The business has fallen so much all of a sudden, and for other high-end hotels and hotels, it has been very hit, especially for the giants of the industry, and the big business can't stand the toss, so it's even more panicked.

On the evening of the same day, Gao Jiancheng received a call from the general manager of the hotel.

Gao Jiancheng was drinking red wine leisurely, and suddenly got up from the sofa: "What are you talking about, business has declined so much, and this Guanglan Hotel actually offers a service of eating specialties all over the city?"

Gao Jiancheng's brain suddenly went blank.

During this time, his attention was still on Jiang Yu's side, wondering what Jiang Yu's movements would be.

After so many days, Jiang Yu didn't move, and he was relieved.

But I never expected that a few days after relaxing, such a big news suddenly appeared, which was a bolt from the blue.

The other part of the phone was very anxious: "Mr. Gao, our hotel is not competitive with each other!"

Gao Jiancheng is naturally tomorrow.

Most people go to five-star hotels to eat to discuss business, and naturally they want to eat and drink well, and now this Guanglan Hotel does this, and the gap between five-star and five-star seems to have widened again.

"Okay, I see, let me think about it. "

Gao Jiancheng, who hung up the phone, sank his expression.

"I'll have to go and see for myself. "

Gao Jiancheng immediately made an appointment with Zheng Wenyuan and the four of them, planning to go to this Guanglan Hotel to have a meal in person to see if it was really so good.

When Gao Jiancheng took out his mobile phone and wanted to make a call, Zheng Wenyuan had already called.

"Lao Gao, something happened. Guanglan Hotel's trick is ruthless. "

"I knew that I didn't pay attention to this half-dead hotel at all, but I didn't expect to change its name and suddenly launch such a big business, which was really too sudden. I'm going to go to this restaurant for a meal, do you want to go together?"

"Okay, let's go together!"

Zheng Wenyuan is in a bad mood now.

If they don't come up with a good solution, their company's performance will definitely be greatly affected, and in this way, they will invest in other companies in the supply chain, and there will be a huge impact.

This is not a joke, if you don't get it right, it is possible that your assets will shrink by half.

After coming to the Guanglan Hotel again, several people couldn't help but take a breath when they saw the menu.

"Oh my God, it's crazy, there are actually 120 stores to cooperate, and all the famous small shops in the imperial capital are included, right? "

Gao Jiancheng held the menu with five people, his hands were shaking, and he suddenly felt his brain buzzing.

Subsequently, a few people ordered some dishes, all of which were specialties of other stores.

Except for those that are particularly far away, these dishes are delivered within 30 minutes, and the heat preservation is very good, and they are all hot when eating.

And it can be eaten, it is freshly fried, not re-burned.

A few people also asked the waiter and learned that there was an appointment service here.

Guests can order in advance, and half of them can be eaten without waiting.

When they left after eating, the five of them looked at each other

"This is terrible, Guanglan Hotel!"

Gao Jiancheng agreed: "I never expected that someone could unite so many stores and reach such a cooperation, which is really super competitive." However, if we can reach a cooperation, we should be able to reach a cooperation as well, and let the company's people negotiate with these specialty stores tomorrow. "

"That's right!"

A few people thought this was the best way to do it.

Even if it is necessary to pay a relatively large price, it is better than being defeated by Guanglan Hotel in their hotel business.

When Gao Jiancheng and the others were panicked, Jiang Yu enjoyed it at home.

has invested almost 2 billion, and the biggest advantage is that Jiang Yu can eat many specialty dishes at home.

"It's such a cool feeling, it's impossible for a rich person not to like it. "

Jiang Yu was in a very good mood and felt that it was worth spending 200 billion this time.

Jiang Yu soon received a call from Xue Yao, telling him that everything had exceeded expectations.

Jiang Yu got the news, and Shen Feng and the others who invested with Jiang Yu this time were of course in a good mood, and at the same time regretted it.

"It's a pity, I should have voted a little more. Shen Feng and the others were a little remorseful.

I thought that there might be a better response, but I didn't expect the good response to be unexpected, and I directly robbed the business of other high-end hotels.

And Shen Feng and several people were also eating at the Guanglan Hotel at this time, and the hotel now began to wait in line, because the location was really not enough.

Even if they were sitting and waiting outside, Shen Feng and the others were enjoying themselves.

"I never thought waiting would be so pleasant sometimes. "

"Yes. "

Li Longcai and the others all laughed from ear to ear.


Some people are happy and some are sad, and Gao Jiancheng, who has rarely gone to the company, has gone to the company early in the morning to preside over the overall situation.

In Gao Jiancheng's office, Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan waited anxiously.

Soon, Gao Jiancheng received a call.

After connecting the phone, Gao Jiancheng gave the phone to speakerphone.

"How about it, have you negotiated a cooperation with these hotels?"

"Mr. Gao, I can't talk about it at all, because the other party has invested in these specialty stores and got a 51% controlling stake, so even if they want to cooperate with others, it is impossible. "

"What do you say, you have made investment holdings, how can this be done?

But that's the case, the other party also bought all the storefronts here. So these shopkeepers are happy to cooperate with this company, so we don't have any tricks now. "

"How so?"

Gao Jiancheng hung up the phone, and his expression became very bitter.

Even Zheng Wenyuan and the four of them felt that the whole person was not good when they heard the news.

"Who is so rich and has bought the façade of so many specialty stores, and doesn't give others a chance to do things, it's simply not a way to live!"

"After so many years of doing business, it is the first time that I have encountered a huge crisis. As soon as this crisis comes, it will be directly fatal, why is God so cruel. "

A few people felt helpless.

Even if they want to invest in other restaurants, it is not realistic, because if there is no famous restaurant, it is better to let the chef of your hotel do it when others come to eat in your high-end restaurant.

Only those famous restaurants can get their signature dishes to have the value of letting others order!

However, at this time, Shao Weiyan mentioned: "By the way, can we copy the business model of Guanglan Hotel? Since the characteristic hotels and hotels in the imperial capital have been invested, we will invest in other first-tier cities and quasi-first-tier cities, isn't it the same? Even if there is no market in the imperial capital, it seems that it doesn't matter." "

As soon as these words came out, Gao Jiancheng and the others' eyes lit up: "That's right." You can do that. "

"If we replicate this business model, the growth it brings can definitely offset the market that disappeared into the imperial capital, and this Guanglan Hotel really gives us a good reference. "

"Then quickly call the general manager of the other branch and ask them to invest quickly. "

"Let's go and get in touch separately. "

Now Gao Jiancheng and the others have to race against time, one step ahead of others before anyone else thinks. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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