Although the news of Jiang Yu's bankruptcy began to ferment, some sensible people still felt that pictures alone could not explain anything, so they didn't believe it.

Today, Jiang Yu only did 250 questionnaires, so on the second day, Jiang Yu found a separate place to send questionnaires.

On the first day, many people just saved pictures from Zhao Chuxiu's circle of friends, but on the second day, some particularly gossipy people happened to meet Jiang Yu to send a questionnaire, and the news fermented violently again.

Even the CEOs of some large companies were very surprised when they learned the news: "If this news is true, it will be too exciting." "

Everyone has a heart for gossip, so people with channels have collected evidence from all sides, and some people who know Shen Feng have called Shen Feng.

"Shen Feng, isn't that Jiang in your company always revealed?"

Shen Feng suddenly received such an inexplicable phone call, completely confused.

"Zhou Dong, what do you mean? What is the meaning of Mr. Jiang's original form, I really don't understand what you mean by this?"

"Shen Feng, I'll send a video to your phone, you can take a look. "

After a few seconds, Shen Feng received a video of Jiang Yu being filmed posting questionnaires.

"Isn't this Mr. Jiang?" Shen Feng was a little surprised.

"That's right, it's Mr. Jiang. This was just captured by someone from our company at the mall. Mr. Jiang is sending out questionnaires, Shen Feng, don't you think this is very interesting? There has always been news that Jiang is always a puppet on the surface of the Happy Time Group Company, but now it seems that this news is not groundless. "

Shen Feng immediately denied it: "Zhou Dong, even if Mr. Jiang is sending out questionnaires, what can this mean? Maybe Mr. Jiang just wants to experience life." Don't forget that Mr. Jiang has handed over his 100 billion group to others to take care of, and he no longer pursues wealth, so I think it's reasonable to do something to experience life, right?"

"Shen Feng, I don't think the Happy Time Group is like Jiang Yu's. If you want to say that the domineering presidents in the TV series pretend to be poor and chase girls, I think this is still possible, but have you ever seen the president brave the hot summer weather and go outside to send out questionnaires to experience life? Isn't he comfortable blowing the air conditioner in the room?

This made Shen Feng not know how to refute it.

"In addition, as far as I know, Jiang Yu also bought a small restaurant. A big boss of a dignified 100 billion group, regardless of his own big company, to open a small restaurant, this is amazing, right?"

"Maybe this is Jiang Yu's hobby. Jiang Yu is not a puppet, and he is not bankrupt. Shen Feng immediately opened his mouth to help Jiang Yu refute the rumors.

Shen Feng felt that the previous rumor that Jiang Yu was a puppet was very funny, how could anyone still believe it, which consortium was so idle.

"Yes, hopefully!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Dong hung up.

Shen Feng complained to the hung up phone: "Hope, if Jiang Yu goes bankrupt, I will go bankrupt." Can't you expect someone else to order it?"

Shen Feng always felt that these people were very big, Jiang Yu was a little younger and more successful, but did he need to be jealous of others?

However, at this time, Shen Feng felt that he had brought him a very important piece of news.

"Jiang Yu bought a restaurant and did a questionnaire here, is Jiang Yu going to make any new investment? If this is the case, maybe he can drink some soup with Jiang Yu. "

The more Shen Feng thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility.

"Jiang Yu's career is too successful now, he is not interested in managing the company, maybe he doesn't want to make simple investments, and wants to run a hotel. "

Rather than saying that Jiang Yu was beaten back to being a poor boy in his original form, Shen Feng was more willing to think so, because Jiang Yu had earned so much money by investing, and if it was Shen Feng, Shen Feng felt that Jiang Yu could not find an opponent in the investment field, and he might want to change his style.

If Jiang Yu can go to the questionnaire in person, it must be very promising, otherwise how could Jiang Yu go in person?

Shen Feng said to do it, and immediately dialed Jiang Yu's phone.

When Shen Feng called, Jiang Yu's phone was busy, because Jiang Yu received calls from other bosses at this time.

The intention of the phone call was similar to the intention of the phone call that Shen Feng wanted to make, and he didn't believe the rumors of Jiang Yu's bankruptcy, so he chatted with Jiang Yu about investment.

Since the phone line was busy, Shen Feng could only continue to wait patiently for a while.

After calling seven times, Shen Feng got through to Jiang Yu's phone.

"Jiang Yu, I've finally got in touch with you. "

"Mr. Shen, is there something wrong?"

"That's right..."

Shen Feng knew that Jiang Yu didn't like to hide and tuck, so he explained his thoughts.

Shen Feng believed in Jiang Yu, but in the same way, after two days of fermentation, some people felt that the news of Jiang Yu's bankruptcy was very real, so they were in a good mood at the moment.

In the president's office of a medium-sized company, Qin Zhengfei was watching the video of Jiang Yu sending out the questionnaire, and he couldn't close his mouth with a smile on his face.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Jiang? How could there be a time when he fell to this point, he was a top student of Huaqing University, how could he be down to this point. "

Thinking of Jiang Yu making him so embarrassed that day, Qin Zhengfei felt relieved in his heart,

"There were rumors in the circle that you were a puppet before, the last time I saw you go to the company, I almost believed that you weren't, but I didn't expect to be kicked out by the consortium behind me just a few days ago. Mr. Jiang, I hope you won't be embarrassed when we meet again tomorrow. "

Qin Zhengfei can't wait to see Jiang Yu's destitude to become a hotel boss now.

Then, Qin Zhengfei took out the phone.

"Lao Li, how about going to dinner together tomorrow, I'll treat you to a good friend of mine and cheer him on at his shop. "

"Qin Zhengfei, not tomorrow, tomorrow another friend of mine will also call me to go to dinner together, saying that he is going to cheer for a restaurant opened by the CEO of a large company. "

"Well, okay, then I'll call someone else. "

"Okay, next time. "

Qin Zhengfei could only call others.

It's still very easy to invite guests to dinner, and soon, Qin Zhengfei will be better off with six or seven friends, and they will have dinner together tomorrow.

After making the call, Qin Zhengfei couldn't help but laugh: "Oh, it's terrible, when it comes to eating, how do I feel hungry, it seems that Mr. Jiang's restaurant is really very attractive to me." "

Qin Zhengfei knew that it was because of Jiang Yu's restaurant, so Qin Zhengfei felt that he was looking forward to tomorrow's meal, and he felt a little impatient.

In fact, eating is not the point, the most important thing is that Qin Zhengfei wants to meet Jiang Yu. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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