Jiang Yu said it very well, but Lin Huanya still had some concerns.

"Mr. Jiang, I have a question. You are in the catering industry and need to provide desserts to the guests of the hotel, why not find some pastry chefs yourself?"

"Your dessert is more famous in the circle of high-end people, I find a master to make desserts and make a name for myself, it's too troublesome, and the guests may not like it." And each guest's preferences are different, our desserts are made, the guests may not like it, I don't just cooperate with you a dessert shop, depending on which store the guest likes, I will provide which store, but the premise is that I need to cooperate with a famous dessert shop. "

"I see. Lin Huanya nodded in understanding.

"That's why I'm genuinely looking for your cooperation. If more people like your desserts, I think you will be proud to be a pastry chef. "

Lin Huanya nodded and smiled: "Mr. Jiang, you can talk more than your colleague yesterday, your colleague yesterday just talked to me about the future after cooperating with you, and you also talked to me about the sense of accomplishment of being a pastry chef, I was convinced by you." "

"You mean we can work together, right? If you are not satisfied with 10 million, you can tell me how much you want. "

"No need to negotiate anymore, 10 million will do. I think it would be more interesting to find a like-minded person than to have a little more money. However, although I do not ask for more money, our specific contract must be clearly written, and we cannot interfere with my business, even if the controlling stake is on your side. At least the dessert recipe that I researched myself, you can't just change it. "

"That's no problem, I'm just holding to ensure stability, because if the controlling stake is on your side, one day you throw away my side, I will be very passive. "

Jiang Yu is afraid that other hotels will learn their own business models, and the controlling stake is not on Jiang Yu's side, in case other competitors give better conditions, leaving Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu will have no unique advantages, and the investment of two or three hundred billion yuan will be wasted.

"Okay, that's settled. Let's talk about the details!"

"Yes, you can ask for anything. "

Jiang Yu felt that it was quite good, and the process of chatting with Lin Huanya went more smoothly than expected.

While the two men were discussing the fine print, a McLaren stopped in the roadside parking space of the store, and a young man stepped out of the car.

This person was none other than Qi Xingyan, who was playing golf with Jiang Yu that day.

After getting out of the car, Qi Xingyan took down a bouquet of stars from the co-pilot and walked towards the dessert shop.

Just getting closer, Qi Xingyan said with a smile: "Huanya, in the new week, I wish you a prosperous business in your store..."

The happy voice stopped abruptly, and Qi Xingyan saw that Lin Huanya was chatting with a young man with his back to him, and the smile on his face disappeared completely for a while.

Lin Huanya's smile as she said was something she had never had when she chatted with him, and Qi Xingyan immediately felt a little jealous in her heart.

"What's the situation, isn't it just that I haven't come here for the past two days, and someone has come here to do something?" Qi Xingyan was a little unhappy.

At this time, Lin Huanya noticed Qi Xingyan at the door of the store.

"I'm sorry, I've got a friend coming, I'll say hello later. "

"Forget it, we'll just call for the rest. "

"That's fine. "

Lin Huanya felt that this was a trade secret, and it was indeed inconvenient for outsiders to be there.

Jiang Yu got up from his position, and Lin Huanya also got up from his position, intending to send Jiang Yu off.

"You don't need to send it, you just greet your friends. "

When Jiang Yu turned around, Qi Xingyan realized that the person who had just talked and laughed with Lin Huanya was actually Jiang Yu.

"How are you?"

"It's Qi Xingyan, it's really a coincidence!" Jiang Yu was also quite surprised.

"It's a coincidence. Qi Xing's tone was cold, "Jiang Yu, you seem to be very familiar with Huanya, but I don't seem to have seen you here before." "

"Are you familiar with Boss Lin?"

"She was my high school classmate. "

"I'm sure I'm not familiar with you, I'm here for the first time today. "

"The first time you came, you chatted with Huanya so hotly, did you get along with the girl?"

Jiang Yu heard another meaning from Qi Xingyan's words.

Lin Huanya naturally heard this meaning, and felt that what Qi Xingyan said was very inappropriate.

Jiang Yu was too lazy to worry about Qi Xingyan: "I'm not as good at talking to girls as you are, so don't think about it, I came here mainly to talk about cooperation with Boss Lin." "

"What do you have to talk about cooperation? "

Lin Huanya immediately answered: "Qi Xingyan, why are you asking so much? This is a trade secret between me and Mr. Jiang, how can I tell outsiders casually?"

"I'm an outsider, I've actually become an outsider, what's the matter, are Jiang Yu and Lin Huanya insiders?"

Hearing these two words, Qi Xingyan felt a little uncomfortable.

For a long time, Qi Xingyan thought that he was not an outsider or a lover here in Lin Huanya, at least he was his own person.

Qi Xingyan immediately said: "Huanya, we are classmates, I have the responsibility to help you check whether the people you cooperate with are reliable." Besides, if you really want to cooperate, why don't you look for me? My family is in the restaurant and hotel business, and you would rather cooperate with outsiders than with me, I don't understand what you are thinking. "

"Qi Xingyan, just because we are classmates, I don't want to have any interests with the company in your family, I think it's good to be an ordinary friend, so my cooperation with Jiang Yu is my business with him, you don't need to worry about it!"

Qi Xingyan had said before that he would help Lin Huanya make the store bigger and make more money, but Lin Huanya knew that Qi Xingyan's help was not just financial support, so she always refused.

And in Lin Huanya's opinion, Qi Xingyan is also an outsider, no difference.

"Jiang Yu, in the future, I will ask this major shareholder to pay more attention to my small store and come to inspect the store. If I come up with a new dessert, I'll have to try it yourself. "

"Yes, if you have a new dessert, you can come to me and try it. "

Jiang Yu is still very interested in desserts, so he will talk about it in person.

While talking, Lin Huanya sent Jiang Yu in the direction of the door.

At this time, Qi Xingyan immediately shouted: "Wait a minute." "

"Jiang Yu, you can't bully Huanya, I don't understand. It's not kind to you to do business like this. "

Jiang Yu stopped, completely confused.

"I bullied Boss Lin and was not sensible? Qi Xingyan, what you said makes me very confused, Boss Lin, do I have any behavior to deceive you?"

"No, Qi Xingyan, don't talk nonsense, I chatted with Mr. Jiang very openly and honestly, and the idea of cooperation hit it off. "

Lin Huanya was a little unhappy in her heart, because she had a good chat with Jiang Yu, and felt that Jiang Yu was a good partner, and now Qi Xingyan always said something that was easy to offend people, this was to mess up her cooperation, right?

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