In the last half hour, Gao Yangtong was a little anxious: "No matter what, you have to catch a fish, and pay Jiang Yu for the fish you just got back into the water." "

Guan Haoxuan and the others are even more anxious, if they can't catch any more fish, their team will only have three fish, how can they take it out to meet people.

"God, don't be kidding, after so many years of fishing, can't you give me the worst result today, right?"

Everyone else is setting new records, and if they end up with a fish today, it will be the worst result of their fishing career.

Time passed minute by minute, and after seven minutes, Jiang Yu caught another fish.

Four minutes later another fish.

Nine minutes later another fish.

A minute before the end of the game, Jiang Yu caught another fish.

Except for Jiang Yu, the rest of the people found nothing.

"I've never failed like this, I can't catch a fish in three hours, and I haven't fished for a year. Guan Haoxuan angrily slapped the water with a fishing rod to vent the anger in his heart. "

Fang Meixiu and the others were not as excited as Guan Haoxuan, but depression was indispensable.

"The world has really changed, and the fish have begun to look at their faces, and they can still do it. Gao Yangtong suddenly believed this statement.

If you don't look at your face, why is Jiang Yu so outstanding?

At the end of the fishing competition, the results of both sides do not need to be weighed at all, and it is very clear who wins and who loses.

When Jiang Yu walked back with two buckets, Guan Haoxuan also walked back and collided head-on with Jiang Yu.

"It seems that my luck today is okay, Guan Haoxuan, I'm sorry, I won against you four veterans as a beginner. "

"No... Never mind. Luck is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Guan Haoxuan reluctantly smiled.

"It's good not to be sad, the game, it's just a win and a loss. Well, then, I will give you half of the fish I have caught, so that you will not come here today empty-handed. "

"No need. Guan Haoxuan immediately refused.

"Let's take it. "

When Jiang Yu handed the bucket to Guan Haoxuan, he said in a relatively low voice: "You didn't get the contact information of my two friends, and if you don't take the fish now, won't you get nothing?"

"You... How do you know?" Guan Haoxuan subconsciously did not deny it, but asked softly, "Could it be that Fang Meixiu told you?"

The only thing Guan Haoxuan could think of was being betrayed by Fang Xiumin and their teammates.

"They didn't tell me. I've noticed just now that you've been looking this way, so what are you thinking about, do you think you can hide it from me? Don't say it, just because I don't want my two friends to be unhappy, so as not to feel uncomfortable being accosted by someone like you. "

Jiang Yu felt that if he said that Haoxuan was here to talk, then it was estimated that Gao Xinwan and the others would not be in the mood to fish in the next few hours.

"It's been seen through a long time ago. Guan Haoxuan's face was ugly, knowing that Jiang Yu agreed to the fishing competition with the intention of teaching him a lesson, and for a while, he regretted it very much, "It seems that he has met a master." "

was beaten in the field of fishing that he is good at, and almost made him lose confidence in fishing, so he lost a hobby for a way to connect, and now looking back, Guan Haoxuan feels that it is not worth it.

"Let me tell you a reason, if you want to talk in the future, you can talk to you, don't think about stepping on others, that will be a loss. "

Guan Haoxuan didn't stretch out his hand, Jiang Yu put the bucket beside Guan Haoxuan, and then left.

"Prevent the fishing tournament from being demolished, and reward 10 million. "

If Guan Haoxuan didn't think so carefully, in fact, he might not be able to get Gao Xinwan's contact information today, they all wanted to step on Jiang Yu, then Jiang Yu could only mention a reward of 10 million.

At this time, Fang Xiumin and Lu Caijing picked up the bucket from Guan Haoxuan and ran to Jiang Yu's side.

"This is what you worked so hard to catch, and it's not good to give it to us, so you might as well take it back. "

"It's okay, it's rare to meet fate, it's nothing to give you a little. There are too many of these fish for us to eat, and if they are wasted, we might as well share them together. So you're welcome. "

"Thank you then. Not only are you a good level of fishing, but you are also so generous, you are really a very good fishing friend. Otherwise, let's add a contact information, and maybe we can make an appointment to go out fishing together next time, what do you think?"

When Fang Meixiu finished speaking, the two of them took out their mobile phones.

"It's okay, it's good to have a chance to come fishing. "

Jiang Yu added a friend of the two of them, because Jiang Yu felt that fishing was much more interesting than playing golf.

"Good looks are so advantageous?" Guan Haoxuan was full of envy and jealousy.

Jiang Yu is good-looking, Fang Meixiu and Lu Caijing took the initiative to ask for Jiang Yu's contact information by returning the fish.

And Guan Haoxuan wanted a contact information for Gao Xinwan or Zheng Xilian, he had just sat together fishing for so long, and neither of them gave him a good face, and he didn't even say that he took the initiative to add a contact information, ask him for advice or go out fishing together next time, the gap made him feel full of internal injuries!

Now, Guan Haoxuan really knows that being good-looking is really useful.


After cleaning up the aftermath, Jiang Yu and several people walked to the parking position.

"Jiang Yu, I've already arranged dinner, just follow my car later!"

"Dinner was all arranged, I thought we were going to eat grilled fish. "

Gao Yangtong didn't have any arrangements for dinner before.

"It's not a problem to want to eat grilled fish, just go back and ask the chef to help you make it. "

"I don't have to eat grilled fish. Okay, where are you going to eat today?"

Now that they came out to play and have a meal together, Jiang Yu felt that it was nothing.

"Just follow me. "

Gao Yangtong specially sold a pass.

Jiang Yu drove the car, kept following Gao Yangtong, and finally stopped in front of a villa.

This is a very large villa, the yard alone has at least 800 square meters, in such a place as the imperial capital, this villa is worth a lot.

"Where is this?"

"This is a villa for my family's party. Gao Xinwan opened her mouth to answer Jiang Yu.

"Your family's party villa, why did you decide the last place to eat at your house, it's so troublesome, and you have to clean it up. "

"Jiang Yu, in fact, it's like this, on the one hand, I invited you to dinner, and on the other hand, because my dad wants to meet you. "

"Your dad wants to see me, it can't be a work thing, right?"

"Not anymore. "

Gao Yangtong denied it with a smile, afraid that Jiang Yu would leave now.

"Last time, you helped my company develop a very good plan, so my dad and uncle wanted to see you. "

"It's not necessary, the last time I helped you was to get paid and work normally. If you really want to meet, just make an appointment in a place like the company. "

Jiang Yu didn't mind meeting Gao Yangtong's father, because Jiang Yu could talk to them about cooperation.

But Jiang Yu felt that cooperation should not talk about personal favors, and it would be more appropriate to talk during normal working hours, and it would be with some personal feelings like now.

"Let's sit down first. "

Gao Yangtong took Jiang Yu into the villa.

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