This prop appeared in Jiang Yu's hand, just like a stone, Jiang Yu casually threw it into the water.

A stone fell into the water, and no one cared.

After the fish food was thrown down, Jiang Yu continued fishing.

Soon, Jiang Yu's buoy moved.

Jiang Yu originally thought that the fish would struggle as violently as just now, but Jiang Yu found that the process of pulling it back was smooth.

The fish was pulled up, and it weighed two pounds.

"It was a good start to catch such a big fish at the beginning of the competition. "

"It's ok. Jiang Yu knew that it must be the effect of fish food.

For the fish that ate the fish food, Jiang Yu is true love, so of course he will not resist.

"Cut. Guan Haoxuan glanced at it and didn't pay too much attention to it, after all, being fat first is not fat, and it is not certain who can laugh until the end.

Putting the fish in the bucket, Jiang Yu re-tied a bait and threw it into the water.

Less than five minutes later, Jiang Yu's buoy moved again.

Jiang Yu caught a fish again, and this one was a little bigger than it looked just now.

"It's been a few minutes since I took the bait again, and my and Xinwan's hooks haven't moved. Zheng Xilian with a little envy!

"It's okay, after all, I have to control two fishing rods!" Jiang Yu smiled modestly.

Less than five minutes later, Jiang Yu's side heard the sound of battle reports again.

"This fish is at least a pound and a half!"

Guan Haoxuan was attracted by Zheng Xilian's voice, and saw Jiang Yu pull a fish from the water, and the fish bit the hook and didn't struggle much in mid-air.

"Again? "Guan Haoxuan is a little messy.

Three fish in ten minutes, if Jiang Yu's luck is followed, Guan Haoxuan feels that the four of them may not catch as much as Jiang Yu alone.

Jiang Yu's side of the battle report was repeated, Guan Haoxuan was a little anxious in his heart: "Fish, fish, hurry up and take the bait, hurry up and take the bait!"

But no matter how much you pray, the fish are indifferent?

After another six minutes, Jiang Yu's fish took the bait again.

"Jiang Yu, you're too good. "

"yes, you've had no match since you started. "

Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian have nothing to say, Jiang Yu has four fish, and their hooks haven't moved yet.

Jiang Yu's sharpness in fishing made Guan Haoxuan a little panicked: "Why is it another fish of more than a catty?

Even Fang Meixiu, who originally thought that the competition with Jiang Yusan was a bully, felt that the situation was a little not good.

"According to this situation, it is not a question of whether you can win or not, but how miserable it will be to lose. Gotta come on. "

The three of them cheered up, hoping to catch a fish quickly and be happy first, lest none of them take the bait, and Jiang Yu's side had successes, which was too hurtful.

After another three minutes, Jiang Yu dropped another three-pound fish.

"Jiang Yu, why do all the fish eat your bait?" Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian were a little confused.

They are very close to Jiang Yu, why do fish love Jiang Yu's bait?

"It's luck, don't worry, anyway, we're a team, and my luck is your luck. "

"But your luck is so enviable. "

The two knew it was luck, but they just wondered.

Time passed unconsciously, and in this hour, Jiang Yu caught nine more fish, and Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian caught one fish.

Guan Haoxuan and his group only had three people catch a fish, and Guan Haoxuan among them had not caught a fish yet.

Even if it is the three fish caught by Fang Meixiu and the three of them, they add up to only two catties and five taels, which is not as good as Jiang Yu just caught a three-catty fish, and now Jiang Yu is far ahead.

It's already two o'clock, and there are two hours left before the time when it is said to be over, and Jiang Yu and the three of them are still twelve ahead of the quantity, not to mention the quality.

"It's poisonous!"

Jiang Yu's achievement, Guan Haoxuan and the four of them trembled, and they felt that they couldn't catch up.

Guan Haoxuan felt a little hurt, and originally wanted to show his strength, and added Gao Xinwan's contact information, but now it's okay. Don't talk about showing your strength, it's too miserable not to lose.

In order to save a little face, Guan Haoxuan felt that he couldn't take care of face.

Guan Haoxuan came to Jiang Yu's side and said with a smile: "Jiang Yu, your feng shui here is a little good!"

Jiang Yu immediately replied: "Actually, it has nothing to do with the position, it mainly depends on strength." The strength is there, and it's the same wherever it is tuned. Didn't I just say it, fishing, I couldn't find an opponent with a telescope.

"It's too floating. Guan Haoxuan was a little angry in his heart, but he said: "If it really depends on strength, why don't we change positions?"

"This can't work, our position is so good, you suddenly want to change it now, it's not appropriate, right?" Gao Xinwan immediately spoke, feeling that Guan Haoxuan was too tricky.

"yes, how can you change positions when others are lucky. And Xinwan and I are beginners, and Jiang Yu is on the side to help us. "

Guan Haoxuan was a little embarrassed, but Jiang Yu said with a smile: "It's okay, just change it, I don't care." When you do have a fish on the bait, just call me. "

"Great. Guan Haoxuan was overjoyed, and then sat in Jiang Yu's position, and Jiang Yu went to Guan Haoxuan's position.

Guan Haoxuan wanted to chat with Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian, but the two of them felt that Guan Haoxuan's approach was too shameless, so they didn't bother to chat with him at all, and fished indifferently.

Guan Haoxuan is not bored.

After Jiang Yu sat in Guan Haoxuan's position, he said hello to Fang Meixiu and the three of them, and then started fishing.

Three minutes later, Jiang Yu's buoy moved, and Jiang Yu caught a fish very easily.

"Caught a fish so soon?" Guan Haoxuan, who was still waiting for the fish to be hooked, was messed up.

It stands to reason that Jiang Yu's position shouldn't be a treasure of feng shui?

Not to mention that Guan Haoxuan was speechless, Fang Meixiu and the three of them were also helpless.

The three of them only had a fish for more than an hour, and Jiang Yu had only been here for three minutes, and he had caught a fish weighing almost two catties, which was no luck.

When Jiang Yu changed into a new bait, the three of them observed Jiang Yu's bait and found that Jiang Yu's bait was very ordinary.

"Jiang Yu, can you let me try your bait?" Lu Caijing suddenly spoke, feeling that Jiang Yu's bait might look ordinary, and there was something in it.

"Yes, you can pick it yourself!"

Jiang Yu knew that Lu Caijing might feel that there was something wrong with her bait, so it would be more reassuring to let her pick it herself, otherwise Jiang Yu would not trust her if she gave it to her

"You're welcome. "

Lu Caijing came to the box where Jiang Yu put the bait, looked left and right, picked a bait that looked right to the eye, and then hung it on her own hook and put it in the water.

Soon another hour passed, and Lu Caijing originally thought that she should be able to catch at least one fish, but in the whole process, Jiang Yu caught twelve fish, an exaggerated number, and Lu Caijing did not have a single fish for the three of them.

"How can this happen?"

There was only an hour left, and Guan Haoxuan felt that he couldn't win, this was the only time in his fishing career that he lost a match with someone.

"Could it be that even the fish like to look at their faces now? Otherwise, the seven people present, why do the fish love to eat Jiang Yu's bait?"

Guan Haoxuan even had this ridiculous idea in his mind.

But when Guan Haoxuan came up with this thought, he felt that it was not right: "If the fish looks at the face, then not to mention Lu Caijing and Fang Xiumin, at least the two girls around Jiang Yu are standard beauties, why don't the fish buy their accounts? Could it be that the fish caught by Jiang Yu are all female?"

Not to mention that Guan Haoxuan has such suspicions, Fang Meixiu and the three people sitting next to Jiang Yu have this feeling.

"Is it true that you can do whatever you want if you are handsome? Even the fish like him, don't you know that this liking is terrible?"

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