In the afternoon, Jiang Yu went to the company for a meeting.

At the meeting, in addition to Xue Yao, Mei Qiufang and other senior executives of the company, Shen Feng, Li Longcai and other seven people came, because the seven people said that they wanted to invest with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu made a clear split this time, buying Lian Xiaotian's hotel with the funds of Happy Time Company, and investing the rest of the money in characteristic shops, Jiang Yu used the money in his card to create another company to invest.

Shen Feng and the others invested in another company founded by Jiang Yu.

"Mr. Jiang, how did you go to inspect today. Xue Yao asked.

"I took a look at it, and it felt that it was still more in line with my expectations, and it was upscale enough. Have you sent someone to look at the branches in other first-tier cities?"

It was impossible for Jiang Yu to go through all the stores by himself, so he could only ask Xue Yao to send someone from the company to help deal with this matter.

"Yes, I sent someone this morning. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I will shoot some footage and send it to me. "

Xue Yao immediately gave Jiang Yu a positive answer.

"In addition, after you told me your thoughts yesterday, Mr. Jiang, I thought it was very good, so this morning I asked the local colleagues in the imperial capital of the company, and they provided more than 60 local characteristic shops.

"Next, I plan to ask my colleagues in the investment department to talk to the owners of these stores about investment. We are mainly investment-oriented, supplemented by acquisitions. If it is an investment, it can allow them to make money together and at the same time reduce the pressure on our funds. "

"Yes, they are willing to work hard when they work together. But it's better to be quick, we have to negotiate cooperation with some well-known specialty shops and snacks in first-tier cities and quasi-first-tier cities. "

"I know, I'll hurry. Now that there are plenty of funds, I expect that all the negotiations will be completed within half a month. "

Xue Yao gave Jiang Yu a deadline, so as not to be heard by his peers and start a competition.

Afterwards, Jiang Yu looked at Shen Feng and the others.

"Mr. Shen, do you have any suggestions?"

"We don't. Shen Feng hurriedly shook his head.

It was the first time for a few people to hear Jiang Yu's plan today, and they just thought that Jiang Yu wanted to invest and just follow the gangsters, but just now they listened to it, and they felt very excited.

Originally, I wanted to invest a little money to try the water, but now it seems that if I don't invest hundreds of millions, I can't even drink soup.

"Mr. Jiang, your idea is really good. It is indeed good to buy a high-end, mid-to-high-end, mid-range hotel or restaurant, and then invest in a large number of local specialty shops. Being able to eat so many specialties in one restaurant is indeed very attractive for people with spending power. Shen Feng couldn't help but sigh in admiration, feeling that this plan had also hit his heart.

Sometimes he goes to a restaurant and thinks that some dishes are not good enough for other restaurants, but he can't eat them at the same time, so if he can, he thinks he will definitely be willing to pay.

He is willing to pay for the food, and his people who seek high consumption must have the same heart, eating happily is the most important thing, and they will naturally be willing to spend money.

Jiang Yu also took precautions, and the invested stores will have exclusive cooperation, and when other stores are aware of this business model, there is basically no possibility of cooperation.

How can you fail without an opponent!

"Mr. Jiang, you are not only good at investing, but also good at starting a business!"

Li Longcai couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Li Long felt that only a person like Jiang Yu, who had a lot of money and abundant cash flow, would dare to do this.

"I just had it on a whim. "

Jiang Yu just had such an idea just to satisfy his favorite stomach.

"Mr. Jiang, your plan is very good, but I don't think it's necessarily necessary to buy a five-star hotel. If we use all this money to invest in various century-old shops and specialty shops, and control their resources, we are actually not much different from other giants in the hotel industry. "

"That being said, it's not easy to find a quality partner, but you can consider it, so I don't necessarily have to buy Lian Zong's hotel. If Mr. Shen, you have a suitable object, you can recommend it, and we will talk about it together. "

"It's... Then let's buy it, because we are in the technology industry, and there are no people who know anyone in the hotel industry. "

A few people thought that Jiang Yu and Lian Xiaotian were so easy to contact, and they had other connections in this industry.


At the time of Jiang Yu's meeting, at the same time, in Fuqiyuan Group, Gao Yangtong and they were also holding their annual meeting.

Gao Yangtong has absorbed all the plans given to him by Jiang Yu and written a new business plan, so today is a meeting of the board of directors and reporting to the directors of the company.

At the meeting, when Gao Yangtong reported the new plan, the whole person was full of energy, and his eyebrows danced.

The members of the board of directors and the senior management of the company sitting at the conference table listened in admiration below.

At the end of the meeting, the company's executives left, leaving the Gao family, the five largest shareholders of the Zheng family.

Gao Jiancheng is very satisfied with Gao Yangtong's performance today: "Yangtong, you have done a good job, and the plan this time is very satisfying." "

"Yes, Yangtong, he finally lived up to our high expectations. Only by coming up with such a plan can we be worthy of the continuous financial support given by the headquarters and the losses over the years. Ding Zhengwen's father, Ding Liguo, could not hide his praise.

"Thank you dad and a few uncles for the affirmation. "

"Yangtong, we must do the company's performance this year, don't lose money, and let the company's short-sighted shareholders open their eyes. They always feel that we shouldn't get involved in the food field, but they don't know that the hotel and catering industry is too competitive now, and if we don't transform, it will be even more difficult in the future. "

Zheng Xilian's father, Zheng Wenyuan, sighed: "Those small shareholders only look at short-term interests. There is already a bottleneck in the hotel catering industry at all. And we ourselves are in catering, and now we are involved in packaged food, and the cross-field range is not too large, which is not transformational, it is too short-sighted. "

"As long as we are profitable, other shareholders will definitely have nothing to say to support our transformation plan. "

Gao Yangtong's expression was proud, of course he wouldn't tell others that he had gotten the plan from Jiang Yu.

Gao Yangtong didn't say it, but Zheng Xilian and the others were very clear before they left.

The last time they went to Gao Yangtong to ask why they drove Jiang Yu away, they knew the truth.

Seeing that Gao Yangtong is now taking all the credit on him, Zheng Xilian and the others feel that they can't just watch, otherwise their father will have to use Gao Yangtong as a teaching material in the future to criticize and educate them.

"Gao Yangtong, this plan is indeed very good, but you take the plan formulated by Jiang Yu and make a slight modification, and say that it is your own, it is not appropriate. You'll have to explain to my dad and uncles about the origin of this plan!"

Zheng Xilian spoke directly, not beating around the bush at all.

Gao Yangtong's smile was slightly stiff, and he was a little speechless in his heart: "Will Zheng Xilian die if she closes her mouth?"

After taking over Fuqiyuan Group, he was finally praised once, Gao Yangtong felt that Zheng Xilian couldn't let him be beautiful?

If you don't tell the truth, you won't die. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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