After Xue Yao bought Lian Xiaotian's hotel, colleagues who had gone to other first-tier cities to discuss cooperation signed contracts with the owners of those characteristic hotels on the same day.

Several first-tier cities and several quasi-first-tier cities, a total of ten cities, a total of 600 stores, Jiang Yu 3.5 billion on the same day.

Coupled with the 20 billion spent in the past few days, Jiang Yu has now spent 5.5 billion.

"Spending money is like running water, and stores in first-tier cities are too expensive. "

Especially if Jiang Yu buys it urgently, the other party will have a certain premium.

Although a lot of money is spent, Jiang Yu has basically achieved a controlling stake of 51 shares in these distinctive and famous stores in first-tier and quasi-some cities.

Fortunately, there are still 2.5 billion invested by Shen Feng and them, and Jiang Yu's company now has 7 billion funds, which is enough to continue to invest.

On the fifth day, Jiang Yu drove the Audi out, because there was a dessert shop that didn't go well, Jiang Yu had to talk about it himself.

drove the Audi out, mainly to look poorer, so as not to make the other party's lion open his mouth, after all, Jiang Yu spent another 2 billion in the past two days, and there was only 5 billion funds.

Soon, Jiang Yu drove to the outside of this store called Autumn Dessert Shop.

When Jiang Yu arrived, he was quite surprised to see the location of this store.

This shop is not like a row of storefronts, but a large independent storefront, and there is a garden outside the yard, and the garden is very well decorated.

It's not in the middle of the city, it's a bit like it's deliberately away from the city.

"No wonder this dessert shop is quite famous and has such a unique style!"

Nowadays, most people like to choose the location of the store in a lively place, but this store is the opposite, so Jiang Yu thinks it is quite rare.

Jiang Yu came early, it was only eight o'clock at this time, and this store had just opened, and there were no other customers in the store, only the owner here was preparing for the opening.

The owner of this shop is a girl about 25 years old, with only a light makeup on her face, and her hair tied up relatively simply, which is a bit of a pastoral girl's temperament, which is very in line with the feeling of this store.

Seeing that a guest came to the door, Lin Huanya smiled and said: "This guest, you came a little early, and the things in our store are not complete, and there may not be anything you want to eat, so please forgive me." "

"I just want a cup of mocha. "

"Okay. "

Lin Huanya smiled and agreed: "You can sit down first, and I will be able to get it done right away." "

"Good. "

Jiang Yu found a place by the window and sat down.

After three minutes, Lin Huanya brought a cup of coffee, and also put down a piece of tiramisu in front of Jiang Yu.

"I didn't ask for Tiramisu. "

"The first customer of the day in our store has a gift. "

"That's right, thank you. "

Jiang Yu picked up the fork and tasted tiramisu.

"Tiramisu tastes good, not particularly sweet, just for people like me who have a lighter taste. "

"Because I put maltose, the sweetness is not particularly sweet, but it is very fragrant. You take your time and call me if you need to. "

Just as Lin Huanya was about to go back and continue to prepare for the opening, Jiang Yu said, "By the way, is your boss here?"

"I'm the boss. "

"You're the boss. Jiang Yu was a little surprised, the boss came, and there was not a single employee in this store.

"Now it's time to sit down and talk. "

"Okay. "

Lin Huanya didn't look like Jiang Yu was here to talk, so she didn't refuse.

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Jiang Yu. "

"Mr. Jiang, my name is Lin Huanya, whatever you call me, you are happy. Lin Huanya spoke very angrily.

Jiang Yu found that Lin Huanya really didn't look like a businessman.

"Boss Lin, I'm a little strange, why didn't I see the staff in your store. It stands to reason that the owner of a store has come, so why haven't the employees come yet?"

"The staff in my store usually ask them to come by at 11 o'clock, because the busiest time in my store is in the afternoon. "

"The main customers of my store are some high-end white-collar workers and gold-collar workers. "

"Most white-collar and gold-collar workers usually go to work, and they are only free on weekends, and they definitely want to sleep in the morning on weekends, so most of them come in the afternoon, or come at noon to have a simple dessert instead of lunch and breakfast. In the morning, my shop is not too busy, I can do it by myself. "

said that he could do it himself, Jiang Yu knew that it must be to save wages.

"Boss Lin, yesterday the employees of my company came to talk to you about investment, you seem to be dissatisfied, why don't you tell me directly, as long as it is not excessive, I can agree." Jiang Yu asked straight to the point.

Lin Huanya suddenly realized, no wonder Jiang Yu asked her to sit down and talk.

Lin Huanya smiled and said: "Actually, your company is willing to invest 10 million in me, which is really very generous, but I opened this shop mainly to make money on the one hand, and my interest in making desserts on the other hand." "

"After you invest in the holdings, you ask me to provide more desserts, which I don't want because it will become very busy. I asked for 20 million, in fact, I just wanted to refuse you, but I didn't expect your company to change someone. "

Lin Huanya also thought that after she opened her mouth in order to refuse, the other party would be angry and definitely not come again.

This store has a good reputation in the circle of high-end white-collar workers and gold-collar workers, and of course Jiang Yu is coming.

"Boss Lin, as far as I know, this store is rented by you, and the annual rent is as high as millions. Although you can still make ends meet, it's still a little bit of pressure on you, and in order to make money, you spend less time researching new desserts, which should be contrary to your belief that making desserts is a hobby. "

Lin Huanya didn't speak, because Lin Huanya's greatest pleasure is that she can make all kinds of different desserts every day, but in order to make a living, she needs to make some compromises.

Jiang Yu knew that Lin Qiu was a person who was a little idealistic about life, so Jiang Yu had to talk to her about ideals.

Jiang Yu continued: "If you accept our investment, you will immediately be able to get 10 million cash through equity transfer, which is enough to make you live without any worries for the next ten years. Your parents don't stress you out. The reason why we want to hold a controlling stake is only for stable and long-term cooperation. "

"And I will buy this storefront, and if you continue to open the store, you can also get rid of the rent every year, and you will be much less stressed. And you just need to concentrate on the cake, isn't it? The desserts that need to be served only need to be made by the other pastry chefs in the shop, isn't it?"

"If making desserts is your hobby, wouldn't it be more rewarding for more people to enjoy the desserts you make?"

Jiang Yu's words made Lin Huanya a little moved.

If it's really like Jiang Yu said, it seems that she really just needs to find a quiet place by herself, make new desserts every day, and if she is satisfied, she can launch them in the store, and she doesn't have to worry about financial troubles, it seems to be really perfect.

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