Shao Anqing and the others lost their temper at this time, and decided to talk about it today.

"By the way, I remember the high-end biscuit project before, and it seemed a bit problematic. "

"This project is the most typical, I remember that we said at that time that the probability of failure of this project is very high, but Mr. Wen, you said that this project may establish a high-end image for our company, and then said..."

Before Shao Anqing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gao Yangtong: "Okay, if you just want to turn over old accounts, then I'm not interested in listening, don't hinder me from talking about things with Mr. Wen, we still have a lot of things to discuss, not like you guys." "

Zhang Leda knew that Gao Yangtong didn't dare to listen to it, and said with a smile: "Mr. Gao, sometimes it is good for us to look at some failed projects in the past, how can this be called not interested in listening to us turn over old accounts?"

"Damn, these people are now backed by Jiang Yu, and they are starting to float!" Gao Yangtong felt a little angry in his heart.

If this person relies on their own ability to turn over old accounts, the key is that they don't have the ability to turn over old accounts, and they have to use Jiang Yu's strength to help, Jiang Yu gave them great courage.

"It seems that I shouldn't provoke Jiang Yu's disaster. "

At this time, Wen Yangshuo thought of it with Gao Yangtong in his heart, and complained a little: "Mr. Gao shouldn't have invited this Jiang Yu to the company, now it's okay, not only did he suffer such a big loss, but after being counted down by them for no reason, even I would suffer an unwarranted disaster." "

Wen Yangshuo felt aggrieved.

Gao Yangtong really didn't want to hear them call Jiang Yu again, so he immediately said, "I don't need to judge whether I need to absorb my previous experience." "

"In addition, let me emphasize once again that Jiang Yu was not fired by me, but by himself. The biggest evidence is that this annual planning case was given to me by Jiang Yu. The purpose of inviting him to the company is to help me change the company's current predicament, and he has done it now, so he can naturally leave early. "

"And I also paid him an annual salary for one year, and I didn't treat him badly, so do you understand? Before you come to question others, don't you know to go to Jiang Yu for verification first?"

When the last sentence came out, Gao Yangtong almost roared.

Gao Yangtong will have such an attitude, which few people have never seen.

When Gao Yangtong turned the computer to face them, several people saw the computer screen and found that there was really a plan on it.

"Are we really mistaken?"

The five of them immediately felt very embarrassed.

The reason why several people didn't call Jiang Yu for verification was because they felt that even if Jiang Yu was really fired, for the sake of face, he would definitely not tell the truth, so calling was tantamount to asking in vain.

Therefore, several people subjectively thought that Jiang Yu should have been dismissed by Gao Yangtong, and now that things were wrong, of course they couldn't be too harsh.

However, they actually came over to criticize Gao Yangtong just now, of course, they couldn't leave in disgrace after knowing the truth of the matter, and the momentum was still sufficient.

"Gao Yangtong, how should we do things, we are not needed. In addition, I now think that if the company wants to develop well, someone must dare to speak, otherwise it will become our biggest drawback. "

"We are not capable of doing it personally, and we admit it, because I think that in order to prevent the subordinates from slapping the leader's sycophants again, the company must set up a special department to supervise you, so that capable people can manage you. "

"I can't always let you do what you want, don't let the inflow of talents, I'll go back and discuss this matter with our father. Gao Yangtong, you are so self-conscious, you will never have such a big right in the future. "

Leaving these words, the five of them left the office, leaving Wen Yangshuo and Gao Yangtong with blue faces.

"How can these five people be reasonable, and they still want to go back and beat me for a small report, their courage is really fat. Gao Yangtong was furious.

Jiang Yu said about him in the conference room today, and he thought that his ability was not as good as Jiang Yu, so he admitted it, but why did Gao Xinwan and the five of them do this?

Anger is anger, but after Gao Yangtong was said by them, he was a little clear-headed, because it seemed to make sense, Wen Yangshuo is capable in daily work, but Wen Yangshuo will never object to the decisions he makes, unless it is really a big problem.

In other words, it's really a bit of a sycophant, and I seem to enjoy it.

"Mr. Wen, we may have to pay attention to our work in the future. "

Wen Yangshuo knew that this was Gao Yangtong reminding him not to obey him like before in the future.

"I know. But Mr. Gao, I think you have to worry about the establishment of a supervision department that Miss Zheng just said, in case Jiang Yu is recovered, I think not only you, but I will have to blow up my head. "

"You have a point. Gao Yangtong immediately came back to his senses.

Gao Xinwan may have a little resentment towards herself, after all, she is a brother and sister, and there will be no overnight feud if there is any conflict.

However, Zheng Xilian and they are different, they have been under their own reprimands all these years, and they may have a lot of resentment in their hearts, and they can see it from their attitude just now.

If it was really to make him uncomfortable, it was very likely that Jiang Yu would be asked to supervise his work, if this was the case, Gao Yangtong felt that he would be worse off than dead in the future, after all, he and Wen Yangshuo were a little overwhelmed by the phone call to Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Wen, what do you think we should do to take precautions? "

"The best way is to give Mr. Jiang a little more favor, so that Mr. Jiang is embarrassed to agree to the request of the five people. Mr. Gao, what do you think?"

"You have a point in saying that, now you have to be friends with Jiang Yu. "

At this time, Jiang Yu got a prompt from the system: "Give Gao Xinwan the courage of the five people, debunk Gao Yangtong's love to listen to sycophants, and Wen Yangshuo's behavior of pat sycophants, and reward 100 million in cash." "

"That's fine! Shouldn't I answer that phone call just now?"

Jiang Yu always felt that this had something to do with the call from Zheng Xilian who had just answered.

However, Jiang Yu immediately received a call from Gao Yangtong.

"Hey, Mr. Jiang, have you eaten?" Gao Yangtong was polite at first.

"It doesn't seem that it's because they were deflated by Gao Xinwan and they are angry with me. Jiang Yu ruled out this possibility.

"Not yet, is there anything wrong with Mr. Gao?"

"Actually, it's not too big, it's just that the plan book you left behind by Mr. Jiang is too useful and has benefited me a lot, so I want to invite you out to play together another day, I don't know if Mr. Jiang can appreciate it." "

"Mr. Gao, that's so polite, this plan is my normal job. "

"No, no, no, Mr. Jiang, don't say that, this plan can't be exchanged for one million, so I owe you a favor, I have to invite you out to play another day and express my gratitude, Mr. Jiang, don't refuse, it's set for the weekend." I'll have someone arrange it this weekend, Mr. Jiang, and I'll say it so happily. "

"Mr. Gao..."

Before Jiang Yu could refuse, the phone hung up.

"What's the situation?"

Jiang Yu was a little confused, because he didn't get a systematic reminder, which showed that Gao Yangtong didn't seem to have any sinister intentions when he invited himself out.

Since he didn't understand, Jiang Yu didn't bother to think about it. _

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