Qin Zhengfei and a few people knew that they couldn't just smell the taste, so they took a small sip.

"The taste is really good. "

The taste of this wine is really hard to pick out, but just now this small sip is tens of thousands, distressing!

The money is spent, can't you find some comfort to come back?

Qin Zhengfei looked at Jiang Yu and asked with a smile: "By the way, Mr. Jiang, in the past two days, I saw some friends posting a circle of friends, they seem to have photographed a person posting questionnaires, this person looks a little like you, it shouldn't be you, I don't think you should be reduced to the point of sending questionnaires." "

Jiang Yu knew that Qin Zhengfei couldn't help but sarcastically mock himself.

"I'm sending out surveys and doing the surveys I need. But that doesn't mean I'm down. So you say. If I go to a roadside stall for dinner one day and get photographed, does that mean I can't afford to eat a high-end restaurant?"

"It seems to make sense. "

They even go to the street stalls occasionally.

Luo Yanfan immediately answered: "But the question is Mr. Jiang, are you such a busy person, do you have time to send out questionnaires?

"Yes, this kind of behavior is a bit incomprehensible, eating a roadside stall can be said to be a change of taste, but to send out questionnaires, braving the summer heat, it seems unreasonable. "

"If you can understand what I do, you're worth my worth, aren't you?"

As soon as these words came out, the smiles of several people stiffened a little: "He really thinks that he is worth hundreds of billions." "

A few people were a little unhappy in their hearts.

"Mr. Jiang, how much are you worth?"

"My company is there, guess what. "

"Is the company yours?"

"It's not mine, is it still yours?"

"Happy Time Group is definitely not ours, but whose it is, it's hard to say. Qin Zhengfei smiled weirdly.

"If it weren't for mine, would I be so extravagant and able to afford this kind of wine? If I don't have enough money, I have to think about it for a long time, especially after I decide to start drinking, I have to struggle for a long time with even a glass of wine, and I don't want to drink it, I haven't been so miserable, what do you say?"

"It's too contemptuous of people. Several people knew that Jiang Yu was laughing at them for drinking slowly.

Qin Zhengfei and Luo Yanfan drank this glass of wine in one gulp, and they didn't seem so reluctant.

Putting down the wine glass, Zhou Yiyao spoke again: "Mr. Jiang, who said that we can't afford to drink, open another bottle." "

"Heroic. "

As he spoke, Jiang Yu took out a second bottle of wine from the wine box.

When they saw this bottle of wine, everyone's eyes froze

"He actually had two bottles of this wine. "

A few people were a little messy, which was different from what they expected.

If it's all 1787 Margaux red wines, how do you drink them?

"Ahem. "

Zhao Jun coughed lightly, and then said: "Mr. Jiang, we have already drunk this bottle of wine, and drinking the repeated wine feels a little disappointing, is there any other wine? "

"Well said. Qin Zhengfei and a few people praised Zhao Jun in their hearts, thinking that Zhao Jun could resolve the embarrassment by saying this.

Jiang Yu asked with a look of surprise: "Change a bottle of wine, won't it?" You're all here today to experience the life of a big guy, so in order to have a good experience for you, I'm going to take the 1787 Château Margaux dry red wine, nothing else!"

"Besides, if you don't drink the top wine, and drink other wine, isn't it a little too low-grade?"

"It's all this wine. "

The five men opened their mouths wide and stared at the two crates of wine on the ground in amazement.

"Two cases of wine are 240 million, if five people share it, 48 million each, this meal is delicious!"

"Fortunately, Liu Yuannan stopped it just now, otherwise he would have drunk the two boxes of wine in one go, and everyone would have to mortgage it here today. "

"With so much wine, is it true that Jiang Yu is not bankrupt?"

Before, a few people still thought that Jiang Yu was hard-mouthed, but now that the wine alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people, then Jiang Yu's worth may not be as simple as they imagined.

Jiang Yu is bankrupt or not, they are not sure, but if they continue to drink today, they will really go bankrupt.

"Mr. Jiang, if you don't have any other wine, we won't drink it. Luo Yanfan bit his mouth directly, so as not to spend more money.

"Luo Yanfan, your taste is really incomprehensible. On the one hand, he kept saying that he wanted to experience the life of a big man, and on the other hand, he said that he didn't want to drink repeatedly. But the question is, if you have the best wine, and you still drink the lower wine, what kind of big guy is this?"

As he spoke, Jiang Yu showed a suddenly realized expression: "That's right, I'm sorry, I forgot, you just want to experience it, you are not a real bigwig-level character, so it's really okay to drink a bottle of wine to try it, I'm sorry, I look down on you." "

"It's infuriating. Several people had angry tendons on their foreheads, and they gritted their teeth with hatred.

If it weren't for the shyness in Karry's pocket, they would have said out loud that there would be another bottle.

In order to save face, Qin Zhengfei reluctantly showed a smile that was more than crying: "Actually, we are just experiencing the experience, so naturally we just have to try it." But what makes me a little disappointed is that Mr. Jiang, you only have such a kind of wine, it seems that you don't like diversity very much. "

"I can't say that, I still have a few bottles of five million bottles of wine at home, and if you still want to drink them, I can't be inconsiderate, and although it's a bit troublesome to go home and get them, I'm still willing to go back in order to satisfy the guests. "

"How's that, do you want to drink?"

"I beg you to be a person, can't you give me a step down?Emotional intelligence is negative?" Qin Zhengfei and the others scolded in their hearts, a little aggrieved.

Knowing that they can't come up with the money, Jiang Yu can't save face for him and not answer?

Give him a chance to leave the field with dignity, will he die?

"Hey, you guys give me a reaction, why don't I go back and get it?"

But at this time, Zhou Yiyao immediately deliberately made a slightly uncomfortable voice: "Oops, what's the matter, I was a little drunk just after drinking a glass of wine, and today I am a little overwhelmed, so I won't drink it." "

Although the play was badly acted, Zhou Yiyao also fought hard in order to save money.

"yes, what's going on, after drinking this bottle of wine, I feel a little drunk. Mr. Jiang, you have been drinking for more than 200 years, and the stamina of wine is indeed strong!"

"Alas, I'm also dizzy, I won't drink it today, Mr. Jiang, next time!"

Even Liu Yuannan and others showed that they were not strong enough to drink, but unfortunately their acting skills were quite clumsy.

"It's okay if you don't have the strength to drink, why don't you buy it back and wait for the wine to wake up and taste the aftertaste?"

"I reminisce about your uncle. "A few people spit fragrant in their hearts, and they were really angry.

Obviously, they can't afford to spend, so can't they save some face for their guests?

"Debunk the second generation of the rich and rich, and reward 300 million in cash. "_

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