Regarding Luo Yanfan's attitude, Jiang Yu didn't pay too much attention to it.

"Since friends are not counted, it is easy to do, originally I thought that you had a high consumption and gave you a discount, but now it seems that you don't need it. "

"Of course not, Mr. Jiang, it's only a few dollars, can't we afford it?

"It's hard to say, these wines of mine are very expensive. There are some things that you can afford to buy, but you may not be willing to spend them!

Jiang Yu took out the first row of red wine from the red wine box.

"Let me introduce this bottle of red wine first..."

However, before Jiang Yu finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Zhengfei.

"Mr. Jiang, I came to you to consume, I didn't come to ask you the price of things, you can just open it, are you afraid that I can't afford to consume? I'm here to cheer today, as long as you don't hack me on purpose, no matter how much money you have, it's not a problem. "

"Qin Zhengfei, I think you better listen to me first, the price of this bottle of wine is really not cheap!"

Qin Zhengfei felt that Jiang Yu was a bit like underestimating him, and he was immediately unhappy, couldn't he afford to drink this bottle of wine?

"Mr. Jiang, I don't want you to think, I want me to feel. If I let you open it, you will open it, don't talk so much nonsense, okay? Respecting the wishes of consumers is what your hotel should do. "

"Okay, since you say so, then I'll open it. "

Jiang Yu picked up the bottle opener, but someone took the bottle opener first.

"Wait a minute. "It was a girl who spoke, named Liu Yuannan.

"Don't open this bottle yet, let me ask. "

"Liu Yuannan, what are you doing here. Qin Zhengfei felt that Liu Yuannan's actions were a bit disappointing.

"Qin Zhengfei, I remember the label of this bottle of wine, I seem to have seen it at President Lian Xiaotianlian's house. He didn't have the bottle, just a label that said it was the red wine he wanted to collect. If it was really that bottle of wine, I am afraid that the price is really unaffordable. "

While speaking, Liu Yuannan looked at Jiang Yu and smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Jiang, right, wait a minute, I'll ask my friend." "

"I'll just wait. "

Jiang Yu smiled faintly.

Liu Yuannan immediately took out her mobile phone and took a picture.

"Liu Yuannan, are you necessary, no matter how expensive this bottle of wine is, how expensive can it be. "

"Don't underestimate this bottle of wine, you haven't even collected it, do you think it can be cheap?"

"This..." Qin Zhengfei didn't dare to say it, because this Lian Xiaotian was a particularly low-key rich man in the imperial capital, which was not something that ordinary people could look up to.

Lian Xiaotian is not only worth much, but most of his assets are real figures, unlike ordinary rich people, who are all virtual values.

Soon, Liu Yuannan got a voice call.

"Hey, Uncle Lian. "

"Yuan Nan, what do you mean by this video you sent me, did you shoot it on the spot?"

"Yes, this bottle of wine is in my eyes. Is this the wine you've always wanted to collect? "

"Of course, where are you, tell me, I'll go over now, I want this bottle of wine. Or let me talk to the owner of this bottle of wine on the phone, and if you can't help me ask the owner of a wine, I will pay 10 million and beg him to sell it to me. "

"This bottle of wine is worth 10 million? What the hell, is this thing worth that much?"

The whole box suddenly became silent, and everyone's eyes couldn't help but stare at the bottle of red wine.

"It's not worth the money. "

Everyone felt that they had seen the world, but they couldn't understand the bottle of red wine in front of them.

After Lian Xiaotian finished speaking, he found that Liu Yuannan didn't react, and said, "Hey, are you listening?"

"Yes, uncle, your price is too exaggerated. 10 million, this must not make the owner of this red wine happy to death. "

"Are you kidding? The person who collects this wine, he doesn't have any shortage of money. This is a 1787 Château Margaux dry red wine, and no one knows how many bottles of this wine there are in the world. "

"It's said to be out of print, but everyone knows that there is definitely this bottle of wine in the hands of a few collectors who love it, and these people are the top rich people, and they won't sell it easily. This wine is no longer a simple collection, it is a collection for no wine lover. 10 million is a good supercar, but a supercar can still be mass-produced, which is rare. "

"Tell me who the owner of this wine is, let me talk to him, the price is good." Lian Xiaotian's voice was urgent.

"It's worth 10 million. Everyone froze.

Looking at Lian Xiaotian's posture, if there is really a price to negotiate, it is estimated that he will be willing to double it.

"Mr. Jiang, this... Do you want to talk?" Liu Yuannan handed the phone to Jiang Yu.

"I'm sorry, sir, I'm not interested in talking about prices. "

After speaking, Jiang Yu pressed the voice call on his mobile phone.

Then, Jiang Yu looked at Qin Zhengfei: "Qin Zhengfei, is this wine still open?"

Qin Zhengfei couldn't laugh anymore.

It is estimated that it will cost hundreds of thousands, but if it is 10 million, Qin Zhengfei will be reluctant.

It's not that he can't afford to spend this money, and he can buy it hard, but after buying it, life is over?

The card balance may only be six figures.

Most of the so-called hundreds of millions of dollars are fictitious, and he can't pay for them, so he really can't afford to drink the 10 million red wine.

Jiang Yu saw that Qin Zhengfei didn't speak, so he asked again: "Qin Zhengfei, give me a word, can't the wine be opened?" Didn't you say that you want to experience the life of the big guy, today I will help you realize this wish, but at a critical juncture, don't drop the chain." "

"Just now you said that you couldn't spend the money, and it was uncomfortable, but now the opportunity has come. It's only 10 million, you can't afford to experience it, right?"

"I... I'm not going to experience it today. Qin Zhengfei said with a look of shame.

Even if you know that you will be embarrassed, there is no need to get along with 10 million.

A bottle of wine and a supercar, Qin Zhengfei felt that his stomach was not so good and he couldn't digest it.

"Alas. Jiang Yu sighed.

"Ten million is scared like this, and you are like this. Your spending power is still not qualified for you to experience the life of this kind of big guy, it's a pity. "

Qin Zhengfei's face was red, and he lowered his head in shame.

Luo Yanfan and the four of them were also embarrassed by Qin Zhengfei, but at this time, Jiang Yu called their names.

"Luo Yanfan, how many of you. I just said that I am willing to pay together, so a bottle of wine is 10 million, and the average person is a little more than 800,000, I remember just now you said that 500,000 or 600,000 yuan for a meal is very casual, so many 200,000 or 300,000, the impact is not big, right?"

"Damn, who do you look down on? Luo Yanfan and Zhou Yiyao were annoyed and didn't want to be angry.

800,000, they can still afford to spend.

"Okay, open, what's the big deal, on average, it's not..."

"If it's really opened, don't count it as my share, I won't drink it. Liu Yuannan spoke for the first time.

Just kidding, she can't afford 800,000 yuan for a glass of wine.

"I don't drink either. "

"I don't drink either. "

The other seven spoke.

They don't have the strength, they don't want to hold on.

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