Gao Yangtong's deliberate release of water is to make Jiang Yu happy, which is usually a routine for talking about business, so Jiang Yu probably knows that Gao Yangtong may have something to ask him.

After playing this ball, Gao Yangtong smiled: "It seems that I am really not particularly good at golf. "

Gao Yangtong said this to tell Jiang Yu that his level was relatively poor.

After playing this ball, the two of them continued to walk towards the location where the ball landed.

While walking, Gao Yangtong continued to talk about the topic just now: "Jiang Yu, what you just said is right, you may be financially free, so you can work mainly as an interest and make money as a supplement, but I think you want to do something in the catering industry, why not find a relatively large platform." "

When Jiang Yu heard Gao Yangtong say this, he remembered something.

"That's right, Gaoyang Tongjia is a hotel catering. And the scale is very large, the first-tier cities are the standard of five-star hotels, the second-tier and third-tier cities are also the standards of three-star and four-star hotels, the national chain, and the top large companies in the entire industry. Maybe you can find their family to cooperate. "

Before, Jiang Yu didn't expect it, but now Jiang Yu feels that he can really take this opportunity to chat with Gao Yangtong

Seeing that Jiang Yu didn't speak, Gao Yangtong continued: "Jiang Yu, the last time you just came to my company, you can make a good plan in one day, you are definitely a very good professional manager, if there is a good platform for you to play, it is easier to make the hotel bigger than you start from a young age, and for you, what you want is the sense of success that finally reaches the goal." "

"It turned out that Gao Yangtong wanted to invite me to work in their company. Jiang Yu finally understood Gao Yangtong's intention.

"Gao Yangtong, although it may be easier to succeed on a big platform, but from a small size to a big is also a different sense of achievement. "

"Jiang Yu, there is nothing wrong with saying that, but if you want to start your own business, you need to face risks. If you fail, your savings will be gone. "

"If you are on a big platform, you can get a fairly high salary, and if you contribute a lot to the company, you can get a stock award, and the company also has your share, wouldn't it be better? "

"You have a point, but I still like to start my own business. "

Jiang Yu's words were tantamount to rejecting Gao Yangtong, but Gao Yangtong did not intend to give up.

At this time, Jiang Yu came to the landing position, and Gao Yangtong stopped talking and played first.

This time, Jiang Yu's trajectory is slightly better.

Jiang Yu's trajectory of playing is a little better, and Gao Yangtong's trajectory is also better, and the distance of the ball is not far from Jiang Yu's ball position.

Gao Yangtong's attitude of deliberately losing to Jiang Yu is actually very clear.

"Gao Yangtong, I see that your playing posture is very professional, you should be a veteran. There's no need for me, just play normally. "

"Jiang Yu, I didn't let you, my posture was corrected by my father. He said that it doesn't matter if you play well or not, at least you have to pose well, so that others know that you are a master, and I really don't know how to play. Gao Yangtong denied it with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, a sound came from behind.

"Gao Yangtong, playing today really doesn't look like you, when I watched you play from a distance just now, how do you feel that your level is not good today?"

Gao Yangtong immediately looked in the direction of the side, and saw that more than 30 meters away, four people left, two men and two women, followed by a few caddies.

The one who just spoke was Kang Lok-hoon, who was dressed in blue.

"It's the four of you. "

"Gao Yangtong, it's rare to meet today, do you want to stop competing?" Kang Lexun said with a smile.

"No need. Gao Yangtong immediately refused.

"It's not like you, I don't dare to compare. Qi Xingyan next to him was a little surprised.

"But then again, Gao Yangtong, it really doesn't look like your style when you played just now, you were quite sharp in the past, who is worthy of letting you handicap the ball so deliberately today!"

While speaking, Qi Xingyan also took a special look at Jiang Yu.

I have never seen Jiang Yu, and Jiang Yu is so young, if Gao Yangtong accompanies some big boss to play here and deliberately let go, Qi Xingyan is not very similar, so he estimates in his heart that Jiang Yu is a friend of Gao Yangtong who has a good relationship.

Qi Xingyan's words made Gao Yangtong's expression not particularly natural, he just told Jiang Yu that he didn't deliberately concede the ball, and now that Qi Xingyan said this, isn't this equivalent to telling Jiang Yu that he deliberately lost to him?

Although this is the method that everyone will use when talking about things, but generally this kind of thing is seen through and not broken, and when it is broken, it is not like this feeling after all.

Gao Yangtong immediately scolded: "Qi Xingyan, don't talk nonsense, playing is originally about feeling, feeling good, naturally playing well, feeling bad, playing badly is normal." "

"Really, it seems that the guests you entertained today didn't make you feel good, so you didn't have the sharpness you used to play. Xu Ruyi, who was dressed more fashionably, interjected.

These words made Gao Yangtong want to scold: "This woman is poisonous!"

Gao Yangtong just expressed that he didn't mean to fight badly, and when it came to Xu Ruyi's mouth, it felt as if he didn't want to see Jiang Yu.

"Xu Ruyi, why is your psychology so dark, don't misinterpret other people's kindness. "

"I'm just interpreting what you mean, and if there's a misunderstanding, I'm sorry. Forget it, let's go play with Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian. "

Xu Ruyi took another girl and walked over to Gao Xinwan in the distance, and it seemed that there was more topic for the girls to talk about.

Kang Lexun didn't stop Xu Ruyi and the two, and continued to smile: "Gao Yangtong, don't worry about what girls say. "

Kang Lexun looked at Jiang Yu: "By the way, let me introduce myself first, my name is Kang Lexun, what do you call my brother." "

"Jiang Yu. "

"Brother Jiang Yu, although it is the first time we have met, since we are destined to know each other, how do you feel about playing ball and playing together?"

"Not how?"

Gao Yangtong spoke for Jiang Yu.

From the moment Jiang Yu played ball, Gao Yang informed that Jiang Yu might not be very good at it.

If you play with these two people, Jiang Yu will be hung and beaten the whole time, in case the mentality explodes, how can you talk about things?

"Gao Yangtong, you are a bit of an outsider, it's nothing to play together, everyone knows each other, when you go out, many friends have many ways out. "

"Besides, it's interesting to play with a master, otherwise it will become a rookie pecking each other, how can the level be improved?"

"What rookies peck at each other, don't talk nonsense. "Gao Yangtong is really a little hot, and Kang Lexun specially made trouble for him.

If Jiang Yu hadn't been here today, Gao Yangtong really wanted Kang Lexun to understand that his playing level was still far behind.

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