After Jiang Yu left, Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan were discussing things in the study.

"Wen Yuan, what kind of project do you think Jiang Yu is going to carry out? If what he said is true, he has really prepared six billion funds, which is not a small amount. "

Although Jiang Yu's words before made Gao Jiancheng very unhappy, for the sake of face, he didn't open his mouth to ask Jiang Yu what project he wanted to talk about, but he was still a little curious in his heart.

If the 60000000000000 funds are really ready to be in place, it shows that Jiang Yu's ambition is not small!

"I'm also thinking about this, but the only thing that is certain is that if Jiang Yu prepares such sufficient funds, he must plan to start from the aspect of high-end catering, and he will directly become our competitor, in short, we must take precautions in advance. "

"It seems that we need to send someone to take a look at Jiang Yu's recent movements and see how he wants to enter this industry. "

"Actually, that's what I thought. I thought he would come to work in our company, but I didn't expect that there would be another competitor in this industry, which is really a headache, I hope this competitor is really just a layman!"

"I hope so!"

The two men sighed.

Half an hour later, Jiang Yu returned home and made a call to Xue Yao.

"Xue Yao, about President Lian Xiaotian's hotel, buy it as soon as possible. "

"Mr. Jiang, aren't you going to cooperate with the Xuanchu Group today?

Xue Yao was a little surprised, because their business model was very likely to be successful, and Xue Yao couldn't figure out why someone would refuse.

"There's no way, the other party is a veteran catering company, and I don't look down on laymen like us, so I didn't negotiate, so let's do it myself." "

"Okay, then I understand, I'll have someone contact Mr. Lian tomorrow. "

"Hmm. "

After the communication ended, Jiang Yu hung up the phone.

After that, Jiang Yu was not idle, because the people in his own company were doing various investment projects with Xue Yao, so the manpower for Jiang Yu was relatively tight, and Jiang Yu himself had to help find which restaurants were worth talking about.

After other catering companies did not react, they took down all the distinctive stores.


Gao Jiancheng and the others wanted to find out Jiang Yu's movements, but it was not so easy to think, because Jiang Yu was at home every day for the next three days on video calls with those small teams in the company.

What they mainly want to report to Jiang Yu is how many stores they talk about every day, and Jiang Yu is to check all kinds of information and provide them with backup.

After three days, Jiang Yu found that it was going well, and for the owner of the specialty restaurant, Jiang Yu invested in their store, accounting for 51% of the shares, ensuring control and bringing more long-term cooperation.

Even if they don't have a controlling stake, Jiang Yu definitely hopes that the business of the store will grow, and the benefit it will bring them is that they can cooperate with the big hotel, so there is nothing to disagree.

In three days, the imperial capital alone has already negotiated 70 stores.

Gao Jiancheng and the others inquired about the news through their own channels, but Jiang Yu was always at home.

In order to brainstorm, in the afternoon of this day, in the study of the villa, Gao Jiancheng found Zheng Wenyuan, Shao Weiyan, Zhang Hongfang and Ding Liguo.

"A few days ago, Jiang Yu told me and Wen Yuan very well, saying that he had prepared 60 billion funds and would start the project soon, but he didn't make any moves, it didn't look like he really had any plans to start the project, what do you say he plans to do. "

Ding Liguo immediately said: "If there is no movement, it means that the funds are not in place." 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "

"Even if there were, we wouldn't invest so much in just one project. So his words should have some moisture, maybe he just wanted to use this project to talk to us about cooperation and get benefits. Then after negotiating with us, he used this project to find investors to attract investment, and both sides will enjoy the benefits, which is not impossible. "

"Makes sense. Zhang Hongfang immediately agreed.

"There is a truth, but it can't be so careless. Jiang Yu can become the head of the 100 billion group, and he still has some ability. Whether it is a big word or not, we just need to wait and see what happens. "

Zhang Hongfang was relatively calm and far-sighted.

"In fact, what project Jiang Yu really did had little impact on us, even if we became competitors, we had enough time to react. The catering and hotel industry itself is a heavy asset, and 60 billion yuan can't buy many hotels and restaurants. "

"Our hotel chain is a national chain, so many assets have been accumulated in 30 years, how can it be said that Jiang Yu will be surpassed casually, there is no such possibility. "

"As a layman, Jiang Yu's only advantage is that he has a good business model. But the catering industry has been in a good way for so many years, what kind of business model can you say? Even if there is really a good business model, as long as we learn it, with the scale of our enterprise, Jiang Yu will still not make any waves. "

"I agree with Lao Zhang's statement. Shao Weiyan agreed.

"The catering industry is really not so easy to be disrupted!"

Zheng Wenyuan said: "Actually, Lao Gao and I are more concerned about what Jiang Yu said before, which can help our company grow its performance. "

"Don't worry about it, just keep it the same. After so many years of so many people rushing into the catering industry, we have only been compressed profit margins, and they have not collapsed, Jiang Yu has nothing to fear. "

"Well, since you're all judging that, I won't think much about it. "

In fact, Gao Jiancheng himself thinks so, but sometimes a person is a little uneasy to think so, so it will be more reassuring to discuss it with a few of his old friends.

In fact, the hotel industry is at the heart of their family business.

Xuanchu Group has a market value of 120 billion, even if Gao Jiancheng has the most shares, in fact, only about 20% of the shares.

However, the various partners of Xuanchu Group are all companies they open or invest in, which is an important source of Gao Jiancheng's family's assets of more than 70 billion.

If there is irreversible damage to their hotel, the entire business empire may be directly subverted, so this is what Gao Jiancheng is most worried about.

After a few people were relieved, Jiang Yu's money was being spent in an uproar.

After another three days, Jiang Yu got the news from Xue Yao and bought all the hotel assets at Lian Xiaotian's side at a price of 9.7 billion.

Xue Yao did things exactly according to Jiang Yu's requirements, low-key and secretive, and didn't let competitors know.

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