However, while several people were embarrassed, Wang Yuanbai's girlfriend Ren Qinghuai had no eyesight as she had just despised Jiang Yu's poor mixing, and asked directly out of place: "Wang Yuanbai, you don't even have a down payment to buy a house, and you still have to ask your classmate to borrow it?"

Asked on the spot, how embarrassed Wang Yuanbai was.

Just now he laughed at Jiang Yu, but now his girlfriend knows that he has to ask Jiang Yu to borrow money, and there is nothing more embarrassing in life than this.

At the most critical time, in front of Jiang Yu, it was not easy to explain.

Wang Yuanbai did plan to do so before, because Jiang Yu had money, even if he borrowed 200,000 from Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu probably wouldn't be in a hurry to urge him to pay it back, so even if he bought a house afterwards and asked Jiang Yu to borrow a little, he didn't think it was too much of a problem.

But just now he said that he would repay Jiang Yu's money before the end of the year, and now Ye Qixuan has given him such a play, isn't this not for him to get off the stage?

In the future, are you embarrassed to find an excuse to ask Jiang Yu to borrow money?

"Ye Qixuan, don't talk nonsense!" Wang Yuanbai immediately opened his mouth to reprimand. My heart was filled with rage.

Not to mention that Wang Yuanbai is very angry now, Zheng Yumin and the others are about to erupt.

"Ye Qixuan did it on purpose, right?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that it is impossible for them to come up with hundreds of millions of funds.

Even if Ye Qixuan doesn't know what happened, then don't talk too much!

Several people all glared at Ye Qixuan angrily, and at this time, Ye Qixuan noticed that the atmosphere was not quite right: "What the hell? It turns out that they are just bragging, which makes me startled." "

Ye Qixuan was a little aggrieved, because Jiang Yu's attitude was very serious when he spoke just now, so he took it seriously, so he was surprised that several people had such strength.

Being stared at by a few people, Ye Qixuan was a little uncomfortable, so he laughed: "That's right, that's right, I'm here to buy something, and I'm still in a hurry, so I won't tell you more, I'll go shopping first." We'll see you again next time!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qixuan took the lead in leaving.

In order to hide that he was indeed here to buy something, he walked into the mall.

"By the way, Jiang Yu, we won't bother you to do the questionnaire here, let's go first. "

"I have a business trip tomorrow, come here to buy something, don't delay, see you next time." "

A few people left a sentence and walked into the mall, embarrassed to continue to stay.

"Eh, don't go, we haven't finished talking about cooperation yet. "

No matter what Jiang Yu said, several people didn't look back, and at the same time they also quickened their pace and walked into the mall, for fear that Jiang Yu would follow.

However, Jiang Yu was not interested in keeping up.

"Debunk seven schadenfreude classmates and friends, and reward 100 million in cash. "

"Huh. Jiang Yu hummed softly, and then waited for a few people who answered the questionnaire to finish filling it out.

After a few people entered the mall, they immediately caught up

"Ye Qixuan, are you sick? What to say, what should not be said, do you know? Just now you made us really lose face. "

"That is, we thought we were bankrupt, that's why we bragged like this, you can't figure it out?"

Ye Qixuan felt that it would be okay if a few people complained a little, but he couldn't bear such a severe reprimand.

Ye Qixuan retorted: "How do I know the scene of your conversation at that time, I saw that Jiang Yu said it so seriously, I thought you really wanted to take hundreds of millions of dollars to invest with him." "

"Besides, Zhao Chuxiu, didn't you tell us that Jiang Yu was kicked open by a big consortium and went bankrupt once, and we just came here to send a questionnaire. "

"But as soon as I came over, you gave me a look to show that Jiang Yu was not bankrupt. Jiang Yu is not bankrupt, I think it is normal for him to make an investment. You talked so well with him, I naturally believed it. "

Ye Qixuan's explanation really seemed to be in the past for a while.

Wang Yuanbai, who came more late, immediately looked at Zhao Chuxiu: "That's right, Zhao Chuxiu, didn't you say that Jiang Yu went bankrupt?

"That's what you guys are talking about, I didn't say that Jiang Yu was bankrupt, I just asked in the group why Jiang Yu sent a questionnaire here, it was Zheng Yumin who said that Jiang Yu was bankrupt. "

Zheng Yumin immediately retorted: "Zhao Chuxiu, what you said is not right, when I saw the video you sent me, I felt more puzzled why Jiang Yu fell to this point, I didn't categorically say that he was bankrupt." And didn't you still send a message in your circle of friends, saying that tens of billions of classmates in the past went bankrupt and were reduced to the streets to send questionnaires, this is what you posted, right?"

"Then what I posted in my circle of friends may not be right, who made you believe it for yourself,"

Several people began to blame each other for the embarrassing things they had just done, and finally broke up unhappily, and even their private chat group was disbanded in a fit of anger.

After Jiang Yu collected the questionnaire, Jiang Yu left, changed places, and prepared to go to the largest shopping mall in the imperial capital.

Not long after leaving, less than twenty minutes later, another person came.

This person is Yang Li.

Yang Li didn't find Jiang Yu at the entrance of the mall, and was a little confused: "No, didn't Zhao Chuxiu say that Jiang Yu sent a questionnaire here? Why is it gone, and I didn't see Zhao Chuxiu and them!"

When Yang Li was talking to himself and was about to look for it, Li Zhoufei met Yang Li.

"Yang Li, you're here!"

"Li Zhoufei, you're here too, are you here to see Jiang Yu?"

"Jiang Yu, as our richest classmate, is bankrupt, how can he not care about it. Did you find him, where is he, I just slipped around and didn't see any of his people!"

"You slipped around, then you came earlier than me, I just arrived. I didn't see Jiang Yu, but Zhao Chuxiu's car seemed to be parked there, and the people were not in the car, so I asked me to look for them. "

"I also saw Zhao Chuxiu's car and knew that they were still there, so I also sent a private chat to Zhao Chuxiu, but Zhao Chuxiu didn't reply to me. "

"It's really strange, where did Jiang Yu go, it wouldn't be because Zhao Chuxiu and they embarrassed Jiang Yu, so Jiang Yu left. Aren't we going to come for nothing?"

"No, let's ask Zhao Chuxiu again. I'll call Zhao Chuxiu, you call Sun Wenyao, let's see how they are, maybe they're with Jiang Yuzhen now. "

"Okay. "

The two of them took out their mobile phones and dialed Zhao Chuxiu and Sun Wenyao.

Zhao Chuxiu and the two of them found a place to rest in the mall at this time.

Seeing that it was Yang Li and Li Zhoufei's phone call, Zhao Chuxiu and Sun Wenyao chose not to call.

The two of them were a little selfish, since they had offended Jiang Yu, it was impossible for them to get help from Jiang Yu, so they didn't want to see other classmates follow Jiang Yu's troubles, so it was best not to answer the phone.

If the two of them have eyesight, they will be considered lucky, and if they don't have eyesight, they will offend Jiang Yuna, and blame them for deserving it.

No one answered the phone, so Yang Li and Li Zhoufei could only continue to walk around, and in the end they didn't find anyone, so the two of them could only go back angrily.

After going back, some people asked them if they had seen Jiang Yu, and the two of them didn't bother to reply to the message. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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