Manager Lin didn't know how to describe it at this time, she had been in the personnel department of the company for so many years, and she had never seen someone join the company in the morning and be fired in the afternoon.

"Mr. Jiang, are you sure you're not joking with me?" Manager Lin and Jiang Yu confirmed.

"I'm not kidding you. "

While speaking, Jiang Yu handed the consent form of Gao Yangtong in his hand to Manager Lin.

"This is a letter of consent signed by Mr. Gao personally, so I can leave my job normally. "

"You're really here to resign. "Manager Lin is a little convinced.

However, the consent letter in his hand is indeed true, so Manager Lin can only follow the process.

"Okay, Mr. Jiang, please come with me, and I will handle the resignation procedures for you. "

Manager Lin took Jiang Yu to his office and stamped the company's seal on all the procedures.

"Mr. Jiang, your resignation procedures have been completed. "

"Thank you. "

After Jiang Yu took the formalities, he left Manager Lin's office and prepared to go to the finance department to get his salary.

A million is not much, but no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

When Jiang Yu passed by the public office area, Xu Lejia came to Jiang Yu and blocked Jiang Yu's way!

"Jiang Yu, did you really resign?"

With condolences on his face, Xu Lejia's heart was extremely happy: "Let you be so arrogant to Mr. Gao when you are in a meeting, now it's okay, the high-paying job you just got is going to be fired, and it's a big loss!"

Originally, I envied Jiang Yu for being able to serve as CFO when he first came to the company, and at the same time as the deputy director of various departments, such an honor could not be found in the whole company.

Jiang Yu guessed that Xu Lejia might gloat.

"Senior, I resigned, so it's a bit of a pity that I can't work with the same company in the future. But fortunately, it's acceptable to me..."

However, before Jiang Yu finished speaking, Xu Lejia patted Jiang Yu on the shoulder, feeling that Jiang Yu was comforting himself, so he opened his mouth to let Jiang Yu recognize the reality.

"Jiang Yu, I know that you feel very uncomfortable because you were fired because you just came to the company, but you should learn to reflect. Do you know what the biggest problem is?"

"What?" Jiang Yu asked rhetorically.

"Your biggest problem is that you're not untalented, it's a personality problem. At today's meeting, you proved to everyone that your talent is very high. But your personality has to be changed, you know, no matter what Mr. Gao says, he is the person with the highest position in our company except for the board of directors, you are just a CFO, you are his subordinate, you should not contradict the boss. "

"This is a taboo in the workplace, you know? "

"But the problem is..."

Jiang Yu's words were Xu Le again: "The problem is that your personality is too strong, you have to change it, so that you will not suffer if you go to another company!"

"It's good that you're still young and have time to make amends. Jiang Yu, the senior is for your good, you really have to remember the senior's words, and you have to correct this character of working against the leader. Otherwise, your career will really suffer a big loss! "

Jiang Yu felt that Xu Lejia really liked to talk to himself, and he didn't give people a chance to speak at all.

"Senior, did you listen to what I said?"

"Okay, good, good, you say. Xu Lejia smiled enthusiastically.

When Jiang Yu came to join the company just now, he had never seen such a smile, but when Jiang Yu left, he showed a cheerful smile from the heart, so people like to fall into the well.

Jiang Yu smiled faintly: "Senior, don't think I can't stay in the company." I resigned because, when Mr. Gao first invited me to work in the company, he gave me a task to help the company develop a profit plan. I've completed this task today, so of course I can resign and leave, don't look at me I've only been working for one day today, but I got my annual salary for one year, and I'm going to the finance department to get the money now. "

"What did you say?" Xu Lejia's smile disappeared again, and he subconsciously shouted, "You can get a year's salary after working for one day today?"

This voice once again attracted the attention of the entire finance department.

"No, wasn't Mr. Jiang dismissed?"

The people in the personnel department were dumbfounded, because a person with a position of Jiang Yu's level had a lot of annual salary a year.

If you get a year's salary for one day of work, it doesn't look like you were fired by Gao Yangtong angrily!

Looking at Xu Lejia's surprised expression, Jiang Yu continued: "Senior, don't be so surprised, I have completed my task, of course I have to take my salary!

"Uh..." Xu Lejia nodded in dismay.

"What you said really makes sense!" Xu Lejia was a little bitter in his mouth.

"Senior, aren't you happy for me?"

Happy for Jiang Yu?

Xu Lejia couldn't wait for Jiang Yu to have a bad time, so how could he be happy for Jiang Yu.

Seeing Xu Lejia's expressionless face, Jiang Yu continued: "Senior, I will be paid for one year for one day of work, this is a good thing for me, seeing that your junior is doing well, shouldn't you be happy for me? Or do you really like me more in your heart and be dismissed?"

"How is this possible, of course the senior is happy for you. Xu Lejia showed a smile similar to crying, feeling so aggrieved.

"The senior is happy for me, and I am relieved. Jiang Yu looked pleased.

"Senior, I won't tell you more, it's almost time to get off work now, I have to go to the finance to get my salary quickly, otherwise I have to come again tomorrow, it's very troublesome." Do your best, I believe you will make great achievements in the company, maybe you will be the next CFO, come on. "

Jiang Yu patted Xu Lejia on the shoulder and left, leaving Xu Lejia stunned in place, looking uncomfortable!

"Debunk Xu Lejia's schadenfreude heart, and reward five million. "

After Jiang Yu left, some people who had nothing to do at hand started talking again.

"Do you say that Mr. Jiang really completed the task, or do you say that Mr. Gao can't stand Mr. Jiang being so strong, and would rather pay a year's salary than let Mr. Jiang leave the company early? "

"I think it's probably the latter, because Mr. Jiang is too powerful, if he stays in the company for a year, he feels that Mr. Gao's majesty is gone, so it is very likely that Mr. Gao doesn't want this kind of thing to happen. However, Mr. Jiang's resignation may only be a superficial phenomenon, and it is possible that Mr. Gao may ask Mr. Jiang privately for advice in the future. "

"Yes, yes, I think this can explain why Mr. Jiang gave him a year's salary after working for one day. "

Many people think that this is the truth of the matter. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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