Jiang Yu felt that a few people were probably self-aware, so he didn't plan to stay any longer.

"Okay, since you're all too strong to drink, sit down and eat something, sober up, and I'll go first. "

Jiang Yu had just walked to the door when he heard someone shouting, "Wait a minute, Mr. Jiang." "

This time, it was Luo Yanfan who spoke.

"Mr. Jiang, isn't it, this kind of precious wine, how can you collect so much, it can't be fake, right?"

"I couldn't find a problem, and I started saying that my wine was fake, and I wouldn't want to repay the debt. Jiang Yu felt that there was a possibility.

"Luo Yanfan, this wine is fake, don't you feel it when you drink it yourself? Can this top-notch wine be faked casually?"

"That's hard to say. Maybe the wine itself is quite high-end, but it is not as good as the bottle itself, if some of its own top wine is in this bottle, and we have not drunk it, so who knows if it is true or not? After all, there are still a lot of fakes in this world. "

"In that case, you can find someone to test it. Didn't this friend of yours just know a man who knew the goods? You called him over and took a look, and said that I was willing to sell him a bottle of wine, and I believe he was willing to come. "

"Nothing to fear?"

Jiang Yu's confident attitude made several people think that these wines might really be real.

"Yuan Nan, you can just call Mr. Lian. "

Even if it was a delay in time, Luo Yanfan had to give it a try, lest Jiang Yu pretend to be confident and bluff people.

"Good. "

Liu Yuannan immediately called Lian Xiaotian.

When Lian Xiaotian heard that he was willing to sell him a bottle of wine, he expressed his willingness to come over.

"It's so good that Uncle Lian owes me a favor. Liu Yuannan felt beautiful in her heart.

"You found this friend, and in the end, the results of the appraisal should convince you. "

"Don't worry, if we think it's true, we have nothing to say. "

While several people were waiting, they kept praying to God: "Pray that Jiang Yu's wine is fake, give me a fight." "

Half an hour later, Lian Xiaotian, who might have brought hope to Luo Yanfan and them, came in the dust.

After coming in, not only Liu Yuannan, but also Luo Yanfan and the four of them stood up from their positions.

"Mr. Lian. "

"You're all here. Lian Xiaotian nodded and said hello.

"Yuan Nan. The bottle of wine just now was in..."

Lian Xiaotian's voice stopped abruptly, because he saw the bottle of red wine on the table that had been opened, and suddenly felt a little heartache: "This bottle of red wine is opened and drunk, this is simply a tyrannical thing." "

Lian Xiaotian was suddenly a little unhappy, it was for this bottle of wine.

Now that the bottle has been opened and drunk, what is he doing here?

Liu Yuannan could understand why she was unhappy at this time, and immediately explained: "Uncle Lian, don't worry, there are still two boxes here." I asked you to come here to help check if this wine is real or fake. "

"There are two boxes, won't you?"

Lian Xiaotian subconsciously looked at the two boxes of wine placed on the ground.

"How can there be two cases of this wine? If there is, it must be fake. Lian Xiaotian opened his mouth categorically.

He couldn't even get a bottle. How could anyone get their hands on two cases of this?

"Mr. Lian Xiaotian, don't say it so absolutely, whether my wine is real or fake, can't you check it? Of course, the premise is that you are really a connoisseur. "

"Young man, you are..."

"Uncle Lian, this is Jiang Yu, Mr. Jiang. You should have heard of it, it is more famous in the financial circle recently. "

"I've heard it, it turned out to be Mr. Jiang, and I am fortunate to be happy. "

Lian Xiaotian's face immediately put away the displeasure of being questioned by Jiang Yu, showed a smile, and took the initiative to come to Jiang Yu and shake hands with Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect us to meet on such an occasion today, and I have long wanted to find a chance to meet you. As he spoke, Lian Xiaotian took out a business card and handed it to Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu took a look and immediately knew that this was a bigwig-level figure in the real estate industry in the imperial capital.

"It turned out to be Mr. Lian, but you are a senior!"

Jiang Yu took out a business card of his own.

Lian Xiaotian smiled and took the business card.

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, in front of Mr. Jiang, where do you dare to call yourself a senior. Mr. Jiang, are these wines yours?"

"Yes, the wine is mine. Because I bought this shop, today they came over and said that they wanted to drink some special high-end wine, and they didn't like that there was no good wine in my restaurant, so I had to bring some good wine from home to satisfy their appetite. "

"Mr. Jiang, you are too bullying. Lian Xiaotian said in a joking tone, "You give them this kind of wine, don't be afraid that they will go bankrupt." "

"Yes. Qin Zhengfei and the others agreed with Lian Xiaotian's words in their hearts.

In fact, Qin Zhengfei is still wronged, even if he bragged before, Jiang Yu took 10 million bottles of wine, isn't it obvious that he bullied people?

"Mr. Lian, it's not that I bullied them, it's mainly that I've been suspected of going bankrupt recently, and they said they wanted to experience what kind of life I lived, so I was forced to come over to sort out the data at home. "

"What?" Lian Xiaotian looked at everyone with wide eyes, wondering if these people were really crazy.

"You guys are a little crazy, and you want to experience Mr. Jiang's life. "

A few other people don't know each other, so Lian Xiaotian can't say anything, but Luo Yanfan and Liu Yuannan are five people, Lian Xiaotian knows their father, especially Liu Yuannan, his father and Lian Xiaotian are still old classmates, so Lian Xiaotian feels that he is still qualified to teach them a lesson.

"Uncle Lian, we just thought that Mr. Jiang was living a similar life as an ordinary billionaire, so we thought about tasting Mr. Jiang's daily wine to see what Mr. Jiang's taste was like. Luo Yanfan whispered a defense.

"Yan Fan, I have known your father for more than ten years, and I know that you have a good family background since you were a child, but to put it mildly, you have to recognize the reality. "

"Jiang's total assets exceed 100 billion, and he has not failed in investment so far, and his ability to make money is definitely faster than putting money in the bank to eat interest. I'll give you the interest in the bank. "

"100 million in the bank is more than 4 million a year, more than 10,000 a day, I will remove the fraction for you, 100 billion yuan per day interest alone is 10 million. Is the average billionaire compared?"

"10 million bottles of wine is a day's interest for Mr. Jiang, and of course he can afford to drink it. But you are still relying on your father, you want to experience the life of Mr. Jiang, you are too floating. If you dare to drink 10 million wine, AA will cost 800,000, I guess your father will scold you to death if he knows about it. "

"That's right, that's it, this wine is nothing to Jiang Yu at all, so it's a fart. Luo Yanfan, Qin Zhengfei and others suddenly understood what the concept of 100 billion was.

You can't spend a lot of money every day, Jiang Yu doesn't consume this kind of top luxury, what do you consume.

In a word, poverty limits their imagination. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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