When Jiang Yu went to the first shopping mall in the imperial capital to distribute the questionnaire, Jiang Yu received a call from his best friend Chen Jun.

"Hey, Jun Chen, why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

"Jiang Yu, are you sending out a questionnaire now?"

"Yes, I need it a little lately, so I'll send out some questionnaires and do research. "

"Jiang Yu, you tell me the truth, have you been in trouble recently, if you are in trouble, although I am not very capable, but I can help, you talk to me, I will definitely help you." "

Jiang Yu immediately understood, and said, "What's the trouble, I'm very good." Did you read who posted the circle of friends and said that if I sent a questionnaire, I would go bankrupt. What do you think of these rumors? I'm all right. "

"Are you really okay?"

"I'm really fine. "

"No problem, I'm relieved. Chen Jun breathed a sigh of relief for Jiang Yu.

"Jiang Yu, it's really easy for people to misunderstand what you do. Under normal circumstances, everyone must think that you are worth so much, how can you send a questionnaire in person. "

"These are two different things, who said that if I have money, I can't do some ordinary things! Okay, I'm fine, even if I'm really bankrupt, my education is here, I don't have to send out a questionnaire. "

"It's okay for you to say so, but if you really have any trouble, you may not be able to help you in your career, but in the difficulties of life, here in the imperial capital, I can still help you a little. "

"Okay, if you really go bankrupt one day, I'll go to you. "

"Then try not to come to me, after all, your big villa is much better than my small broken house!"

Chen Jun had a very good relationship with Jiang Yu when he was in college, so he would not be jealous that Jiang Yu had such a high value at such a young age, and he hoped that Jiang Yu would be well.

Subsequently, Jiang Yu received a few more phone calls, and a few very good friends called out of concern, but some people were shouting on the surface, but they actually wanted to know if Jiang Yu was really bankrupt.

For this kind of call, Jiang Yu simply said a few words and hung up, and he didn't even bother to talk to them.


An hour later, after returning home, the circle of friends that Zhao Chuxiu had just posted had already had 130 likes in less than an hour.

"No, so many classmates and alumni praise it!"

Because Zhao Chuxiu mixed well in his own grade when he was in college, in other grades, people from other departments mixed well, so he knew a lot of people.

Jiang Yu is also a top student in the school, and many people also know it, so this circle of friends makes some old classmates and people who watch the excitement find it very interesting, and they like and leave messages one after another.

"Chu Xiu, delete it quickly. River building may not be suitable. In case of damage to Jiang Yu's reputation, the two of us will be responsible for it. Sun Wenyao woke up Chu Xiu.

Many of Zhao Chuxiu's circle of friends are now engaged in financial industry.

If you are not a person engaged in this industry, you may see this circle of friends and think that the net worth of tens of billions is fake, it is a circle of friends that Zhao Chuxiu joked about, and I don't forget it.

But insiders are different, if it is really used as a post-tea conversation, it may really be outrageous.

Zhao Chuxiu immediately deleted this circle of friends.

Even if it was deleted, at this time, the matter of this circle of friends had spread, and many people became interested in gossip.

Those who have connections have started to ask their friends about it.

Some people in the know know that Jiang Yu has cooperated with Shen Yue's company, so anyone who has Shen Yue's contact information will contact Shen Yue immediately.

At this time, Shen Yue had just returned to his home from work.

I just sat down and took a sip of water, and I received several messages in a row.

Shen Yue opened the news and looked at it, and immediately became a little confused: "What's the situation, why do you ask me if Jiang Yu is bankrupt, what are these people going to do?"

Shen Yue really convinced these people.

Jiang Yu holds 51% of the shares of their company, Jiang Yu is bankrupt, and their company is still open?

Shen Yue felt that this kind of news was very boring, but with so many people asking him, Shen Yue still felt a little puzzled why so many people were suddenly asked such questions.

Shen Yue replied to a message from a friend who was familiar with her from college: Ye Zhenxia, why did you suddenly ask me about Jiang Yu's bankruptcy, what is the situation, where did you get the rumors?

After Shen Yue came back to the news, Ye Zhenxia made a voice call, and Shen Yue was connected.

"Shen Yue, is Jiang Yu really not bankrupt? Look at these two pictures. "

Ye Zhenxia sent two pictures to Shen Yue, these two photos were photos taken by Zhao Chuxiu of Jiang Yufa's questionnaire, which were saved.

"Shen Yue, you see this is a photo of Jiang Yu handing out a questionnaire at the entrance of the mall today. If Jiang Yu hadn't gone bankrupt, how could he have sent out the questionnaire?"

Shen Yue looked at these two photos and was a little disapproving: "These two are indeed Jiang Yu's photos, but what does this mean, maybe Jiang Yu is just helping others?"

"But Jiang Yu is so valuable, would he do such a thing? Shen Yue, I heard that Jiang Yu was a puppet of the consortium before, is this news true?"

"Of course it's fake, there's no need to care about this kind of news. Jiang Yu's career is very good. "

"Okay? I'll just ask. I have other things to talk about next time. "

After finishing speaking, Ye Zhenxia hung up the call, and when she spoke at the end, she was obviously still skeptical.

After that, Shen Yue received voice contacts from several people, all of whom had similar questions as Ye Zhenxia, and Shen Yue could only help Jiang Yu refute the rumors, but in the end, these people didn't seem to believe it.

"What the hell are these people? I don't believe what I say, why do you ask me, do you have to get the news of Jiang Yu's bankruptcy from me to be happy? Are these people even happier if they go bankrupt with my family? Can't they hope that others will be better?"

Shen Yue was a little convinced of these people.

When Jiang Yu's career was going well, these people were not as active as they are now, but when the news of Jiang Yu's bankruptcy came out, they all sent messages to themselves to verify it, and Shen Yue felt a deep malice from these calls.

Shen Yue was in a good mood, but she felt that something was not good.

Subsequently, Shen Yue made a voice call to Jiang Yu and told Jiang Yu about it.

Jiang Yu was doing the questionnaire, and when he received Shen Yue's news, he was a little speechless: "Forget it, they can think what they like." "

Jiang Yu felt that if these people felt that they were bankrupt, they could be more comfortable, and let them go, Jiang Yu couldn't care if their mouths were on others. _

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