After Gao Yangtong finished the meeting, he went to call Jiang Yu.

At this time, Jiang Yu had just finished the meeting when he received a call from Gao Yangtong.

"Gao Yangtong, why did you suddenly think of calling me?"

"Jiang Yu, have you forgotten, I said that I would invite you out to play this weekend, I specially remind you, don't forget it the day after tomorrow!"

If Gao Yangtong hadn't made this call, Jiang Yu would have really forgotten about it.

"Why be so polite. "

"Yes, you helped me so much last time, I don't want to thank you if I don't thank you. I'll send you the address later, and you must come. "

"Well, you've invited you so kindly, it wouldn't be appropriate for me to refuse again and again. "

"That's it. "

Gao Yangtong hung up the phone after speaking.

Jiang Yu couldn't help muttering: "Gao Yangtong invited me to go out to play, what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd?

At the company's meeting that day, Jiang Yu criticized Gao Yangtong for nothing, Jiang Yu felt that Gao Yangtong should be very angry!

Even if Gao Yangtong called over that day and said that he would invite Jiang Yu to go out on the weekend, Jiang Yu didn't pay attention to it, thinking that Gao Yangtong might just make a phone call to be polite because of his face, so he didn't expect Gao Yangtong to really call to invite.

Whether Gao Yangtong is with good intentions or with malice, if he doesn't go, he will never know, so Jiang Yu feels that it is okay to go and see.

Five minutes later, Jiang Yu received a message from Gao Yangtong, and the weekend's arrangement was to play golf in the morning, go fishing and barbecue in the afternoon, and make other arrangements in the evening.

If Gao Yangtong could convince Jiang Yu when he was playing golf or grilling fish, he naturally didn't need to arrange for Jiang Yu to meet his father, so he said that he would make another arrangement in the evening.

"Golf! It seems that rich people like to play golf. "

Last time, Jiang Yu didn't have a good time using the program given by the system, and Jiang Yu felt that he should be able to play golf this time.

After the meeting, Jiang Yu did not leave the company, but worked with Xue Yao to select people in the company to form a new team.

When it was time to eat, Jiang Yu ordered a lot of takeout to invite the whole company to eat, all of them were famous small shops in the imperial capital, if they didn't take out, let people buy them, and the whole company would help them taste how it tasted and whether it was worth the investment.


The busy time always passed quickly, and on weekend mornings, Jiang Yu came by appointment.

When Jiang Yu arrived, Gao Yangtong, Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian were waiting in the rest area of the stadium.

"I'm not late. "

Gao Yangtong stood up from his position: "No, Jiang Yu, you came on time." "

"Just didn't be late. "

"Jiang Yu, I haven't seen you for a few days, it seems that you are not in a good state. Gao Xinwan's tone was a little concerned.

After Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian went back, they saw the video of Jiang Yu sending out the questionnaire, so Jiang Yu's state was similar to what they expected.

From the head of a 100 billion group to a non-compete agreement, he can only do his own unprofessional work.

"What's wrong with it, it's just that I was too busy yesterday, okay. "

"Then do you want to rest a little longer?

Zheng Xilian felt that Jiang Yu must have not slept well because of his bad mood.

However, the fact is that Jiang Yu set up the company one day yesterday, and he personally helped the people in the investment department to discuss cooperation, and he was very busy, and he was busy until the early hours of the morning before going home.

This was the first time Jiang Yu worked overtime during this time, so he didn't sleep well.

"No, six hours of sleep is enough. Let's go, go play. "

Jiang Yu said so, and Gao Yangtong naturally had no opinion, so they entered the court together.

"Xinwan Xilian, the two of you go to the side to play ball by yourself. "

Gao Yangtong directly opened his mouth and branched Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian.

The two of them knew that Gao Yangtong and Jiang Yu were chatting about work, nodded, and let the caddie carry the club to the side, and the two of them came over together mainly to grill fish in the afternoon.

"Jiang Yu, let's go this way. "

Gao Yangtong took Jiang Yu and walked in a different direction from Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian.

"Looks like there's something you need me to help with. "

Jiang Yu knew Gao Yangtong's general intention.

Gao Yangtong didn't say it, Jiang Yu naturally wouldn't take the initiative to mention this.

The two didn't go far before they got to the tee.

"Jiang Yu, you come first. "

"Good. "

After the caddie helped Jiang Yu set the ball, Jiang Yu swung and hit the ball.

"Phew. "

One ball was played, and this time Jiang Yu came according to the real level.

The distance of this ball offset is not too big, and it is much better than Jiang Yu at the beginning, mainly because after experiencing the program given by the system last time, Jiang Yu has mastered some tricks of playing, so he is no longer like a layman.

"This ball is okay!"

"It's just a good deal, but I don't know how to do it yet. It's your turn. "

Jiang Yu retreated to the side.

The caddie helped Gao Yangtong set the ball, and Gao Yangtong was ready to play, so he hit it with one shot.

The angle of deviation of this ball is relatively large, and the distance is not particularly far, which is a little inferior to Jiang Yu's performance.

"It's a bit off. "

Gao Yangtong smiled, didn't care how well he played the ball, and then walked with Jiang Yu to the position where the ball fell.

As he was leaving, Gao Yangtong asked, "By the way, Jiang Yu, are you still running your restaurant?"

"Of course, at the moment, I mainly run the restaurant, and I also want to buy more stores by the way. "

"You're just planning to invest more in the restaurant industry?"

"Sort of, I want to give it a try because I have some ideas. "

It's not particularly strange that Gao Yang passes.

Jiang Yu was able to become the head of the 100 billion group before, and his income must be very high, so it is normal to have savings to invest, and it is impossible to go bankrupt directly to the point of being poor and white because of expulsion, at most it is a little worse than the rich.

"Jiang Yu, I personally think that you yourself may not be suitable for running a hotel, you are more suitable for being a professional manager. "

"I can't say that, there's nothing that suits me, only what I want to do, and for me, interest is probably the biggest criterion for my work. "

As he spoke, Jiang Yu came to the position where he landed the ball.

Gao Yangtong paused the topic first and let Jiang Yu continue to play first.

"Phew. "

In this shot, Jiang Yu's position deviation is relatively large, and the position from the hole has become farther away.

"That ball just now was really lucky, so it was better to play!"

Jiang Yu was a little dissatisfied.

"Gao Yang has reached you. "

"Okay. "

Gao Yang walked to his golf ball.

Gao Yangtong's posture and preparation for playing are much more standard than Jiang Yu's, but when this ball is played, the deviation is also very large, and it falls next to Jiang Yuqiu.

Gao Yangtong's movements are very standard, obviously he has practiced it specially, but the ball he plays is no different from a beginner like Jiang Yu, and the details are releasing water.

"It seems that Gao Yangtong deliberately let me. Jiang Yu understood. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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