Wen Yangshuo felt that Jiang Yu had just arrived, so he handed in this planning report, which was too hasty.

"Mr. Jiang, it's wrong for you to do this, the rules in the workplace, just come to the company, don't point fingers at the company's overall strategy, because you don't know anything about the company. If you really want to write this report to Mr. Gao, I think you should continue to work for a while. "

"Mr. Wen, if you take a look at Mr. Gao, don't you know if what I wrote is useful?"

When Jiang Yu was talking to Wen Yangshuo, Gao Yangtong had already read the plan on the table.

Wen Yangshuo felt that he could take a look, so he came to Gao Yangtong's side.

When the two of them saw this plan, they were a little excited: "Yes, even the rectification suggestions for the supply chain are written in the right way..."

The two of them continued to read, and Jiang Yu's report did find out the shortcomings of each department, and at the same time gave some suggestions.

However, these suggestions were incomplete, and Jiang Yu did not write all the reports.

Wen Yangshuo immediately looked up at Jiang Yu, a little happy: "Jiang Yu, you are too powerful, it has only been a day to find a new direction of operation." But your plan is incomplete, where is the complete plan?"

"Mr. Wen, what you said is a layman. I know I signed the contract today, so since I want to terminate the contract, of course I have to show some skills. "

"Mr. Gao, the purpose of my coming to the company is to help the company turn losses into profits, and now with this plan, I think it is enough to ensure that the company changes the problem of adapting to the food industry. Now that I've fulfilled my promise, I should be able to leave, right?"

"As long as Mr. Gao calls my annual salary this year and agrees to resign, I will send this complete plan to your mailbox immediately. Let's cooperate fairly, and Tong Suo is not bullied. "

"But Mr. Jiang, I really can't bear you. Gao Yangtong looked tangled.

The content of this plan made his eyes shine, but let Jiang Yu go, he would suffer this loss clearly, and he would have no chance to fight back.

Jiang Yu was amused: "Mr. Gao, I know you can't bear me, but we don't get along." If you insist on letting me stay in the company, maybe I will have to hurt each other with you, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it. "

The mutual injury at the end of this sentence made Gao Yangtong feel a little empty in his heart.

With so many meetings in a year, if every meeting was scolded by Jiang Yu like today, Gao Yangtong felt that there might be a shadow in his heart.

Gao Yangtong glanced at Wen Yangshuo, and in the end, the two felt that it was better to agree to Jiang Yu's resignation.

"Alas, alas, alas. Gao Yangtong took three breaths with a smile on his face, "Jiang Yu, I really can't bear you, but since you are determined to leave, I can only respect your intentions." "

"But Jiang Yu, if you have some questions in your daily work, maybe I have to trouble you to help answer them, but you can rest assured, I won't let you answer them in vain, I will pay the consultant fee." "

"That's easy to say. In fact, I am reluctant to go to Mr. Gao, but the problem is that the crux of the company is too simple, and I can't mess around every day and waste my life. "

Jiang Yu's words made Gao Yangtong feel a little uncomfortable, the problem that he hadn't solved for a year, Jiang Yu solved it in one day, and he always felt that Jiang Yu was connotating his ability.

Gaoyang Communication kept its promise, approved Jiang Yu's resignation, and asked Jiang Yu to go to the finance to receive a year's salary.

"Mr. Gao, thank you for coming to your company today, and you have a very happy time. "

"Mr. Wen, I can't solve your problems at work in the future, so I can only say sorry. "

"No... Never mind. Wen Yangshuo looked at the documents in his hand, and felt very uncomfortable.

"We'll see you later. "

Jiang Yu said hello and left Gao Yangtong's office.

Looking at Jiang Yu's back and happy appearance when he left, the two of them didn't have a taste in their hearts.

"How do you feel that Mr. Jiang is like coming to the company for a day trip. Wen Yangshuo muttered to himself, and there was still a little envy in his heart.

Earn a million in one day, this money is not too easy to come by!

Wen Yangshuo's words were tantamount to sprinkling salt on Gao Yangtong's wound.

Gao Yangtong didn't have this feeling, even if the final result was good, he always felt that he seemed to be a little cheap in this process.

Let Jiang Yu come to the company to humiliate himself, and give Jiang Yu 1 million, how do you think it's wrong, this is very different from his original plan to only give Jiang Yu 100,000 yuan.

"Smash the plan of the company's president and vice president to maliciously attack, and reward 100 million in cash. "

"What a harvest today!"

Jiang Yu felt that today's day was quite fulfilling.

When Gao Yangtong was depressed, he received a reminder from an email address in the lower right corner of the computer.

This was sent from Jiang Yu's work mailbox, and Gao Yangtong immediately opened the mailbox and clicked on the document in it.

Seeing the plan, Gao Yangtong immediately cheered up: "This plan is indeed very good." It's completely different from the simple introduction I just saw!"

"I'll see. "

The two of them calmed down their frustration and began to seriously study the plan and formulate the implementation schedule, because Jiang Yu gave a general plan, and the specific details had to be discussed by themselves.

After that, Jiang Yu came to the personnel department.

When Jiang Yu arrived, the people in the personnel department were busy, because the company needed manpower, so the executives of various departments came to communicate and let the personnel department be responsible for arranging recruitment.

Xu Lejia is also in the personnel department and is communicating with the people in the personnel department.

When he saw Jiang Yu coming, Xu Lejia just glanced at it, didn't even say hello, and continued to talk about his own affairs with others.

When an executive like Jiang Yu left, he naturally came to find the manager of the personnel department, that is, Manager Lin, who interviewed Jiang Yu in the morning.

Manager Lin was assigning tasks to the employees in the public office area, and when he saw Jiang Yu, he immediately stopped what he was doing.

Manager Lin came to Jiang Yu and asked, "Mr. Jiang, do you need to recruit new employees when you come to the personnel department?"

Manager Lin's attitude was very good, and she didn't dare to offend at all, because Jiang Yu even dared to scare the president, and she couldn't bear Jiang Yu.

"No, I'm here to go through the resignation procedures. "

Going through the resignation procedures, as soon as these six words came out, everyone in the entire office area subconsciously stopped their movements, raised their heads in shock, and felt a little unbelievable: "No, right? Mr. Jiang will be fired?"

The audience became silent, and they all wondered if they were joking.

Although the people from the personnel department did not attend the meeting today, when Jiang Yu was in the meeting, the matter that Gao Yangtong couldn't get off the stage spread in the company.

In just an hour, many people have been talking about this matter.

But an hour and a half later, Jiang Yu was actually forced to resign, which was really eye-popping!_

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