When Fang Meixiu and a few people doubted their lives, they were busy in the car for almost three hours, and Gao Yangtong, who had been holding video conferences, came back.

When Gao Yangtong came back, he saw Jiang Yu sitting next to him, and a stranger sat next to Gao Xinwan and Zheng Xilian, a little confused.

"Xinwan, why did Jiang Yu go over there?"

"We were holding a fishing competition, and Guan Haoxuan, who was competing with us, felt that Jiang Yu was lucky, and Jiang Yu changed positions with Jiang Yu in order to humbly give him a look, and changed his luck. "

Hearing Gao Xinwan say that Jiang Yu was humble, Guan Haoxuan was a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

Gao Yangtong immediately laughed: "You are holding a fishing competition with someone, aren't you looking for abuse? Even if you really want to compete, you should come and talk to me, maybe I can come over early." "

Gao Yangtong ended half an hour ago, but it felt so hot outside, it was better to sit in the car and blow the air conditioner, so I didn't come.

Now Gao Yangtong felt that he seemed to be late, and he should have come over to help earlier, lest Jiang Yu and the others lose too badly.

"No need, Jiang Yu alone will basically win. "

Gao Xinwan agreed to participate in this fishing competition, and really thought that if she lost too badly, she would ask Gao Yangtong to help.

But now the contrast between the situation is too obvious, and Gao Xinwan feels that she and Zheng Xilian don't have to work hard.

"Jiang Yu won alone, how is this possible, isn't he a beginner?" Gao Yangtong immediately questioned.

In fact, Guan Haoxuan, who was sitting next to him, also wanted to ask, he thought so before Jiang Yu caught a fish, so he also wanted to know why a beginner could win the four of them steadily, and why his luck was so good that it was desperate all of a sudden.

"I'm not wrong, Jiang Yu alone has caught more than 20 fish, and the four of them have caught three fish, Jiang Yu's personal number is far ahead, isn't it a steady win?

"Don't make a fuss. Jiang Yu caught more than 20 fish by himself, can he be so sharp?" Gao Yangtong couldn't help but be amused.

"Even if I've been working and come late, I'm your brother, you can't joke with me. "

Gao Yangtong felt that Gao Xinwan and several people must have wanted to unite to play tricks on him, complaining that he had been working and had not come to fish.

"I'll do the math for you, catch a fish in 20 minutes, I'll leave for three hours, at most ten fish, how can there be more than 20 fish, double the number?"

As a high-achieving student who graduated from a world-famous school, if he can't figure out such a simple question, Gao Yangtong feels that he doesn't need to be confused.

Guan Haoxuan felt that he still had the right to speak, and his voice was depressed: "Brother, don't be unconvinced, now that the world has changed, even the fish have begun to look at their faces." He really caught 20 fish in two hours, a sharp batch, I started fishing with my dad in my spare time when I was 15 years old, and I have been in the industry for 12 years, and I have never seen this happen. "

"Are you kidding?" Gao Yangtong's brow furrowed.

"Just kidding, just take a look at the two buckets next to him. "

"Forget it, just take it for real!"

Gao Yangtong pretended to believe it, and cooperated with the performances of several people, and sneered in his heart: "Several people are really similar, and they all give the fish to Jiang Yu, this little cleverness thinks I can't see it?"

Now that he is back, Gao Yangtong plans to go to Jiang Yu's side to get the fishing rod back.

"Jiang Yu, give me the fishing rod. "

"Okay. "

As Jiang Yu spoke, the buoy moved.

"Wait a minute, your rod has a fish on the hook. "

Jiang Yu quickly reels in the line.

Seeing Jiang Yu's way of reeling the line, Gao Yangtong immediately said: "Jiang Yu, you are too anxious. The buoy only moved slightly, and the fish was clearly not fully hooked yet, so you had to let it eat for a while. So don't rush to reel in the line, stop and let the fish eat for a while. "

Gao Yangtong immediately opened his mouth to give Jiang Yu some instructions, and said secretly: "Jiang Yu is really still a novice, he wants to take back the fish as soon as the buoy moves, how can it be so easy, just this, can you catch twenty fish in two hours?"

Gao Yangtong became more and more sure that Gao Xinwan and they were playing with him together.

"Actually, it's not that much trouble. "

Jiang Yu didn't listen to Gao Yangtong's command and quickly took back the line.

"Alas, don't listen to good people. "

Gao Yangtong predicted that there was a high probability that he would not be able to catch fish, and he felt a little sorry.

However, when Jiang Yu pulled the hook out of the water, a fish hung on the hook and left the water with it, without struggling, so when it was just pulled out of the water, there was no splashing.

"Is this caught?" Gao Yangtong was a little stunned, wondering if he had read it wrong.

"No matter whose bait it it is, these fish don't resist, they like Jiang Yu so much, do you want to serve Jiang Yu as a Chinese meal when they die?"

Because the bait in Jiang Yu's box ran out, Fang Meixiu took the initiative to give Jiang Yu bait.

Even using her bait had such an effect, Fang Meixiu knew that it was not a problem with the bait, it was Jiang Yu's luck that was really good.

Fang Meixiu and several people were very unconvinced: "These fish are really persistent, they prefer Jiang Yu, don't they know that they are partial to them?

"Jiang Yu, isn't there something wrong with your fish, why doesn't it feel normal, and you don't resist when you catch it?" Gao Yangtong immediately spoke.

When a fish is caught, it normally struggles violently, and Jiang Yu, the fish, can't see such a phenomenon at all. So there must be a problem.

Jiang Yu replied, "This fish is normal!"

"That's going to be normal, this fish vitality is definitely not good. "

Gao Yangtong helped Jiang Yu take the fish off the hook.

As soon as it came, the fish kept slapping, and Gao Yangtong didn't catch it steadily, so the fish fished directly into the water, and then dived into the water.

Gao Yangtong still wanted to show the fish what was wrong, but before he could taste it, it was gone.

"Now even fish can act?"

Gao Yangtong felt that the fish must have deliberately pretended to be dead.

But now is not the time to pursue this question, and the fish is embarrassing for him to return to the water.

"Jiang Yu, I didn't mean to. "

"It's okay, just go back. Just fish again. Anyway, this fishing tournament has been won. "

"I'll help you catch a fish and come back. "

Gao Yangtong still has this confidence.

Gao Yangtong felt that Jiang Yu's position was good, so he sat next to Jiang Yu to fish.

After five minutes, Jiang Yu caught a fish.

Six minutes later, Jiang Yu caught another fish.

Half an hour passed unconsciously, Jiang Yu caught four fish, but Gao Yangtong didn't move here, and Fang Meixiu next to them didn't move.

In particular, Ma Yuhua and Lu Caijing went fishing closer to the side, so as not to be affected by Jiang Yu's luck, but there was no difference in the result.

Four fish in half an hour, Gao Yangtong suddenly felt that what Gao Xinwan said just now didn't seem to be a joke.

"Funny, the fish eat Jiang Yu's bait?"

Gao Yangtong expressed his dissatisfaction, feeling that it was not good to sit next to Jiang Yu, and when he was by Jiang Yu's side, he returned to his original position, covered by an umbrella, and felt more comfortable.

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