Of course, Qin Zhengfei would not admit that he was here to find something, so Qin Zhengfei immediately said: "Mr. Jiang, in fact, there is nothing wrong with your meal, you can barely get into our eyes, but your wine here is not good." What are you kidding, the most expensive is only two or three thousand bottles, do you think I will drink two or three thousand wine?"

"I can't find a problem with the taste of the food, so I start to pick the problem of the drink, and it seems that I will be restless if I don't do something. Jiang Yu felt that if he didn't prove his strength a little, it seemed that any cat or dog would feel that he could pinch himself.

"Qin Zhengfei, you know that I'm just a mid-to-high-end restaurant, of course it's impossible to prepare anything too good, if you really don't like it, you can bring your own drinks. It's not that we don't allow you to bring your own alcohol. You have time to have people come over to say hello in the morning, why don't you even know how to bring your own drink?"

"Mr. Jiang, I am doing this out of trust in you. I always think that a restaurant opened by a person of your status should be to entertain your business partners and the like, and there will be all kinds of good wine, so I didn't think about bringing my own drinks. Besides, where do I go out to eat, how can I do such a tasteless thing as bringing my own drink?"

"Besides, Store Manager Xu should have told you, I came to you today to cheer and consume, and I am willing to pay for your empty table here, which shows that I really want to come here to be happy, so I feel a little uncomfortable when I can't drink the wine to the fullest. I can't spend any money, it's uncomfortable!"

Jiang Yu was worried about whether the more than 50 billion yuan in his card was enough to spend just now, and now there are people who say that they can't spend a batch of money that is uncomfortable, so Jiang Yu wants to know how much money Qin Zhengfei has, and if he can't spend it, it will be difficult to spend a batch.

"Qin Zhengfei, it's not that there is no good wine in our restaurant, but the real good wine is what I use to entertain friends, and the price is ridiculously expensive, I'm afraid that ordinary people can't afford it!"

"Ordinary people can't afford it? Obviously, I'm not an average person. Mr. Jiang, just take out your treasured wine, I just want to know what kind of wine people like you usually drink, and I came here today to let myself experience how the life of a real boss is?"

"You should be able to let me understand the life of the big guy, right?" Qin Zhengfei emphasized, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, as long as you say you can afford it, it's no problem, I'll send you a few bottles of wine, I only have red wine here, don't mind." "

"Don't mind. But a few bottles of wine aren't enough. A bottle of wine is basically a small glass per person and it's gone, so you have to have a bottle, right? No, it's still a good thing for everyone, let's have a 24!"

"24 bottles of wine, I'm afraid the consumption on the evening today will be a little scary, I'm afraid you won't be able to walk in the end. "

"It doesn't matter, I'm here to cheer you on, what is money, what is earned is used to spend. "

The more Qin Zhengfei spoke, the more angry he became, and Jiang Yu couldn't listen to it anymore.

"Okay, as long as you can afford it, I can make you understand what life is that only the big guys can experience. You wait, I'll personally send you some, and greet you by the way, lest you be so enthusiastic and I'm not there, so you will be disappointed. "

"Okay, I'll wait for you, Mr. Jiang. "

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yu was about to go to the wine cellar to get red wine, when the system's prompt rang.

"To prevent the rich second-generation guests from smashing the field, the dry red wine of Château Margaux in 1787 has been placed in the trunk of the car. "

"System, awesome!"

Jiang Yu originally thought that these high-end red wines in the wine cellar were enough, but he didn't expect that the system would directly reward him with 24 bottles of the most expensive red wine, and this bottle of red wine would have to go directly to 10 million.

Since this is what the system uses to prevent Jiang Yu from demolishing the stage, Jiang Yu can only take these wines to the restaurant.

At the same time, Qin Zhengfei said to the people present with a smile on his face: "Everyone, I have made a lot of money today, and I must enjoy the wine that the so-called 100 billion bigwigs usually drink." "

"Qin Zhengfei, you are really willing to spend your blood today, admire!"

"What's this, it's okay to eat a meal for hundreds of thousands. "

Qin Zhengfei said very casually.

If you want to eat every day, he may not be able to bear it, and it is still a piece of cake to eat once in a while.

After 15 minutes, the door of the box was pushed open, and Jiang Yu came in with four waiters, each holding a case of wine.

Qin Zhengfei immediately stood up from his position.

"Mr. Jiang, you are finally here, I missed you very much last time!"

"Well, seriously, of course I miss you so much that you like to be a showman. "

At this time, Zhou Yiyao next to him spoke: "Mr. Jiang, you are too real, no matter how you say it, Qin Zhengfei is also a person worth hundreds of millions, he said twenty-four bottles of wine, you will have twenty-four bottles?

When he saw Zhou Yiyao, Jiang Yu was a little surprised, because the last time at the cocktail party, didn't Zhou Yiyao, Luo Yanfan, Wang Xuan and Zhao Jun still call Jiang Yu a brother in the end?

Why is this set starting to come back now?

In fact, Zhou Yiyao and Luo Yanfan didn't come together with Qin Zhengfei, a few people called other friends, but they bumped into Qin Zhengfei when they came, and some of them knew each other, so they finally sat down to eat together.

Jiang Yu was about to speak, but Zhao Jun spoke: "Yes, Mr. Jiang, as the boss, you should be more prepared." None of us here can't afford to consume a little wine. Even if the consumption is really very high tonight, and we don't let Qin Zhengfei pay alone, can't we afford to spend so many of us together? It's still very casual for each person to take five or six hundred thousand yuan for a meal, so why is red wine so stingy?"

"Zhou Yiyao, Zhao Jun, it's too much for you to say this, right? No matter how you say it, they're all friends, is it appropriate to say this?"

Luo Yanfan immediately smiled and asked: "Mr. Jiang, are you mistaken? We don't know each other very well, I remember that I don't even seem to have your contact information." Do we have a way to communicate with each other? Or can you give me a call, and if we can get through, I'll admit that we are friends. "

Luo Yanfan dared to say this because she had deleted the contact information that Jiang Yu had added before.

Jiang Yu is not the real president of the 100 billion group, so what qualifications does Jiang Yu have to be friends with her.

Thinking that he had called Brother Jiang Yu at the drinking party before, Luo Yanfan felt a little disgusting!

"It's realistic. "

When he had the strength, he was a brother Jiang Yu, but now he has no strength, and he is not even worthy of friends, Jiang Yu didn't expect to send a questionnaire by himself, and he actually experienced the feeling of the hot and cold world. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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