In order to express her apology and gratitude to Jiang Yu for almost repenting for her temporary regret just now, Lin Huanya invited Jiang Yu to eat a few pieces of dessert as a thank you gift.

Jiang Yu found that the desserts made by Lin Huanya were indeed very good, and the most important thing was that its sweetness was relatively low, which could give girls the illusion that this dessert was low in calories and not easy to gain weight.

After eating, Jiang Yu drove back to continue to deal with things.

Qi Xingyan, who had suffered a loss this morning, was not willing to give up, so he had to give Jiang Yu a little color to take a look.

After returning to the company, Qi Xingyan asked his assistant to help check where Jiang Yu's hotel was?

In the afternoon, the assistant found out the results.

The small restaurant that Jiang Yu bought before was naturally easy to find out.

When he saw that this was the result, Qi Xingyan couldn't help but smile: "It turned out to be just such a small restaurant, I was really convinced, Huanya was too far-sighted, and she was actually willing to cooperate with Jiang Yu, and she would definitely regret it in the future." "

Qi Xingyan said to his assistant: "You go and give me the two stores near this store, and then come up with various preferential activities to try to attract customers to our stores." "

"Mr. Qi, why are you doing this?"

"You don't care, you can just do it. Not much anyway. "

Qi Xingyan just wants to sell the store's business, not to buy the store, so even if he buys two stores, it is only a few million.

Millions of dollars to teach Jiang Yu a lesson, Qi Xingyan felt that it was a good deal.

"Okay. "

The assistant didn't know Qi Xingyan's plan, so he could only do it.

After the assistant left, sitting alone in the office, Qi Xingyan muttered to himself: "Jiang Yu, a layman in the catering industry still wants to fight with me, are you worthy?"

Qi Xingyan was disdainful, waiting to see Jiang Yu come and beg him.

In the afternoon of the same day, the assistant helped Qi Xingyan take down the two shops near Jiang Yu's small restaurant.

In the evening of the next day, Jiang Yu received a call from the store manager.

"Boss, two stores in our neighborhood have recently changed owners, and they have come up with a big promotion, which seems to be aimed at us. The business of the store has obviously been affected today, should we also launch some special promotions?"

At this time, Jiang Yu was reminded by the system and immediately understood: "It turns out that these two stores were taken down by Qi Xingyan." "

Jiang Yu immediately replied: "Don't worry about him, if the business is not good, let everyone rest and rest, and sit in the store to blow the air conditioner." It's going to be busy soon. "

"Boss, are you sure? I see that the date of this event on the other side is half a month. "

"It's okay, let him go. "

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yu hung up the phone.

Jiang Yu actually wanted to laugh a little: "Qi's company is definitely the second in the entire catering industry in the imperial capital." I don't want to make a good business plan for my company, and I can't get along with my small restaurant with such idle time, but I don't know that my main business is being greatly affected. I don't know if I burn my eyebrows. "

This is the reason why Jiang Yu doesn't care, since Qi Xingyan is putting his energy here, Jiang Yu doesn't care what he does, just turn around and give him a surprise.


Before I knew it, another five days had passed.

In the past five days, Jiang Yu has spent six billion, and he has basically negotiated cooperation with famous stores in major first-tier cities and quasi-first-tier cities!

Three days after the cooperation was reached, Jiang Yu integrated the resources of all the hotels.

On this day, the hotels invested by Jiang Yu jointly launched the service of eating special food all over the city.

After the launch is confirmed, the hotel staff will recommend it to the guests.

The hotel that Jiang Yu bought Lian Xiaotian has been renamed Guanglan Hotel.

In a luxurious large box of Guanglan Hotel, several guests came dressed in extraordinary clothes.

When the waiter brought the menu, but this customer was a regular customer, so he didn't bother to read it.

"I won't look at the menu, just follow the previous table and just have a table. "

"Mr. Wang, that's right, we have a new specialty today, in our hotel you can eat all the specialties of the famous restaurants in the city. This is our menu, you can take a look, as long as you order, we will tell the partner restaurant, it will be delivered within half an hour, and it is guaranteed to be hot. "

"Is it true that you can eat the famous specialties of the whole city in your restaurant?" Wang Ruide was a little surprised, he had never heard of such a way of ordering food before.

"It's true. You can take a look at these hotels that we work with. "

The waiter handed a thick menu to Wang Ruide.

Wang Ruide opened the menu and took a look, and found that the menu on the first three pages was still the menu of this store, but the menu on each page not only marked the name of the store, but also marked the price and delivery fee of the dish.

The price of the dish is no different from that of arriving at the store, but there is an additional delivery fee, which is ten yuan for a little closer, and a maximum of thirty yuan for a little farther away.

People who can come to a five-star hotel to consume can have more than a dozen dishes delivered for one or two hundred yuan, which is nothing at all.

"Interesting, it's really a very famous old store in our imperial capital. "

This Wang Ruide and his friend asked for seven dishes from the Guanglan Hotel and ten specialties from other stores, and the delivery fee was only 100 yuan, so they ignored it.

The speed of the food delivery is very fast, after the hotel orders all come up, the dishes ordered from other stores are delivered, and the insulation measures are very good.

"I was afraid that the food sent by other stores would be cold, but I didn't expect it to be so hot, this store can, and suddenly launched such a good service, and I will come to this store to eat in the future." Wang Ruide was particularly satisfied.

"yes, I think this store will do the trick in the future. Even in winter, if you order it closer, you are not afraid that the food will be cold. "

Wang Ruide and his entourage were very satisfied.

This meal was a happier time for the guests who came in a good mood.

In other Jiang Yu investment restaurants, customers more or less try to order one or two dishes.

After trying it, I think this way of ordering is good, and I will be more happy to come next time, and at the same time bring more topics.

Because of the praise at noon, when it was time for the evening, more guests came to visit.

For some other high-end hotels and restaurants, although it was obvious that there was a slight decline in business that afternoon, they felt that the impact was not great.

But when it came to the lunch the next day, the number of guests dropped by more than half, and the impact was greater.

In addition, some people like to share in the circle of friends, so the news spread more widely, and by the afternoon of the next day, there was a huge decline in the business of other hotels, and Jiang Yu's hotels and restaurants were very busy, and the affected high-end hotels were panicked. _

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