Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yang generalists don't care whether Jiang Yu has written a letter of resignation or not.

Wen Yangshuo hurriedly opened his mouth to retain Jiang Yu: "Mr. Jiang, you obviously performed so well today, so that the whole company is convinced of you, resign now, this is too regrettable, you better think about it." "

"Mr. Wen, you are reluctant to let me go, are you worried that after I leave, no one will complete the work for you?"

"Hahaha. Wen Yangshuo laughed.

Even if Jiang Yu said what he thought in his heart, Wen Yangshuo didn't feel embarrassed at all, but denied it with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, you really like to joke, it was me and Mr. Gao who were reluctant to let you leave from the bottom of our hearts!"

"That's right, Jiang Yu, today's performance exceeded expectations, you can definitely show your skills in the company, the future is promising!"

In order to retain Jiang Yu, Wen Yangshuo didn't give Jiang Yu a chance to interject at all: "Mr. Jiang, Mr. Gao is right, our company is indeed a very good platform." "

"You must know that our company has only been established for less than five years, and it has a small reputation in the industry. Moreover, our parent company is strong, and we urgently need to enter a new industry and do a new world, so we established our company. "

"Even if it is a few years of continuous losses, it will not shake the company's determination to enter the food industry. With your strength, in our company, there will definitely be a different future. If the company can really develop well, this is a new chapter in your life history. "

"After that, even if you don't work in our food industry and go to other fields, you will still be glittering, and your resume will allow you to find a new good job. "

Wen Yangshuo began to talk freely about the future to Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Wen, the future you told me is very ambitious and very beautiful, but I came out to work to make money to support my family, not to talk to you about my dreams. "

Jiang Yu felt that Wen Yangshuo's behavior was different from those who only gave chicken soup to others and did not give substantial benefits.

The company doesn't have Jiang Yu's shares, even if the company really rises, it has nothing to do with Jiang Yu, what do you do with Jiang Yu's dreams?

Jiang Yu said this, which made Gao Yangtong feel that Jiang Yu might not be satisfied with the salary he gave before.

"Jiang Yu, if you are not satisfied with all aspects of salary, we can talk about it again. As long as we can talk, I think we can talk about it. "

"Besides, now the company can't do without you. Your performance today makes me feel that the company needs a good talent like you to step into the food field instead of the company. Although you may be a year or two younger than me, but to be honest, in terms of actual ability, I may really not be as good as you, and your performance today really convinced me. "

Although he had complaints about Jiang Yu, Gao Yangtong was still real, because he was indeed convinced by Jiang Yu's ability.

"So Jiang Yu, I really want to stay in the company to help me. "

"Mr. Gao, I can understand your kindness, the purpose of my coming to the company is actually to educate you..." Jiang Yu's voice stopped abruptly, and his consciousness was swooped.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Yu's words made the smile on Gao Yangtong's face completely stiffen.

"No wonder Mr. Jiang and Mr. Gao had a-for-tat confrontation during the meeting, it turned out that Mr. Jiang came to work in the company mainly to embarrass Mr. Gao, which is really surprising!" Wen Yangshuo smiled bitterly beside him, no matter how he couldn't imagine that it would be such a truth.

If Jiang Yu's purpose in coming to the company was mainly to embarrass Gao Yangtong, Jiang Yu had already achieved his goal today, so now that he has succeeded, he can reduce more trouble for himself, take advantage of it and leave, Wen Yangshuo feels that this is a wise move.

Jiang Yu hurriedly explained: "No, no, Mr. Gao, what I mean is that I actually came to the company to show a force in the company, and at the same time, to improve your vision of looking at problems, not that." "

It's just that Jiang Yu's explanation has made Gao Yangtong not believe it, because what he said unintentionally is the truth of the facts.

"So, I really can't let you go!" Gao Yangtong was ruthless in his heart.

In fact, Gao Yangtong's purpose in inviting Jiang Yu to the company was actually to educate Jiang Yu, but he didn't educate Jiang Yu, but he was educated by Jiang Yu in turn, how could this be allowed?

Fortunately, Gao Yang didn't say this purpose, Jiang Yu said it, so now Gao Yangtong is the side of justice.

Gao Yangtong's attitude immediately became indifferent, and he said lightly: "Mr. Jiang, don't forget, we have signed a contract." The company is not just a company that you say you want to come and leave if you want. Even if you want to submit your resignation, I can disagree. "

"Even if I agree, according to the resignation rules, you have to report a month in advance, so you have to give me a month to prepare and let me hire a new CFO before you can resign. "

"Mr. Gao, in fact, it is for your good to let me go now. If you give me more difficult jobs and make me unhappy in the company, I don't think you will be happy in the company. Are you sure you can afford it?"

Jiang Yu looked at Gao Yangtong and Wen Yangshuo with a smile, and the two of them immediately fell into silence.

The two of them knew that Jiang Yu had seen through their true purpose, so if they forcibly left Jiang Yu, I am afraid they would find fault with each other.

The two of them really don't think they can compare to Jiang Yu, so if Jiang Yu can't get off the stage like today, with so many meetings all year round, and the two of them are not humiliated to death, how can they lead their subordinates in the company and establish their prestige?

"But let him go now, and I won't have a chance to get the field back. I don't believe that I will always be made unable to get off the stage by him, let's watch it for a few more days!" Gao Yangtong felt that there was a major mistake today, which allowed Jiang Yu to find an opportunity, but it does not mean that there will be new mistakes in his daily work, so it does not mean that he makes Jiang Yu unhappy, Jiang Yu has the ability to make him unhappy.

"Mr. Jiang, it's okay if I'm embarrassed, the company really needs you now. Gao Yangtong looked eager to find talent.

Jiang Yu was too lazy to look at Gao Yangtong's acting skills, and put another document in his hand on Gao Yangtong's table.

"Mr. Gao, I am a person who keeps my promises, and I have made a planning report on the changes in the company. Just follow this planning report, and you should be able to change the current situation. "

When Jiang Yu wrote this report, the system also gave hints if there were problems, so this report was absolutely fine.

"You made a new plan for the company so quickly?" Gao Yangtong was a little incredulous.

Jiang Yu is obviously sleeping today, when the meeting is held in the afternoon, Jiang Yu knows the data very well, but it should only be the last few quarters, and it is impossible to read all the business conditions of these years!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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