After hanging up the phone, Lin Huanya happily ran to Jiang Yu and said apologetically: "Jiang Yu, you must forgive me for not keeping my promise just now." "

"Don't worry, since I say so, I am naturally willing to cooperate with you. I was very satisfied with your attitude just now. "

"Thank you, thank you. "

Lin Huanya thanked Jiang Yu with joy, knowing that her behavior just now was not very good.

However, Lin Huanya knew that the financial compensation to Jiang Yu that she just said should be an important reason why Jiang Yu was willing to forgive herself.

At that moment, Lin Huanya just felt a little sorry for Jiang Yu, so she thought about giving some financial compensation, but she didn't expect it to help her.

Seeing Jiang Yu and Lin Huanya reaching such a happy cooperation, Qi Xingyan felt that he couldn't just sit idly by.

"Wait a minute, don't panic, Huanya, in fact, I agree with what Jiang Yu just said, a good collaborator can make you grow. "

Qi Xingyan planned to say it differently.

"In fact, in the final analysis, if Gu Qimei runs this dessert shop with you, it can only add some motivation to you, but it will not make you a good pastry chef. If you cooperate with me, I can let you learn from your idol's pastry chef, Zhuo Qizhou, for a while. "

"You should know. My family has a dessert business, and I have some cooperation with Cangqi Group. If our company comes forward and asks him to come to our company to train the pastry chef, it will be absolutely fine. When the time comes, I can arrange for you to come to the company and let you receive the training of Master Zhuo Qizhou, don't you want to cooperate with your idol master?"


Qi Xingyan's words made Lin Huanya hesitate again, and her heart was very entangled.

On the one hand, Gu Qimei is her life idol, and Zhuo Qizhou is her career idol, both of whom are very admired.

But now that she is asked to choose between Gu Qimei and Zhuo Qizhou, he also feels very embarrassed!

"It seems that the system knows Qi Xingyan very well. "

Jiang Yu finally understood why the system had just given him 100% more equity in Cangqi Group, and it turned out that he knew that Qi Xingyan still wanted to use such a bargaining chip to hinder Jiang Yu from reaching a cooperation with Lin Huanya.

"Qi Xingyan, your approach is really a bit shameless, always using other people's idols as bargaining chips, it's really too much!"

Qi Xingyan smiled proudly: "Jiang Yu, how can this be called excessive, I am doing this for the sake of Huanya." If she can study with Master Zhuo Qizhou for a period of time, Huanya's research on desserts will go further, which is an important boost that really helps her career to reach a new peak, rather than letting Gu Qimei cooperate with her to open a store. "

Jiang Yu was a little dumbfounded: "It's really rare for a person to be shameless to this extent." Obviously, it was he who proposed to arrange for Gu Qimei and Lin Huanya to cooperate, why is it now in Qi Xingyan's mouth, this is a big mistake?"

Regarding Qi Xingyan's double standard, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "Yes, Qi Xingyan, you are right, I agree with your idea very much." "

"Since you agree, let's go by yourself, so as not to make Huanya entangled in the final whether to choose to cooperate with you or with me. "

"That's true, but I don't think you can't. Why do you want to make random promises? "

"Heh, I can't do it?" Qi Xingyan was shocked.

Jiang Yu had just bought the Baiyan Brokerage Division, so he couldn't do it, otherwise what could he not do?

Qi Xingyan was full of confidence, and replied categorically: "Jiang Yu, you can put ten thousand hearts, this time the matter is very solid." Cangqi Company has cooperated with my family's dessert branch for many years, and this face is still there. "

"It's hard to say, because I'm very embarrassed that this company is still mine. Cangqi Food Company, I have a 100% controlling stake, so it seems that I can help Lin Huanya do this? "

"You're kidding. Qi Xingyan subconsciously shouted.

Qi Xingyan was really messy: "How come I know what Lin Huanya wants, Jiang Yu can know, and Jiang Yu has already prepared in advance, why is it so coincidental?"

"I'm certainly not kidding. "

"Impossible, Jiang Yu, this company has a market value of 8 billion, how can you afford it. Qi Xingyan still couldn't believe it.

"Probably not, you can just call and ask. "

Jiang Yu's words were full of confidence, and Qi Xingyan's expression became difficult to see.

Qi Xingyan was a little unbelieving, and finally took out his mobile phone and made a call.

The phone was called, and when he finally hung up the phone, Qi Xingyan's whole face was completely gloomy.

In fact, Qi Xingyan could have used these conditions to let Lin Huanya reach a cooperation with him, but considering that he didn't want Lin Huanya to feel that he was not sincere, he never took out these bargaining chips.

As a result, taking out these chips today, they became Jiang Yu's chips, and Qi Xingyan's mood was as uncomfortable as eating flies.

"Damn Jiang Yu, it always makes me unhappy. Qi Xingyan had a hatred in his heart.

It was like this when he was playing golf before, and now it's still like this, I don't know why, Qi Xingyan suddenly had an illusion, feeling that Jiang Yu was here to specifically restrain him.

Qi Xingyan knew that he and Jiang Yu were completely on the same page.

Qi Xingyan opened his mouth, and wanted to say that Jiang Yu had specially investigated Lin Huanya's preferences, and his scheming was relatively deep, so he asked Lin Huanya not to cooperate with him.

But Qi Xingyan felt that if he said this, he might completely offend Lin Huanya, not to mention that now Lin Huanya is still waiting with joy to cooperate with Jiang Yu, and she won't listen to what she says, so what she should say can only end here.

"You're amazing. "

When he left these words, when Qi Xingyan was about to go back to think of countermeasures, Jiang Yu's voice sounded again.

"I'm pretty good. But Qi Xingyan, just now you said that I can't compare to you with 100, so I want to ask you, you and me, Cangqi Food Company, have a market value of 8000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

"It's your business. "

Throwing off this sentence, Qi Xingyan left angrily.

"Prevent the rich second generation from demolishing the stage, and reward one dollar. "

"It looks like I just advanced the reward. "

Jiang Yu can also accept it.

The value of this Cangqi company is 800000000000000000000000000000000000000

After Qi Xingyan left, Jiang Yu smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I'm angry with your classmates." "

"It's okay, you didn't mean to. "

Just now, Qi Xing took the initiative to make trouble, Jiang Yu was just passive defense, Lin Huanya was still very reasonable, otherwise she would not feel guilty in her heart, even if she didn't sign a contract, she would want to give compensation.

"By the way, Jiang Yu, can you really let me learn dessert techniques from Master Zhuo Qizhou?"

"Of course, after I have taken care of the recent events, I can arrange for you to learn desserts from him. "

"That's great, Jiang Yu thank you so much, learning from such a master is really something I dreamed of. "

Lin Huanya became full of joy, even happier than Jiang Yu had just reached a cooperation with her. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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