Except for Jiang Yu in the first ball, none of the three people had an advantage, so the three hoped that the second ball could be dominant.

Although Jiang Yu successfully played the albatross just now, Kang Lexun and Qi Xingyan did not take Jiang Yu in their eyes, and their opponent was only Gao Yangtong.

"Gao Yangtong, this time change me to kick off. Kang Lexun took the initiative to speak.

Of course, Gao Yangtong had no opinion, so he let Kang Lexun kick off first.

Originally, Kang Lexun was full of confidence, but suddenly the wind rose, causing his ball to deviate from a relatively large position.

"How can you be so lucky. "

Kang Lexun was a little unhappy: "Jiang Yu was lucky enough to play an albatross just now, why am I so unlucky." "

With such a comparison, Kang Lexun was a little unbalanced.

deviated from the angle of at least 10 degrees, which made it more difficult for him to score in this shot.

Kang Lexun was unhappy, but of course Gao Yangtong was happy.

"Kang Lexun, there is a sudden gust of wind, this kind of thing is very common, there is nothing to worry about. "

"I didn't care. "

"If you don't care, just change me!"

Gao Yangtong took the initiative to play the second ball.

The ball was hit, Gao Yangtong felt that it was not bad, and there was no deviation in the route.

"Qi Xingyan, it's your turn. "

"Good. "

Qi Xingyan's play was very stable, and there was no big deviation when the ball was played.

"Jiang Yu, it's your turn, see how lucky you are this time?"

Qi Xingyan was still a little worried about what had just happened, especially Jiang Yu's sentence that the blue is better than the blue, and Qi Xingyan felt that he was humiliated.

"It's not luck, it's all about your teaching. "

Jiang Yu arrived at the position to play.

The ball was very casual, it flew high and flew far into the hole, and landed in the hole again.

"What the hell, another albatross?" Qi Xingyan's eyes were a little dull, and the whole person was stunned in place, wondering if he had seen it wrong?

"This luck can go to the lottery, right?"

Gao Yangtong and Kang Lexun stood next to each other, also stunned.

Gao Yangtong and Jiang Yu were on the same front, but even so, he felt a little staggering.

The probability of an albatross was originally 1 in 10 million, and Jiang Yu had two in a row, how good was this luck.

Jiang Yu smiled harmlessly: "Ouch, I'm a little lucky, Qi Xingyan, it seems that you really taught me the essence of playing just now, I learned it, I learned it." "

Qi Xingyan opened his mouth, but he couldn't speak.

He didn't know how to type out the letter and teach Jiang Yu a ghost, which was obviously deliberately mocking her.

Qi Xingyan felt that something was not right: "How could someone hit the albatross twice? Even those world champions may not have such ability!"

Kang Lexun was also entangled: "If you want to say luck, it doesn't feel like luck." If you want to say that the strength is strong, it doesn't feel like you have strength, is this relying on strength or luck?"

This question made Qi Xingyan and the others unable to understand.

In the next playing process, Qi Xingyan suddenly thought of a possibility: "Could it be that Jiang Yu's cue is something boring?"

If he thought so, Qi Xingyan felt that it seemed to be able to explain why Jiang Yu could play so well?

Although Qi Xingyan has never heard of any club that can be so magical, but now that the level of science and technology is so developed, what new tools there are, and maybe how amazing it will be.

"It's not a possibility, no, it's a big probability. Qi Xingyan felt that he could try to exchange clubs.

After this ball was played, Jiang Yu came over and prepared to continue playing.

"By the way, Jiang Yu, before you play, let's exchange cues. I feel that the balls you are playing with this club are all superb. If I had changed it, maybe I would have been able to experience the supernatural as well. You don't mind changing it, do you?"

Qi Xingyan didn't know if getting Jiang Yu's cue would improve his level, but if this cue was really boring, even if he couldn't use it, Jiang Yu wouldn't be able to play such a good ball without this cue.

The result can prove that this club is greasy, so Jiang Yu just played so well, it is easy to make jokes.


Jiang Yu very simply handed the club to Qi Xingyan.

Qi Xingyan was a little suspicious that Jiang Yu was so refreshing, but he still exchanged clubs with Jiang Yu.

"Qi Xingyan, since you took my club, why don't you serve first this time?"

"Okay, I'll do it first. "

When Qi Xingyan walked towards the position of playing, he also observed the club.

This club looks very ordinary, no different from an ordinary club, but when he got this club, Qi Xingyan didn't know why, he always had a feeling that he felt very comfortable, as if he had gotten a peerless sword because of the martial arts knights.

"The feeling is coming. "

Qi Xingyan felt that it was not an illusion, he was full of confidence, and after standing in a good position, he put on a super standard playing posture.

"Phew. "

The golf ball soared into the sky, and Qi Xingyan always felt that the ball was played quite perfectly.

The result was the same as Qi Xingyan expected, flying three-quarters of the distance in one ball, and only a quarter of the distance from the hole was left, and he made perfect efforts.

"It's a beautiful shot. If you are lucky with this ball, the probability of hitting the eagle ball is not impossible. Kang Lexun couldn't help but admire beside him.

Qi Xingyan was very satisfied with this result: "Jiang Yu, your club is unusually easy to use! No wonder the ball you played just now was so good." "

"Maybe someone else's stuff is always a little better, so it makes you play beyond the norm. But that's what the course offers. "

"If it's an ordinary cue, Jiang Yu, why don't you lend me this cue, and you use something else?"

"Yes. Jiang Yu's approach to Qi Xingyan was really laughable.

Obviously, he played extraordinarily, but he felt that it was Jiang Yu's cue that gave him strength, what did Jiang Yu say?

"Jiang Yu's cue is so good?"

Kang Lexun was a little skeptical: "Before he changed the cue just now, Qi Xingyan didn't play such a good ball, but now that he has changed the cue, he has played such a good ball, is there anything wrong with Jiang Yu's cue?"

"Qi Xingyan, borrow me the cue!" Kang Lexun stretched out his hand to Qi Xingyan to take the cue.

"Yes, but be careful. "

Qi Xingyan got up, because today's club is an important tool for him to turn the tables against the wind, of course, he has to use it carefully.

When Kang Lexun got this club from Qi Xingyan's hand, I don't know why, Kang Lexun felt that he was full of energy, and there was a feeling of unity between people and clubs, as if the club was in the world, and I had the feeling that the pride began to flourish.

"This club is really special, no wonder Qi Xingyan played so well just now. Kang Lexun suddenly felt that the whole state of the whole person suddenly came up. _

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