Wen Yangshuo's suggestion made Gao Yangtong a little moved.

"Mr. Wen, what you said is true, but the problem is that Mr. Jiang may not be willing to do it, right?"

"That's not going to happen, I think Mr. Jiang is still reasonable, as long as it's the work he should do, he still won't refuse. We don't want to give him a lot of work, but we just say that Mr. Jiang is very capable, and we give him some difficult jobs. "

"As long as the amount is reasonable, then if there are one or two things that can make him stumped, Mr. Gao, won't you be able to find an opportunity to blame him for his lack of work ability?"

When he said this, Wen Yangshuo was still a little careful in his heart, and he also said sorry to Jiang Yu in his heart: "Mr. Jiang is sorry, it's your ability that is too good, so it's no wonder that I can't blame you!"

Wen Yangshuo's selfishness lies in the fact that if Jiang Yu completes the work, he will be able to relax.

On the one hand, being able to pat the leader's ass, and on the other hand, making himself more relaxed, Wen Yangshuo felt that he was really a little clever ghost.

After Gao Yangtong listened to Wen Yangshuo's words, he felt that it was quite reasonable.

"You seem to be really right when you say that, I gave Jiang Yu so much information today, and I specially messed up the order of the information, he was able to find out the information of the last few quarters so clearly and write it down. With such a strong work ability, it seems reasonable to arrange more difficult jobs for him, as the so-called capable people work harder!"

In the last sentence, Gao Yangtong persuaded himself that he felt that he was right to do so, and he didn't need to have any guilt.

When he heard Gao Yangtong's words agreeing with him, Wen Yangshuo put the document he was holding on Gao Yangtong's desk.

"Mr. Gao, I happen to have a more difficult job in my hands, this job should be a bit difficult for Mr. Jiang, why don't I hand it over to Mr. Jiang, what do you think?"

Gao Yangtong took this document from Wen Yangshuo's hand and looked at it, this is the task he gave Wen Yangshuo yesterday.

It can be seen that Wen Yangshuo's ability is a little insufficient, so he thought about giving this job to Jiang Yu.

Gao Yangtong said secretly: "If even Wen Yangshuo thinks that there is a difficult job, then Jiang Yu should not be able to solve it smoothly." "

Wen Yangshuo can serve as the vice president of the company, and his ability must be here, plus Wen Yangshuo has been in the food industry for so many years and is not a rookie, so he feels that the troublesome work should really be a big problem, so if it is handed over to Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu should have a headache.

"Okay, Mr. Wen, you can go to Mr. Jiang to hand over this job, and let Mr. Jiang complete this job!"

After getting Gao Yangtong's operation, Wen Yangshuo's face showed a smile of relief: "Okay, I'll go to Mr. Jiang now." "

After saying that, Wen Yangshuo turned around and prepared to leave the office.

"Wait a minute. "

Wen Yangshuo was called down by Gao Yangtong.

"Mr. Gao, do you have any other instructions?"

"Wait for me to see if I have any more difficult work at hand, you can help me bring it to Mr. Jiang. "

Just kidding, today Gao Yangtong was the worst by Jiang Yu, so how could Gao Yangtong not hand over some difficult work to Jiang Yu.

"Good. "

Wen Yangshuo smiled, knowing that Jiang Yu was in big trouble.

As the president of the company, Gao Yangtong has a lot of things to deal with every day, and difficult jobs can be found casually.

After half an hour, the two of them finally jumped out of the five most troublesome jobs!

"No matter how powerful Jiang Yu is, these five jobs can't be completed without four or five days of work, right?"

In this regard, Gao Yangtong is still very confident.

"By the way, Mr. Wen, although we let Jiang Yu complete some difficult work, the team members who should be given to him still have to be given to him to help him complete the work together. "

"Of course I know this, after all, there must be some people to help, otherwise Mr. Jiang will not be able to get all these jobs done. You can rest assured, I will equip Mr. Jiang with a qualified team. "

Wen Yangshuo patted his chest and assured Gao Yangtong.

"I'm relieved when you say that. "

"Mr. Gao, do you have any other instructions? If not, I'll go to Mr. Jiang now. Now there is still half an hour before the end of work, which is just the right time for Mr. Jiang to understand the content of these tasks first, and then start to complete these tasks tomorrow. "

"Okay, there you go. "

Gao Yangtong has anything special to explain.

Wen Yangshuo immediately prepared to take the five documents to find Jiang Yu.

However, Wen Yangshuo had just come to the door of the office, and when he opened the door and was about to go out, he found that Jiang Yu was coming!

"Mr. Jiang, why are you here. It just so happens that I have something to go to you. "

Jiang Yu looked at the documents in Wen Yangshuo's hand, and smiled faintly: "Mr. Wen, you came to me for something, wouldn't it be to assign me a job?"

Jiang Yu guessed it, Wen Yangshuo felt that there was nothing to be surprised about, because the leader went to find his subordinates, wasn't it just to arrange work?

Wen Yangshuo smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, there are indeed a few more important jobs that need you to hurry up and deal with them urgently. Today, we have seen your work ability, and I believe that you should be able to complete these tasks smoothly. So I'm please. "

Wen Yangshuo handed the five documents in his hand to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu didn't reach out to get the documents, but said slightly apologetically: "Mr. Wen, in fact, to be honest, I really hope to solve your problems, but I'm sorry, I have already decided to resign!"


The smile on Wen Yangshuo's face disappeared immediately.

Not to mention Wen Yangshuo, even Gao Yangtong was very surprised and stood up from his position.

"Jiang Yu, are you mistaken? You just came to the company today, why are you resigning?"

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, you have just joined the company for less than a day today, and you resigned, is this unreasonable?" Wen Yangshuo immediately asked.

Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yangtong were a little depressed in their hearts: "If Mr. Jiang resigns now, who will hand over these tasks to complete?

The two of them chatted excitedly here for half an hour, but Jiang Yu extinguished their enthusiasm with a basin of water, and the two of them felt a little uncomfortable, but at the same time, they couldn't let Jiang Yu leave like this.

It's hard to find a capable person who works hard, Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yangtong really don't want Jiang Yu to leave now.

Jiang Yu didn't expect that the value of being retained here in Wen Yangshuo was that he could help him complete the more difficult work.

"This is really quite realistic in the workplace!"

Jiang Yu sighed in his heart, and then said: "Mr. Wen, Mr. Gao, although I also feel quite regretful, but I do plan to resign, this is my resignation letter." "

Jiang Yu put the resignation letter in his hand in front of Gao Yangtong's desk. _

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