Early the next morning, Jiang Yu sat in the study to sort out the data of this survey.

Jiang Yu had just started data collation when he received a call from the manager of his hotel.

Store manager Xu Heng rarely takes the initiative to call Jiang Yu, so Jiang Yu feels that Xu Heng must have something.

"Store Manager Xu, is there anything wrong?"

"Boss, that's right, this morning a guest's assistant came to discuss with us, saying that at eight o'clock today, the president of his company will bring his friends to celebrate, and I hope the boss can come and greet them. "

"I'll greet them, make no mistake, Store Manager Xu, you can refuse this kind of thing, there's no need to call me. "

"Boss, I wanted to refuse to come, but the other party was very wealthy, and said that at eight o'clock, if there were empty tables in our hotel, he would be willing to book them all and pay for a thousand yuan per table. The only condition is for you to come and greet you. "

"I don't think it would matter if you came over to greet him since he was your friend. "

By eight o'clock in the evening, the meal had already passed, and there would be more empty tables in the restaurant at this time.

If you are willing to pay for the empty tables, it is equivalent to doing two waves of dinner business during the peak period today, which is definitely more affordable for the income of the hotel.

In addition, Xu Heng felt that this guest was still Jiang Yu's friend, so he came over to cheer, Jiang Yu came to say hello, and it felt reasonable.

Jiang Yu and Xu Heng had different ideas, but they felt strange, if they were really Jiang Yu's friends, they would not be so wealthy, because they must know that Jiang Yu was rich.

"Store Manager Xu, do you know what this person's name is?"

"This guest's name is Qin Zhengfei. "

"It turned out to be him. "

Jiang Yu remembered, isn't this the person who wants to chase Xue Yao for the purpose of investing?

Obviously, he was still thinking about getting investment from Jiang Yu, and now he could go to Jiang Yu Hotel to pretend to be wide, Jiang Yu probably knew where Qin Zhengfei's confidence came from.

"It seems that the news of my bankruptcy is relatively open. "

However, Jiang Yu was busy processing these data at this time, so he was not in the mood to play with Qin Zhengfei.

"Manager Xu, I don't need others to be so special, if he comes to eat, you just let him order normally, I don't have time to greet any guests.

"But boss, so we can increase our turnover a lot today.

"It doesn't matter if the turnover is not the turnover, I'm not bad at that, don't pay attention to him.


Jiang Yu said so, and Xu Heng could only give up.


Jiang Yu was busy from morning to evening, and finally counted all the data at almost eight o'clock.

"It seems that this business is just 5.8 billion in the card, which seems to be insufficient, maybe Shen Feng and them really need to invest. "

If Jiang Yu used the company's money, he would naturally be able to complete the plan, but Jiang Yu had other arrangements for Xue Yao, and he also pulled Shen Feng and them, which could be regarded as making more connections.

"I'll do the detailed planning later. "

Jiang Yu stood up and stretched.

At this time, the mobile phone rang again, this time it was a video call, from Xu Heng.

"It's just around eight o'clock, what are Xu Heng calling at this time, it can't be Qin Zhengfei and them making trouble in the store, right?"

Jiang Yu connected the video call, and immediately after, Qin Zhengfei's appearance appeared on the phone.

Qin Zhengfei immediately greeted with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much after saying goodbye to the company that day." "

"Qin Zhengfei, don't say these words yet, why did you take Store Manager Xu's phone, what did you do to Store Manager Xu?"

Xu Heng immediately appeared in the video.

"Boss, this customer said that the grade in our shop was too low, and he was disappointed. "

Jiang Yu immediately understood, it was estimated that Qin Zhengfei didn't see him, so he specially picked on him.

"Qin Zhengfei, since you dislike the low grade of my hotel, why do you have to come to my small hotel? "

Qin Zhengfei's face immediately showed a look of ridicule: "Mr. Jiang, don't you see what you said? The last time I was in the company, you were able to use your dashcam to photograph me so many times, which shows that we have fate." I happen to know that you also bought a restaurant, not to mention anything else, just rush to our deep friendship, don't come to your hotel to cheer, I think my conscience hurts!"

Even when the words of conscience aching came out, Jiang Yu couldn't help but be amused.

"Qin Zhengfei, since you think that if you don't come to my store to cheer, your conscience hurts, just be a guest, where did you get so many opinions. My hotel is a mid-to-high-end restaurant, and the positioning is very clear, if you want more high-end treatment, you will go to a more high-end restaurant to eat. "

"I know that this store is positioned in the middle and high-end, but I think this is a restaurant opened by someone of your value Mr. Jiang after all, and there must be something different, so I am looking forward to it. "

"But I never thought that it was just this level, it really made me uncomfortable, Mr. Jiang, how could you buy such a low-grade hotel. Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that this is your restaurant, I wouldn't have brought this kind of place at all. "

"It seems that my store really disappointed you, but if you want to say that, I want to ask me what is it about this store that makes you feel disappointed, is it because the food tastes bad?"

"yes, your food here tastes very average. Qin Zhengfei naturally followed Jiang Yu's words.

This kind of answer is what Jiang Yu wants.

"Qin Zhengfei, if you say that, I want to test how sensitive your sense of taste is. "

"Okay, I'll go to another restaurant and order some takeout, and I'll bring them to you. How about I ask the chef in my shop to cook the exact same dish and let you identify which dish is made in my restaurant?"

"If you can't recognize it, don't say so many deliberately provocative words, how about it?"

Jiang Yu's words made Qin Zhengfei in front of the video a little unsure whether to agree or not.

In fact, to be honest, the taste of the restaurant is still very good, he is not a gourmet, for him, there is only the concept of good food or not, if you really want to say where the difference between the dishes is, it is still quite difficult for him.

In addition, sometimes when you go to those high-end restaurants to eat, the main reason is that the environment is high-end, and if you want to talk about the taste of the food, it is not necessarily how amazing!

Seeing that Qin Zhengfei didn't speak, Jiang Yu continued to ask: "What's the matter, don't you have any self-confidence?" Then what you just said was deliberately looking for trouble. If that's the case, I wouldn't be a guest like you in my store. "

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