As soon as a few people came in, Gao Yangtong was a little suspicious that a few people had taken the wrong medicine today, because these people had never had the courage to count him down, why did they have the courage to get fat today?

From the words of a few people, Gao Yangtong heard that several people came for Jiang Yu's affairs.

Accusing himself without figuring out the matter, Gao Yangtong can't bear them.

"If any of you have made a mistake, before you hold others accountable, go and get things straight. It was Jiang Yu who took the initiative to resign, and it wasn't me who wanted to dismiss him. If you don't believe it, you can ask Jiang Yu or Mr. Wen. When Jiang Yu said that he was going to resign, Mr. Wen and I tried our best to keep him, so Mr. Wen could testify. "

"Huh. Shao Anqing smiled disdainfully, "Gao Yangtong, if Jiang Yu took the initiative to resign, it was also because of your relationship." We are not stupid, nine times out of ten you deliberately make things difficult for others at work. "

"You want to rely on your position to be higher than Jiang Yu and bully others, but a talented person like Jiang Yu definitely can't stand your anger, and naturally he doesn't want to be ordered casually by a president like you who lacks ability, so isn't his departure still because of your small heart?

Gao Yang was blown up, how can you say that you still have to blame yourself?

"Shao Anqing, don't talk nonsense, when did I maliciously make things difficult for Jiang Yu at work?"

When he said this, Gao Yangtong didn't blush at all, because he didn't feel that he was too difficult, but just wanted to arrange more difficult work for Jiang Yu.

The purpose of working more is to cultivate Jiang Yu, which is called cultivating talents.

Besides, haven't they all started to be arranged?

Ding Zhengwen sneered: "Even if you make things difficult for others, of course you won't admit it." "

"Ding Zhengwen, how do you want me to explain. If you don't believe me, I'll call Mr. Wen to you right now to testify. "

Gao Yangtong felt that it was difficult to communicate with these people, so he called Wen Yangshuo over!

After Wen Yangshuo came in, Gao Yangtong immediately said: "Mr. Wen, you tell the five of them, when Jiang Yu left, did you and I try our best to keep Jiang Yu and let him not leave." "

This question made Wen Yangshuo a little baffled, but he still answered Gao Yangtong's question.

"Mr. Gao is right, when Mr. Jiang was leaving, Mr. Gao and I tried our best to keep him, saying that the company couldn't do without him, but Mr. Jiang was very resolute in leaving, so we could only let Mr. Jiang leave. "

"Did you hear it, Mr. Wen helped me testify, now you believe it!"

However, in the eyes of a few people, this statement has no credibility at all.

"Gao Yangtong, do you think we will believe what Mr. Wen says? Mr. Wen usually likes to pat you on the back, of course he will say it to you. "

"That's right, even I estimate that when you suffer a loss today, Mr. Wen may still help you with advice. Mr. Wen, do you think I know you very well?"

Zheng Xilian's words made Wen Yangshuo's expression a little unpleasant.

"Eh, how did a few people become so shrewd today. Gao Yangtong was really surprised by the performance of a few people, except that there was no evidence, and the guesses were all in place.

However, even if it is true, Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yangtong are also true.

Wen Yangshuo retorted: "Zheng Xiao, don't wronged good people, when did I make a special slap on Mr. Gao's ass." "

"Wronged a good person, Mr. Wen, don't think that we are average in a few levels, so we don't know anything about the company's affairs. Sometimes we're pretty shrewd. "

"If nothing else, I'll just say that the beef jerky project in the first quarter is good. At that time, some people objected, saying that the investment was not cost-effective, did you say that Mr. Gao's decision-making was wise, and it was conservatively estimated that the profit of this project could reach 15 million in a quarter, but in the end, the profit of this project only reached 5.5 million. "

"This project has made money, the project is considered a success, right? And now there are more than two million profits a month. Wen Yangshuo asked rhetorically.

"Even so, I think there is something wrong with this project. I'll find someone to say hello!"

"Who are you talking to? This is a company secret. "

"It's okay if I ask Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu worked in our company today, and this project is in the first quarter, so he must have seen it, so I asked his opinion, it doesn't count as a leak of secrets, right?"

If Zheng Xilian asked Jiang Yu, Wen Yangshuo really couldn't say that Zheng Xilian leaked company secrets.

Soon, Zheng Xilian called Jiang Yu.

At this time, Jiang Yu had just arrived home.

"Xilian, is there anything wrong with me?"

"Jiang Yu, I have something I want to ask you!"

Zheng Xilian turned the phone out of the speakerphone.

"Have you seen the project about beef jerky in the first quarter of this year? When this project was first established, I thought it shouldn't be done, do you think it should be done?"

"You're talking about this project. "

Jiang Yu recalled.

"Well, I don't think the timing is right. If you start in the third or fourth quarter of the previous year, I think it's more appropriate. "

"At present, this project seems to have made a little money for the company, but the cost of the machine has not come back, and the profit is gradually decreasing every month, the project prospect is not very good, and it is still a question whether it can return to the cost in the end. "

"Why do you say the timing of the first quarter is not right?" Zheng Xilian wrote.

"The first quarter happens to include the Chinese New Year, and the Chinese New Year is the time when other companies do their performance, and this time is the time to do beef jerky, and there is no way to compete with those old companies. "

"If you enter in the third or fourth quarter of the previous year, you can warm up the brand first, and then advertise a lot in the fourth quarter, so as to avoid competing with established companies during the golden time of the Chinese New Year. So I think this project is in a hurry. "

However, some people said at the time of this project that if they entered during the Chinese New Year, they could take advantage of the time when everyone was hoarding New Year's goods, seize market share at a relatively low price, and spend a lot of marketing to start the brand. "

"It's too risky, isn't it? How could an established company let a new company rush in and grab their market share. "

"So it's kind of strange that the company would have agreed to do this project at that time. Even if you have little experience in the food industry, you can judge that this project is obviously a bit rushed. "

"There is no way, some people are eager for quick success and say that they can succeed, so they force it. Zheng Xilian glanced at Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yangtong.

After Zheng Xilian hung up the phone, she asked Wen Yangshuo: "Mr. Wen, even people like Jiang Yu who have not worked hard in the food field know this project, you have worked hard in the food field for so many years, you won't be unclear about this truth." At that time, wasn't it because Gaoyang Communication was full of heart, and you touted it on the side, and finally finalized the project?"

"Now this project is tepid, and if it had been a fire, you wouldn't have said such things. Wen Yangshuo snorted unhappily.

"Mr. Wen, if you say so, today I will calculate how many projects you boasted of the success of Gaoyang Tong in the past!"

As soon as Shao Anqing's words came out, Wen Yangshuo was a little messy.

If he were to settle the balance, the outcome would be embarrassing for him.

"Damn Jiang Yu, when the people are gone, they will be used as backers, causing me such a big trouble. Wen Yangshuo had a little resentment towards Jiang Yu in his heart. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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