When Gao Yangtong was dumbfounded, Jiang Yu's voice sounded again: "You can't even figure out the situation of the supply chain, no wonder you will lose money again and again, even if I have great ability, in this case, I can't help you turn the company into a profit." "

"When you asked me to come to the company to help you before, I said that if you are too poor and drag me back like a pig teammate, I won't be able to do this job. "

"Jiang Yu..."

Gao Yangtong was a little angry because Jiang Yu said in public that he was a pig teammate.

It's just that Gao Yangtong wants to speak to refute, but he doesn't know what to say.

Jiang Yu saw that Gao Yangtong couldn't even speak, so he continued: "Mr. Gao, think about it yourself, if you can't even figure out the problem of the supply chain, what kind of meeting will it be, it will be a waste of time." "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu got up directly and left with his assistant.

Jiang Yu's departure made the entire conference room fall into silence again, because Jiang Yuchan's attitude was obvious, and he was too lazy to hold today's meeting.

"This newcomer Jiang always really doesn't give Mr. Gao face at all. The people present sighed a little.

However, in fact, they know that if they start to control the supply chain again, then the annual indicators and operation plans of the entire company will have to be reformulated!

After Jiang Yu left, Gao Yangtong's expression was very serious, because Jiang Yu really couldn't get off the stage today.

But Jiang Yu greeted him in advance, saying that if he was invited to work, such a situation would occur.

Gao Yangtong didn't take it seriously before, but he didn't expect that he was going to give Jiang Yu a horse today, but he made him embarrassed, and because he had words first, it was not good to go crazy casually.

Being looked at by many people with strange eyes, Gao Yangtong felt a little embarrassed.

"Alright, that's the end of today's meeting. Except for the purchasing department, the others go first. "

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Gao. "

The rest of the people knew to hurry away.

Gao Yangtong stayed in purchasing, probably to change the strategy of the procurement department as Jiang Yu said.

After Jiang Yu left, he returned to the office.

Ye Yu was a little worried about Jiang Yu: "Mr. Jiang, isn't it a little bad that you offended Mr. Gao just now?" "

"It's okay, your Mr. Gao has always been used to it, and he is the CEO of the company, and no one usually dares to talk about his problems, so if you don't talk about his problems, how can the company develop?"

Regarding Jiang Yu's words, Ye Yu didn't dare to answer casually.

"Alright, you go about your business.

"Hmm. "

Ye Yu returned to his post and said secretly: Mr. Wei Jiang is really an elite, it seems that he can learn a lot by following him. "

It's just that when Ye Yu felt that he could learn something from Jiang Neng, Jiang Yu turned on the computer and began to write a resignation letter!

Although he was writing a resignation letter, Jiang Yu felt that since he had educated people, he would do good deeds and help Gao Yangtong point out some of the company's problems, so he also wrote a proposal by the way.

An hour passed, and at four o'clock, Gao Yangtong was in the conference room, and finally sorted out all the suppliers with the people from the purchasing department.

After the meeting, Gao Yangtong returned to his office.

Along with Gao Yangtong, there is also Wen Yangshuo, the company's vice president.

Wen Yangshuo, as the vice president of the company, naturally wanted to take a good picture of Gao Yangtong's ass, so when he was in the office, Wen Yangshuo said with a look of empathy for Gao Yangtong: "Mr. Gao, the President Jiang who came today is too rampant, and he doesn't give you face as the president at the meeting." "

Originally, there had just been an hour-long meeting, and Gao Yangtong had almost forgotten about it, but now Wen Yangshuo suddenly brought it up again, isn't this revealing his scars, or sprinkling salt on his wounds?

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Jiang himself has money, he doesn't care about work at all, I can't do anything about him. "

To say that Gao Yangtong is not angry, it is absolutely false.

There has never been such a big shame, and this is even more humiliating than when I went to call Gao Xinwan and them back to work overtime that day.

That day, Jiang Yu only said that he was incapable, but today he criticized him to death in front of Gao Xinwan and several others, but he couldn't refute it.

And the crux of the matter is indeed that he can't do anything with Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Wen, you see, Jiang Yu's attitude just now, he doesn't care whether he continues to stay in the company to work, even if he leaves directly, Jiang Yu doesn't mind. So I don't even care about leaving, what can I do to make him afraid? If I want to reprimand Jiang Yu, if I don't find out the problem of mistakes in his work, maybe Jiang Yu will pat his ass and leave. "

"That's right. "

Regarding Gao Yangtong's statement, Wen Yangshuo also agreed.

"In addition, I was born well, and I have always used the best things, so I have always been very concerned about major brands and brand protection, so I will insist on choosing reliable suppliers to provide goods. Jiang Yu is from the countryside in the south of the Yangtze River, so he has some intimacy with the countryside, and he will not worry about the problems of the rural products like me. His way of looking at the problem is not the same as mine, so with Jiang Yu here, I think he will really be a necessary assistant, at least in the short term, he can't do without Jiang Yu. "

Now Gao Yangtong feels that recruiting Jiang Yu into the company is a correct choice.

Wen Yangshuo felt that Gao Yangtong's attitude was wrong!

"Mr. Gao. You can't have that kind of attitude, he is indeed quite capable, and he can find out the more important problems as soon as he comes, but his attitude is too lawless. In the future, will you still be able to control the company? Even a president like you has such an attitude, can I, the vice president, still order him?"

"What if the company recruits some people from better families or who are very rich in the future, and they feel that it doesn't matter if they work, like Mr. Jiang to study?"

"So we have to make him recognize some facts, even if he has the ability, he is not omnipotent. Only by suppressing him a few times can Mr. Jiang know how to keep a low profile and know his position in the company. "

"You're right. "

Gao Yangtong still agrees with Wen Yangshuo's words, hoping to suppress Jiang Yu and make Jiang Yu's attitude in the company not be so domineering, otherwise he will not be able to hang his face as the president.

"Mr. Wen, do you have any good ideas?"

Wen Yangshuo waited for Gao Yangtong's words, so he immediately said: "If you want to say good ideas, of course you have them." This Mr. Jiang is so young and has such ability, so why don't we just give full play to his ability?"

"It is reasonable to hand over some of the difficult work we have in our hands to Mr. Jiang, anyway, he is the company's chief financial officer, and it is reasonable to complete some of the work that the two of us have in hand, after all, in the position, it is the same level as us. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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