Just now, Gao Jiancheng was still praising Gao Yangtong for fighting for him, but it was revealed that it was not his plan, and Gao Jiancheng felt a little faceless.

Gao Jiancheng opened his mouth and asked: "Yangtong, didn't you formulate this plan?"

Gao Yangtong could only endure his unhappiness with Zheng Xilian and said, "This is something I hired some time ago to help me formulate a CFO. His plan is very good, but I have modified it in more detail according to the specific situation of the company, so it can be regarded as a joint credit between me and him!"

"With such a powerful CFO, why didn't you see him today?"

"He has resigned and left. "

"What, Yangtong, how can you let people leave?" Zheng Wenyuan immediately felt that Gao Yangtong's approach was too inappropriate.

"yes. How can you let people go? Zhang Leda's father, Zhang Hongfang, agreed.

"People who can help the company make such a good plan are definitely a talent, and you should stay and maybe help our company grow in the food field." If you are not satisfied with your salary, you can get a raise. One person can be worth a large group of people, what is the point of paying a little more salary?"

Gao Yangtong immediately explained: "It's not that I'm unwilling to give him a salary increase, it's that people don't want to work for me." Jiang Yu himself was not short of money, so it was purely a friendship help at that time. I asked him to come and make an agreement with him that if I helped the company develop a profit plan, I would let him go. "

Gao Yangtong felt that what he said was a tact, because according to Jiang Yu's statement that day, it was clear that he had come to the company to educate him, and it was completely for the purpose of a day trip.

"Wait a minute. "

Shao Anqing's father, Shao Weiyan, suddenly interjected: "Yangtong, what did you just say that person's name, Jiang Yu?"

"Yes, what's wrong?" Gao Yangtong was a little surprised by Shao Weiyan's attitude.

"No, could it be that Jiang Yu?"

Shao Weiyan took out his mobile phone, opened the circle of friends, and clicked on the forwarded video of the private financial planner.

"Yangtong, is this the person?"

Gao Yangtong looked at the person who sent the questionnaire above and nodded: "It's Jiang Yu, how could he send the questionnaire?"

Gao Yangtong was a little puzzled in his heart: "Jiang Yu doesn't want to work with an annual salary of one million, and he doesn't run his own restaurant, what the hell is he doing?"

Jiang Yu didn't do the work with a better environment, and went to send out questionnaires, Gao Yangtong couldn't understand Jiang Yu's mentality.

"It's really him, no wonder I can give you such a good plan, it seems that this Jiang Yu is not a hypocrisy, but still talented. Shao Weiyan sighed.

"Uncle Shao, don't just sell Guanzi, Dao Jiangyu?"

"I know a little bit, because some friends in the financial circle have been making a big joke recently, so I've heard some of them. It is said that this Jiang Yu was originally the manager of a company called Happy Time Group. Many people thought it was true at first, so they all felt that he was young and promising, and he had hundreds of billions of assets at a young age. "

"What, Jiang Yu has hundreds of billions of assets?" Gao Xinwan and Shao Anqing were startled by the five of them, a little incredulous.

However, if you say so, it seems to make sense for a few people to think that Jiang Yu doesn't care about money so much.

"A few of you were shocked and said something, and at first I thought it was true, so this is naturally fake. "

"How can anyone be so young and promising, earning hundreds of billions of family assets from scratch. Recently, it was rumored that President Jiang Yu was fired from the company, and it should be something that was not done well. "

Although Mr. Jiang was fired, he must still be a bit of a standard to be able to serve as the face of the 100 billion group. Your plan is enough to illustrate the problem, so he is a talent. "

"I've heard about this too, and it's him. Gao Jiancheng and others suddenly realized.

I didn't expect Jiang Yu to be in charge of such a big enterprise at such a young age. Gao Xinwan was secretly speechless.

"Jiang Yu is really powerful. Zheng Xilian and Shao Anqing also felt admiration, because they didn't even have the ability to serve as the president of the branch, and Jiang Yu's ability to serve as the president of the 100 billion group was self-evident.

"If he's fired, why don't we recruit him to our company?" Gao Jiancheng interjected.

"Just now Yang Tong said that inviting Jiang Yu was a friendship to help, and now that he has no job, he can officially recruit him. Without a job, he should need a new job, so Yangtong, you talk to him again. "

Regarding Gao Jiancheng's words, Gao Yangtong disagreed.

Gao Yang informed Jiang Yu that he was powerful, but if Jiang Yu came to the company and didn't listen to his management, he would be very uncomfortable.

"Dad, although Jiang Yu is a talent, there are also many talents in this world, we don't have to look for Jiang Yu, we usually have to consult him if we have questions. He's a bit capable and not very easy to manage. "

"That's not the case, I can only say that Jiang Yu and you don't get along, right? Zheng Xilian spoke.

Zheng Xilian didn't know the reason, who let Gao Yangtong break in so arrogantly that day, and offended Jiang Yu, so he was educated by Jiang Yu in the company.

"Yes, I agree with Xi Lian's words, Jiang Yu is not so difficult to get along with. But if I want to say, instead of letting Jiang Yu come to our branch, it is better to let Jiang Yu go to our headquarters to work, maybe Jiang Yu can find a way to help our hotel break the bottleneck of performance growth. "

"Makes sense. Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan were all in the eye.

"That's okay, since you know him, why don't you go and help us get in touch and see if he is willing to come to work in our company. "

"Actually, you don't need to practice specially, because I asked Jiang Yu to come out to play this weekend, and I'll tell Jiang Yu when the time comes!"

"Okay, any of you can recruit him anyway. If it really doesn't work, we'll talk to him personally and make a deal that satisfies him. "

"Dad, if you talk to him in person, will you think too highly of him. "

"This is not a high opinion of him, but you go to talk, there will be more or less concerns when opening conditions, we talk about it ourselves, and we are more casual when opening conditions, and we are more accurate than you, and we can judge how much ability he has when we meet him in person. "

"Of course, if you can talk during the day, you don't need us to come forward, and if not, we'll see him that night. "

"But if Jiang Yu's attitude is very resolute, do I still have to arrange for you to see him that night?"

"Probably not, as long as the salary is high enough, he won't refuse. Mr. Jiang is now fired, with a non-compete agreement, and he will not be able to engage in financial work for two years, so it is the best choice for him to come to our company. Gao Jiancheng spoke with a little confidence, and he was very confident in his judgment.

"This matter is so decided, in fact, we also want to meet this President Jiang. "

Zheng Wenyuan and a few people followed, and the matter was finalized. _

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