Jiang Yu originally felt that it had nothing to do with him, but Kang Lexun and the others belittled Jiang Yu together in order to let Gao Yangtong play with them, which was a bit of a disaster.

Affecting the innocent, Jiang Yu felt that the two of them were too tasteless.

"Gao Yangtong, play together, play together, no problem. Jiang Yu suddenly spoke.

"And they're right, you can learn from them by playing with the masters. "

"Jiang Yu, in fact, don't pay attention to them, the two of them just lost to me last time, and they are just unwilling. "

Gao Yangtong can only admit that he can indeed play at this time.

Instead of letting these people play together and beating Jiang Yu, he didn't admit it directly, and told Jiang Yu that if he really wanted to improve his playing level, he would just practice with himself.

"Gao Yangtong, after losing to you last time, we also went to find professional people to give us special training, and I am not modest to say that the level of the two of us is now a big improvement compared to before. So if you're afraid that you'll lose, it's actually normal, and you don't dare to play together. "

The two of them wished that Gao Yangtong would admit defeat, and they would be happier to win without a fight.

Gao Yangtong felt that the words of the two of them were getting more and more excessive, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Okay, just let me see how powerful you are after you improve your level. "

"Jiang Yu, you are not familiar with the two of them, there is no need to play together, or you go to the side to rest first, I win them, and they will naturally leave. "

"Gao Yangtong, it's okay, just play together, after all, I, a rookie, have to study with the two gods!"

The two of them have been talking about Jiang Yu's level dishes just now, and they also said that rookies peck each other, of course, they have to play ball together to know who is the dish.

"Gao Yangtong, Jiang Yu said so, let's play together, that's interesting. And having the three of us guiding him together can make him progress faster!"

Kang Lexun and Qi Xingyan didn't care if Jiang Yu wanted to play together, their purpose was just to win Gao Yangtong again.

Jiang Yu said this, Gao Yangtong didn't insist anymore, and said secretly: "I hope Jiang Yu won't collapse his mentality." "

Gao Yangtong felt that Jiang Yu was in the state just now, and he couldn't score a goal in every ten strokes and eight strokes.

Jiang Yu is very successful in his career, so with such a person, Gao Yangtong is afraid that Jiang Yu will not be able to stand being beaten very miserably.

After that, a few people arrived at the starting point and started playing again.

"Gao Yangtong, you tee off first, see if you have improved or regressed. "

"Okay, I'll kick off first!"

Gao Yangtong has nothing to be timid.

After the caddie set the ball, Gao Yangtong's attitude became serious, which was different from the casual attitude he had just played with Jiang Yu.

Since he wants to compare with the two, Gao Yangtong doesn't like to lose to others.

"Phew. "

The ball flew high, flew out very well, flew straight over, and finally rolled in a straight line when it landed, and the trajectory did not deviate at all.

If we were all at the level of this goal, maybe we would only need three to score.

Gao Yangtong is still very satisfied.

"Kang Lexun, Qi Xingyan, you, which of you will come first. "

"Your ball is okay, but it's average, it's not difficult, I'll do it first. "

Kang Lexun commented with a smile, quite confident, and asked the caddie to set the ball.

"Phew. "

Kang Lexun's ball flew out, and finally this one fell next to Gao Yang's ball, and the ball between the two people can be said to be almost the same.

"I'll just say you didn't have a difficult shot. "

Kang Lexun's smile made Gao Yangtong a little unhappy: "Then you didn't take advantage of it." "

"It's just the beginning, and we'll open up the gap later. It was my turn. Qi Xingyan is equally confident.

Before Qi Xingyan was about to play, he suddenly thought of Jiang Yu and said to Jiang Yu behind him: "Jiang Yu, just now I saw that you seem to be very rusty about playing, let me teach you how to play standardly." "

Qi Xingyan began to be a good teacher.

"When you're playing, it's very important to stand because it's the way you get your power perfect. When playing, lean forward at an angle of about 45 degrees to the toes, which is the ideal stance to stand so that the shoulders can be rotated effectively during the swing. "

"Then, when you play, you just need to use the force of your body twisting to get the ball out together. "

As he spoke, Qi Xingyan knocked the ball out.

The landing point of the ball is also near the ball played by Gao Yangtong, even a little further forward than Gao Yangtong, and the landing position is better.

"Jiang Yu, see no, this is the right way to play. Have you learned?"

Jiang Yu nodded: "I should have learned." "

"Don't answer so quickly, it's easy to say, but it's still difficult. If you follow the main points just now, you will probably be able to hit a better one than you. "

After finishing speaking, Qi Xingyan gave up the position of playing to Jiang Yu.

After Jiang Yu came to the playing position, Jiang Yu heard Qi Xingyan's reminder: "Don't forget the point, lean forward forty-five degrees." "

"Yes, yes, I remember. "

Jiang Yu did as Qi Xingyan said, and then swung the ball to hit the ball.

"Phew. "

The ball flew high, and soon far exceeded the distance that Kang Lexun and them hit, and hit the hole beautifully, neatly.

Qi Xingyan, who was still teaching Jiang Yu to play just now, saw the ball go in, and he didn't have a memory: "This is the goal?"

"No... Isn't that wrong? A rookie hits an albatross?" Kang Loxun looked at the ball in the distance in a daze, a little dazed, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Even Gao Yangtong couldn't believe it: "One shot, Jiang Yu's luck is too good, right?"

When Qi Xingyan was surprised, Jiang Yu turned his head and asked with a smile: "I didn't expect to score directly, it seems that my luck is not bad!" Qi Xingyan, you teach you so well, I should be better than the blue, right?"

Blue out of blue and better than blue?

This is the green one's direct second kill blue.

"Count... Sort of!"

Qi Xingyan nodded a little embarrassed, because this blue out of blue is better than blue is not what he wants.

Originally, it was just to let Gao Yangtong play more seriously, and at the same time fulfill what he just said, pointing at Jiang Yu, he didn't think about letting Jiang Yu surpass him at all, which was an accident for him.

Within a few seconds, Qi Xingyan smiled again, after all, Jiang Yu was just a coincidence, there was no need to feel too embarrassed or anything.

In life, who hasn't had some luck in the world.

"Since Jiang Yu is lucky, this goal is directly scored, so let's continue to play with the three of us!"

Jiang Yu has scored, what else can he do with this ball except for the three of them to play?

Then, Gao Yangtong and the three of them walked to the place where the ball landed, and Jiang Yu sat on the car next to him to block the sun first.

Kang Lexun and Qi Xingyan wanted to win against Gao Yangtong, but Gao Yangtong was unwilling to lose, and his performance was very stable. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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