Even if Jiang Yu expressed his stance again, Jing Ruicai still felt that Jiang Yu might just be embarrassed, or that he couldn't pull his face down and become his subordinate.

In order to make Jiang Yu his subordinate, Jing Ruicai fought hard, his brain was activated, and he immediately thought of a good attention.

"Jiang Yu, seriously, I really think you are very suitable to work in our hotel. "

"It's really a good fit, how do you say that?"

"I'll give you an analysis. Jing Ruicai looked serious.

"Our hotel is a five-star hotel, and we have branches in various other first-tier cities or quasi-first-tier cities. Although some of the ones we are currently recruiting are more basic level such as waiter foreman, but your academic qualifications are here, if your ability is good, you will be promoted quickly, and then you may become the general manager of the branch, then your future will be skyrocketing. "

"Senior, it's not so easy to become the general manager of a branch, right?"

"I know it's hard to be the general manager of a store, but what I'm going to talk about next is the point. "

Jing Ruicai also gave Jiang Yu a key point.

"Five-star hotels are of high grade, and there are often some big names settled in, such as big stars and directors in the entertainment industry, or sometimes some big production companies that shoot TV series, and the whole team will stay in our hotel. "

"You're so handsome, you're very popular with girls at school. If you are favored by those big directors or big stars and are willing to take you along, you will be able to enter the entertainment industry immediately, and you may become a popular star. Your annual income in a year is eye-catching, isn't it better than you being a general manager?"

"This is really very possible for you, after all, the entertainment industry is to put it bluntly, isn't it just about looking at faces?"

"It's hard to mix in the entertainment industry. "

"It's hard to mix, but you have a shining point. Jing Rui began to follow the temptation.

"What flash?" Jiang Yu was a little curious.

"The male stars in the entertainment industry are very handsome, so appearance will not be your biggest competitiveness, but you have a high degree of education. How many celebrities want to set up a school bully, but in the end they were all slapped in the face. Your master's degree in the Department of Finance is here, and you have a stable group of scholars. So, if you can really be favored by some big company and are willing to package you, those so-called academic stars with moisture will be directly beaten back to their original shape by you immediately, won't you immediately stand out?"

"Do you think I have any point?"

After saying this, Jing Ruicai was a little admired that he could say such a big truth.

"Logical genius!"

Jiang Yu admired Jing Ruicai's eloquence a little at this time, this was nonsense, and he really said a truth.

If it's really as smooth sailing as he said, if it's not that there is no shortage of money now, I feel that I really need to come here to apply for a job, maybe I can experience it.

However, Jiang Yu doesn't want to be anything, if he really wants to be a star, he can just buy a few entertainment companies.

"Senior, what you said makes a lot of sense, but I don't have such plans at the moment. I'm not good at singing or acting, so there's no need to do something I'm not good at."

"If you don't try, how do you know you're not good at it? And I'll spit out my bitterness to you, you see, although I am a department manager in this company, I am a small leader of a department, but I know the bitterness in my heart. "

"The work is too difficult, the work intensity is very high every day, I have to come early in the morning, I have to work six days a week, and I don't even have time to fall in love!"

As soon as these words came out, the system gave Jiang Yu a hint that Jing Ruicai was already engaged.

Jing Ruicai continued to persuade Jiang Yu bitterly: "Actually, for me, my biggest wish is to work a little easier every day, at least don't always work overtime, give yourself more time, and finally fall in love, I'm almost 28 years old, and now I don't even have a girlfriend, do you think it's difficult?"

"Actually, it's not difficult at all, it's a matter of choice. If you want more personal time, you can stop working so hard. If you want to work hard now, you can't do it with less personal time. "

"But the problem is that there is no choice. As the saying goes, if you don't advance, you will retreat, even if I don't want to rise, if I want to keep my current position, I can only work hard. If it were easier to keep my current position, I'd be willing to do it. It doesn't matter if there is no upside in the next few years. "

Jiang Yu immediately smiled: "If the senior thinks that it doesn't matter if there is no room for growth in the next few years, I think this point is relatively easy to achieve." "

"Jiang Yu, how can it be so easy as you say! No one cares about me. But if you work under me, you see that we are seniors, and occasionally you come in late or leave work early, I must open one eye and close one eye, right? "

Jing Ruicai specially took Jiang Yu as an example, hoping to make Jiang Yu understand that even if he didn't want to be a star, it was beneficial to work under him and take care of him.

As for whether it will really be cared for, it is most likely unrealistic.

Jiang Yu looked moved: "Senior, I was very moved by what you said, so I think I should be able to fulfill your wish just now." When I buy this hotel, I can make it easier for you to work in your current position, how about it, junior brother, I'm still very good!"

"That's a great thing you say, but the problem is... Wait a minute. "

Jing Rui only came back to his senses at this time what Jiang Yu had just said, and looked at Jiang Yu with wide eyes: "Jiang Yu, what did you just say, you want to buy this hotel, you are kidding!"

"Senior, I'm not kidding you, I'm here today to see how this hotel is doing, and I'm going to buy it. So, I understand what you mean, and when I buy this hotel, I will say hello to the general manager of this store and give you some personal time to fall in love. "

"But even if the price can't be negotiated in the end and I don't buy it, it doesn't matter, I know the owner of this store, and I don't think it's too difficult to say hello. "

"You... Are you serious?"

Jing Ruicai looked at Jiang Yu dumbfounded, a little messy.

What he said just now, he just said it casually.

What are you kidding, of course he hopes that when he is young, he will quickly fight for a higher position.

And he already has girlfriends, they are all engaged, and they will get married in a while, where does he need more time to fall in love, I wish the higher the position, the better.

"Why didn't Jiang Yu say it earlier. Jing Ruicai's heart was full of grievances.

If Jiang Yu had said it earlier, maybe he wouldn't have said it just now.

If you are too tired, it will immediately become too easy to work, and there is no way to strive for progress. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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