Liu Yuannan and several people expressed their unwillingness to drink this wine, and Luo Yanfan and the others were immediately embarrassed.

However, Luo Yanfan and the others knew that Liu Yuannan and the others couldn't afford this price, but Luo Yanfan and the others didn't want to forget it like that, so the four of them looked at Qin Zhengfei, as if to say, the five of them bought it together.

If five people drink a bottle, it can still be drunk.

Don't fight for steamed buns.

Feeling the gazes of Luo Yanfan's four people, Qin Zhengfei understood what they meant, and pondered in his heart: "Two million seems to be within the acceptable range." "

With a horizontal heart, Qin Zhengfei felt that he had fought hard, and he couldn't lose people twice here in Jiang Yu.

Several people nodded slightly in confirmation, and secretly reached an agreement.

"Mr. Jiang, isn't it just 10 million, who can't afford to drink. I just wanted to be humble and save a little, but if you say that we don't have the strength to experience, then you are wrong. This bottle of wine, let's open it. ""

Qin Zhengfei's voice became stiff again.

"This is like a saying, no matter how you say it, a few people are a little worthy, and they can't afford to drink a bottle of wine, it's really embarrassing. Jiang Yu smiled faintly, picked up the bottle opener, and opened the bottle of red wine.

"It smells so good. Everyone was amazed, the taste of this wine is so mellow, and the top red wine deserves it.

"Anyway, you are all my guests who spend 10 million. I'll pour you the wine myself. "

Jiang Yu walked to Qin Zhengfei's side and poured wine for Qin Zhengfei.

When pouring wine. Jiang Yu said to the five people again: "Although each of you paid for this bottle of wine, but you friends came with you, don't you share a drink with them?"

"Of course, it is natural for us to invite everyone to share it together, and Mr. Jiang also poured it for them. "

Zhao Jun endured his distress and said this.

Originally, a bottle of wine was only 750 ml, but five people divided it into 150 ml.

If 12 people divide it, each person will only have a little more than 60 ml.

This bottle of wine costs more than 1 milliliter, and more than 60 milliliters is equivalent to more than 600,000, how can you not feel distressed.

"No, no, we still don't drink. Liu Yuannan and the others were a little embarrassed and refused.

"If you refuse, you just won't give Qin Zhengfei and them face, right?"

"That's right, Yuan Nan, if you don't drink, you will look down on us too much. If you are invited to come today, I want you to have a meal and have a good drink, and if you don't drink any wine, don't you look down on us?

"That's... All right. "

Liu Yuannan and the others actually want to drink it in their hearts, because I'm afraid they won't be able to afford to drink this wine for the rest of their lives.

When Jiang Yu poured wine from the wine glass in front of him, he was a little excited.

After pouring wine for everyone, the wine is gone.

Looking at the glass of red wine in their hands, everyone didn't drink it directly, and the sommelier smelled it first.

"It's more than 200 years of wine, and it feels different. They all closed their eyes, as if they were intoxicated by the aroma of wine.

Jiang Yu didn't leave, just stood and watched them quietly.

Jiang Yu originally thought that they would just smell it, but he didn't expect that after five minutes, these people were still reluctant, and they felt like they had to smell enough of this wine first.

"Isn't it, you've been smelling it for five minutes just by smelling it, and you still don't drink it?"

Jiang Yu's words made these people wake up like a dream, and only then did they react, Jiang Yu was still standing aside.

Zhao Jun immediately said: "Mr. Jiang, we are eating here, you are just a position similar to a waiter now, shouldn't you go out?"

"That's not right, is it? I remember when you called, you wanted me to greet you, and I stayed here to pour you wine, was it wrong?"

Isn't that wrong?

If they drank wine that cost tens of thousands of yuan, it would be true, but now, a few people felt that Jiang Yu was really wrong, because a few people still wanted to be wronged for a while, and there could be no outsiders in this situation.

"Mr. Jiang, then you should wait at the door, and when we need you, we will call you. "

"It's not good, there are 2 bottles of wine, these wines are not cheap, I have to keep an eye on them. Of course, if you don't drink it, I'll let people go out with the wine in my arms now. But...... I remember that before I came, someone said that they were going to drink twenty-four bottles today. "

"By the way, there's another thing. "

Qin Zhengfei and the others reacted at this time, it seems that it is not a problem of 1 million bottles of wine today!

Even this bottle of wine is so expensive, so there are only 23 bottles of wine left, and the price is probably not much cheaper.

"How does this end? "

A few people are in a hurry, 2 million is already very distressed, can you bear it if you open a few more bottles of wine?

Qin Zhengfei looked at each other personally, hoping to come up with a good solution.

When a few people were struggling, they suddenly remembered something.

"Even if these drinks are not cheap, it should be impossible to have this kind of 10 million bar, and if you open a few more bottles, you will feel that you can bear it.

They just heard what Liu Yuannan said when he called Lian Xiaotian, and Lian Xiaotian said that this wine is basically out of print, and it will only be available in the hands of some top collectors.

Jiang Yu can get a bottle, it should be considered very unbelievable, even if the other wines are some top-notch wines, I am afraid it is impossible to reach this price.

If you open a few more bottles, it may be divided into three or four hundred thousand.

For the sake of face, two million were spent, even if it was hard today, they had to hold on, and they must not let Jiang Yu see the joke.

With this thought, the five of them made eye contact, and each other's irritable emotions immediately calmed down.

"Mr. Jiang, a bottle of wine is definitely not enough, we never only drink one bottle of wine when we eat! But even if we want to open a bottle of wine, we have to wait for us to finish this bottle of wine." "

Jiang Yu knew that several people were confident again.

"Of course, but you have to be fast, you can't even drink a glass of wine in five minutes, and I don't think you can drink a few bottles of wine tonight. Even if you don't drink them all, you'll have to give me four or five bottles, right? After all, it's not easy for me to get this wine. "

"Don't worry, as long as we have a good meal at your place tonight, we can consume these more wines, but the premise is not to make us unhappy!" Luo Yanfan played a word game slyly.

Don't make them unhappy, it's better to make excuses for this kind of thing

Jiang Yu won't give them a chance to play this set.

"So far, I think I'll be able to satisfy you, after all, I've even brought out my precious red wine. "

"Satisfied, you even took out 1 million red wine, of course we are satisfied, but the next performance is not clear. "

"No problem, sure to make the guests feel at home. Next I don't talk when I'm not there, okay. Jiang Yu smiled slightly, and didn't speak casually, lest these people couldn't afford to play.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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