Jing Ruicai desperately wanted Jiang Yu to tell him at this moment, it was just a joke just now.

However, this is not possible.

Jiang Yu ignored Jing Ruicai's stunned expression, and asked with a smile: "Senior, of course I'm serious." "

"But how can this hotel be sold, although our chairman is retired, he is not short of money at all. "

"I know that there is no shortage of money, but Mr. Lian is not interested in the hotel business, so he plans to transfer, and I happen to be interested, so I came to see it today, and if I am satisfied with this hotel, I will negotiate the price with him. "

"I just looked at it and I was very satisfied with this hotel. But it doesn't matter, I didn't say it just now, even if I don't buy it in the end, I know Chairman Lian, and there must still be this face, so senior, you can rest assured. "

Feel relieved?

Jing Ruicai can't rest assured now.

"Jiang Yu, there's no need for it, if you don't plan to buy this hotel, you don't need to say hello to Chairman Lian, I'm just a department manager, and I'm not worthy of your favor." "

Jing Ruicai smiled bitterly, and kept praying in his heart: "God, don't joke with me, I finally became a department manager, and the upside can't be broken." "

"Huh. Jiang Yu deliberately showed displeasure, "Senior, you look down on me." You were willing to take such care of me just now, how could I not know that I would repay my kindness. What others do to me, I do to others. So don't worry, I'll definitely say hello for you. "

"Really... I really don't need to. Jing Ruicai's whole face turned bitter melon color.

"Senior, you're welcome, it's just a hello, it's nothing. Besides, isn't that what you want? Why aren't you happy that I can help you achieve it now? I can't even see the sincere smile on your face just now. "

"Aren't you just serious about what you just said, just to lie to me?"

Jiang Yu's words made Jing Ruicai sweat on his forehead.

"If you lie to Jiang Yu, it is estimated that I am finished, unless I change jobs, it is impossible to have room for growth in this hotel. "

"But if you continue to insist on what you just had, there will be no room for growth in the next few years, maybe there will be room for growth in a few years, and if you say hello to Jiang Yu, you will be able to rise faster. Even so, there is no guarantee that nothing will happen, what should I do? "

Jing Ruicai was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, at this time, I really hoped that someone could help him with advice.

"Eh, senior, why are you in a daze. "

Jing Rui came back to his senses, smiling, but his mouth was full of bitterness: "Of course I'm happy!"

"It's good to be happy. The younger brother is not very capable, and this thing is still within his ability. "

"Then the senior will thank the junior. "

Jing Ruicai was full of internal injuries, and suddenly he didn't feel like stealing chickens and rice.

"Didn't you say that Jiang Yu was bankrupt?" Jing Ruicai had a heart that was different from what he expected at the beginning.

Jing Ruicai asked unwillingly: "Jiang, said that you want to buy this hotel, this is not a small amount, do you still have so much money now?"

"Senior, what do you mean by still taking out so much money. You seem to know something about me when you ask. Now that you know, you should know that I have an investment division. I recently sent out a questionnaire just to buy a hotel. I've already sent out the questionnaire, done my research, and think it's feasible, so I naturally want to start investing. If my company doesn't have money, what do I do? "

"You're doing research just to buy a hotel?"

"Well, buying this hotel is a big investment, and I have my own plans, so it makes sense for me to do my own research!"

"You seem to have a point. "

Jing Ruicai nodded in astonishment, knowing that if Jiang Yu hadn't bragged, this investment would definitely be very large.

At this moment, Jing Ruicai scolded Zhao Chuxiu in his heart: "Zhao Chuxiu is really damned, if it's a rumor, don't you know how to clarify it? "

Jing Ruicai can only shirk the responsibility to Zhao Chuxiu, and he will have a little comfort in his heart.

"Demolish Jing Ruicai, let him reap the consequences, and reward 10 million cash. "

Lin Feixing, who went to deal with things, arrived at the café and saw Jiang Yu and Jing Ruicai chatting, so Lin Feixing came over and asked, "Mr. Jiang, do you know Manager Jing?"

"Jing Rui is the senior of the management department when I was in college, and I have met him before!"

"It turns out that this is the case, Manager Jing is really a blessing, and there are alumni like Mr. Jiang. "

"Yes, that's what Mr. Lin said. Jing Ruicai nodded and smiled.

"Manager Jing, you can continue to work. Mr. Jiang, I'll continue to take you around. "

"Good. Senior, we'll see you next time. Your expectations, I'll help you tell Mr. Lin later. "

Leaving these words, Jiang Yu left with Lin Feixing, leaving Jing Ruicai to sit alone in his position.

Jing Ruicai looked at Jiang Yu's back and stretched out his hand, wanting to keep Jiang Yu and let Jiang Yu not take it to heart, but in the end he still couldn't speak.

When taking Jiang Yu to continue the visit, Lin Feixing felt that he could ask Jiang Yu for instructions in advance and establish a good relationship with the future boss.

"Mr. Jiang, your senior thinks that his current position is not high enough and wants to be promoted, right?"

Lin Feixing subjectively felt that Jing Ruicai should think that an old classmate like Jiang Yu became the boss here, so he naturally wanted to be promoted.

"No, Mr. Lin, that's not what my senior meant. He said that he is too busy at work now, and he has no personal time to fall in love, so he hopes to have more spare time, in the case of retaining his position, the work pressure is not too much, and there is no requirement for upward space in the next few years, it's as simple as that. "

"Just be relaxed, right?" Lin Feixing asked in astonishment, hoping to get Jiang Yu's confirmation.

"Yes, just be relaxed. "

"I see, it's easy to do. "

Lin Feixing immediately agreed, a little speechless in his heart: "Niu, I have been in the industry for more than 20 years, and I have never seen this situation. The boss is his own alumnus, and he doesn't want to be promoted, but he also wants to retire in the company, which is wonderful. "

For Lin Feixing, as long as it is not said that Jing Rui will be promoted casually, everything is easy to say, because casual promotion will make others unconvinced, but if it is to give him a pension position, it is not too easy.

After that, Lin Feixing took Jiang Yu to continue to look inside the hotel, and also went to some places where there are generally fewer people.

Jiang Yu is afraid of places where there are fewer people, and the management of the hotel is loose, but fortunately, the results are very good, and the management of the five-star hotel is very strict, and there is no omission.

After taking Jiang Yu to see it, Lin Feixing also invited Jiang Yu to stay for a meal and taste the craftsmanship of the hotel's chef.

After eating a meal, Jiang Yu felt that it tasted very good, but in fact, the biggest feature was that the style of the dish was good-looking, giving people a high-end atmosphere and a high-grade feeling. _

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