in order to continue to produce products. "

"Not just in the third quarter of the previous year, but in the last few quarters, there have always been suppliers who have done this. "

"Then may I ask Mr. Gao, why are these companies willing to violate the contract casually when their own costs rise? Isn't it because they have settled on you, knowing that you have no other source of supply, and if you don't compromise, you have to stop production. "

"Conversely, when the cost price is low, they can still refuse to lower the price. So the control of the supply chain is very incompetent, am I wrong in what I said?"

"It seems to make some sense!" the people present agreed in their hearts.

In addition to the people in the purchasing department, the people in other departments really don't know about the temporary price increase by the other party.

Now that Jiang Yu said this, they were really aggrieved when they thought about it, why did the other party say that the price would be raised, and when they asked them to reduce the price, they would refuse.

Gao Yangtong didn't know how to refute it, so he asked: "Jiang Yu, if we buy from other small merchants according to what you said, we also have to set up a quality inspection department. "

"I'm not saying that you should give up these suppliers completely, but I mean that finding more suppliers, especially some small merchants, can help some farmers sell their produce on the one hand, and increase our bargaining power over these suppliers on the other hand. "

"So how do you make sure that the eggs are of the same quality as what we buy from our suppliers?"

"It seems that Mr. Gao is still unconvinced, so I'll show you some data. "

Jiang Yu asked Ye Yu, who was standing beside him, to send a copy of the printed data to everyone present.

"This is the data from my survey in the first few days of my tenure. If you have any doubts about this data, you can investigate it again. "

"This is the flow of agricultural products sold in the villages around the imperial capital, and most of them are purchased by the suppliers in the mouth of Mr. Gao. I estimated the number of them, and I still take eggs as an example, which is about one-third of the annual shipments of these suppliers. "

"In other words, a third of the stuff is bought by the supplier himself, and he or she makes the difference by being a middleman. Mr. Gao, then I would like to ask you, why do these suppliers think that the products of these farmers meet the standards, but you have this concern?"


Gao Yangtong was speechless, because it was the first time he had seen such data.

"Mr. Jiang is not afraid to re-investigate, so his data should be true, and he never thought that these suppliers would do this?" even the person in charge of the purchasing department was very surprised by this

"It turns out that this is the gap between me and Jiang Yu. "

Xu Lejia was suddenly a little convinced, because Jiang Yu had only found out such a big problem in the company on the first day he came to the company, which was really not comparable to him, so it was not surprising that Jiang Yu could serve as CFO as soon as he came.

"This new CFO is a bunch of people. "

Originally, I thought that Jiang Yu was young and not qualified enough, but now no one will have this question, even the director Yu Zhanhe, who is very dissatisfied with Jiang Yu, has nothing to say.

"Jiang Yu is also too powerful, he sorted out the company's affairs in one day, no wonder Jiang Yu can start from scratch. "Gao Xinwan and the five people have all served, but they were worried that Jiang Yu would encounter trouble at work before, which was completely redundant.

Even if Jiang Yu asked Gao Yangtong not to come to the stage, Gao Xinwan didn't feel angry, because Jiang Yu was justified.

"Demolish the dismount of the heir of the wealthy family, and counter the army, and reward 500 million in cash. "_

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