Jing Ruicai took Jiang Yu to the café, and then ordered two cups of coffee.

Soon, the waiter immediately brought the coffee.

While stirring the coffee with a soup spoon, Jing Ruicai asked with a smile: "By the way, Jiang Yu, have you still been in touch with Zhang Yijia all these years?"

"Yes, there has always been a connection. Some time ago, when I graduated from graduate school, she told me that he was about to graduate with a PhD. "

"So powerful? I remember she's in the same class as you, right?"

"Yes, it's the same class as me, but she works harder, her credits are fast, and she is a master's and doctoral student, so she can graduate early. "

"Well, I thought she had gone back to China to work. By the way, Jiang Yu, does she have a boyfriend? I remember that when she was looking for a boyfriend, she used you as the standard, and she had to say that she wanted to be as handsome as you and have good grades. Your people in the finance department have become role models for our management department!"

Jiang Yu replied with a smile: "Senior, you see that the people in your management department are too vindictive. Zhang Yijia is the flower of your management department, she was just concentrating on her studies back then, and she didn't want to find a boyfriend. "

"Maybe the average student doesn't know, but she told me that she was under a lot of pressure. Her brother did not do his job properly, which made her company suffer heavy losses, and her parents did not dare to let her brother manage the company, so they could only put their hopes on him. "

So she has been studying hard, just hoping that her management theory will be more solid. She is busy reading, how can she have time to fall in love. "

"Looks like you know a lot about her. "

Jing Ruicai's words are meaningful.

"The friendship of the library for four years has always been used by her as a shield, and the relationship is naturally not much worse. "

"That's right. Jing Ruicai nodded.

"Anyway, Jiang Yu, what are you doing now, why did I see Zhao Chuxiu's circle of friends two days ago posted two photos, it seems that you sent a questionnaire. Are you working for some research company now?" Jing Ruicai asked knowingly.

"I didn't work for a research company, I just had a temporary need, so I went and sent out some surveys. "

"That's really hard, it's a hot summer, even if it's late in the evening, the heat is very heavy!"

"It's a bit hard, but it can't be helped, after all, there is a need. Don't talk about me, senior, how do you feel about working in this hotel?

Jiang Yu felt that he might only be able to see the good places of the hotel just by looking at it, so if he asked Jing Ruicai, maybe he would know more.

However, hearing Jiang Yu ask this question, a thought couldn't help but pop up in his mind: "Jiang Yu won't be here to find a job, right?"

After this idea came up, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that it was possible, what did Jiang Yu do if he didn't care about the treatment of the hotel and the satisfaction of the guests?

If you want to know the salary of your job, and if the satisfaction of the guests is high, it means that the guests will not make things difficult for the staff, so you can be considered to be concerned about the future working environment.

"If Jiang Yu really came to apply, it would be really good! When I was in school, my grades were always better than mine, and even the department flowers of the Department of Management took the top students of the Department of Finance as the standard, which was unbearable. "

"It would be better if Jiang Yu could work under me. It seems that God really likes to play tricks on top students. Sure enough, reading well is not necessarily useful. "

Jing Ruicai was complacent, and he still had the confidence to become Jiang Yu's boss.

Now Jing Rui is the department manager, and if Jiang Yu comes to apply, according to the position they are currently recruiting, it will not exceed his position, so Jiang Yu can only come in at a lower level than him.

"It seems that I have to try my best to let Jiang Yu come to work in the area under my jurisdiction, so that I can directly govern Jiang Yu and become Jiang Yu's direct boss. "

Jing Ruicai felt that if he was Jiang Yu's boss, his work would seem to be more fun and motivated.

If you want all this to be achieved, you naturally have to let Jiang Yu successfully apply for the job first.

After thinking about everything, Jing Ruicai's attitude became even more enthusiastic: "Jiang Yu, you won't come here to look for a job, right? If you are looking for a job, you can ask any questions, you don't need to ask so tactfully, the senior must know everything and say everything." "

"If you come to apply for a job, your senior can also help you go to the HR side of the job to say hello and ask them to lower the standard of application. Of course, it's not that seniors are worried that you are not capable enough to apply for positions in the company, but mainly as seniors, they will naturally take care of you where they can. If we work together in a company, that's a very good thing, right?

Jiang Yu just wanted to ask about the situation of the hotel, but he didn't expect Jing Ruicai to think so much and want to be Jiang Yu's boss.

Jiang Yu felt that even if he was down, he would not be able to find a suitable job with a graduate degree, so he had to come to the hotel as a waiter!

"Senior, have you forgotten one thing, anyway, I am also a graduate student, so I won't find a waiter with such an inappropriate professional job!"

"It's all reduced to sending out questionnaires, and I hate the work of waiters. If you hadn't been fired from these big conglomerates, would you have sent out the questionnaire?"

Jing Ruicai smiled secretly, knowing that Jiang Yu couldn't erase his face, but how could Jiang Yu's current situation be hidden from him.

"If you are really honest and obedient, it is estimated that you are still the spokesperson of the 100 billion group, and I can only envy you, but whoever makes your boss disobedient, of course they will kick you out of the company. Generally, senior leaders have to have a non-compete agreement for two years, and you can't find a job in finance at all. "

Jing Ruicai felt that Jiang Yu must have a non-compete agreement, otherwise he would have gone to find a job in the right profession a long time ago, so why would he send out a questionnaire.

is not a job in the corresponding major, and Jiang Yu's education is actually not as useful as imagined.

"You can even do the job of questionnaires, what happened to the waiter in a five-star hotel? I have to convince you today. "

Jing Ruicai felt that his three-inch incorruptible tongue came in handy at this time.

"Jiang Yu, you can't think so, it's not easy to find a job now, you missed the school recruitment, and many companies are reluctant to recruit people with no work experience, not to mention that the starting salary of graduate students is higher than that of ordinary undergraduates. "

"If you want me to say, don't limit your thinking to your own profession. 360 lines, the line out of the champion. Although the waiter is 108,000 miles different from your major, we have a foreman here. The foreman still has a lot of room to rise, and he has a salary of more than 10,000 yuan a month, which is still okay. "

"Senior, I came here today just to take a look, not to look for a job, don't get me wrong. "

Jiang Yu expressed his position again. _

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