When Gao Jiancheng was about to take the phone to contact the general manager of the branch in other cities, he received a call from the magic capital.

"Mr. Gao, something happened. A hotel called Guanglan Hotel in Modu has launched a service of eating special dishes all over the city in one store in conjunction with all the local specialty stores in Modu, and our business in Modu has plummeted. "

"What, even the demons have become like this. Gao Jiancheng's voice was trembling, and the hand holding the phone was trembling.

Not to mention Gao Jiancheng, Zheng Wenyuan and the four of them looked at each other next to each other, and their faces were full of sadness.

"What the hell, have you even invested in the shops in the Demon Capital?

When several people came up with this idea, they were a little bit of a godless.

Just now, I felt that copying this business model from other cities was an opportunity for them to turn over, but now that it's okay, it may really not be able to turn over.

This is not over, because Gao Jiancheng's phone call couldn't come in just now, Zheng Wenyuan's call came, which was a call from another branch in a first-tier city.

"Mr. Zheng, things are not good, our hotel's business has plummeted..."

Before the general manager of the branch could finish speaking, Zheng Wenyuan hung up the phone, because Zheng Wenyuan felt that if he continued to listen, he might really have a bad heart.

Today's news made his heart beat one by one.

Even if you hang up the phone, it is useless, branches in other first-tier cities and quasi-first-tier cities have called, and the cities with the highest profitability of Xuanchu Group have business problems.

The five people sat in the office with a dull expression: "How can this be, the foundation of a lifetime's hard work and foundation will collapse overnight?"

No one could answer this question, and the five of them were silent in the office for 30 minutes.

At the same time, Qi Xingyan, who was still waiting for Jiang Yu to beg him because the hotel couldn't bear it, was also panicked.

"What should I do, what should I do?"

Qi Xingyan kept pacing in the office, and finally didn't think of any good way.


With the fermentation of word of mouth, on the third day, although other high-end hotels in the imperial capital still have business, it is because Guanglan Hotel can't receive so many guests, and they can't make reservations, so they will go to their hotel to eat.

With such a little business, it seems that every day is deserted.

As the first and second hotel catering enterprises in the imperial capital, whether it is Gao Jiancheng or Qi Xingyan, they never thought that the accident would come so suddenly.

The senior executives of the two largest hotel and catering companies in the imperial capital, who had not dealt with it very much, all gathered together on this day and began to discuss countermeasures.

"Qi Guanyu, now that we're going to integrate the intelligence, do you have any information about who the owner of this hotel is?" Gao Jiancheng asked.

In the past two days, Gao Jiancheng has been investigating who is the owner of the hotel.

However, the information found was very useless.

"I don't know, I only know that there are two companies behind this Guanglan as shareholders, namely Guangyu Group and Lanmei Group. The legal representative of these two companies is only the president of the company. This company is not a listed company, so there is no need to disclose shareholder information, so I still miss you. "

This is the result of Qi Guanyu's investigation in the past few days, and it is similar to Gao Jiancheng's others.

"Even if I called the president of the other company to arrange a meeting, the other party refused. "

"Same as us. Zhang Hongfang said awkwardly.

It's hard to be sure that there are no clues on either side.

"What now?"

Gao Jiancheng and Qi Guanyu asked this sentence at the same time, and the people present immediately smiled bitterly, knowing that they didn't have any way to each other.

"Actually, I have an immature idea. Qi Xingyan spoke weakly.

Qi Xingyan is the vice president of Sanyun Group, so he is naturally qualified to appear at this meeting.

"What do you think, don't hurry up and say. Qi Guanyu immediately reprimanded, a little unhappy Qi Xingyan didn't say anything if he had an idea, I don't know if the situation is critical now?

Every day there is no business, it is a loss, how uncomfortable it is.

When Qi Xingyan spoke, everyone's eyes looked at Qi Xingyan.

"That's what I thought. In this situation, I think the only way we can meet the boss of this company is to bring forward the industry summit that was originally scheduled to be two months later. Now that there is such a big movement in the industry, it seems reasonable for the summit to be held in advance, and I believe that other well-known people in catering will agree, what do you think?"

Qi Xingyan's words made these people's eyes light up.

"Yes, this summit can be advanced, so it's settled. "

The two industry giants pushed for the early start of this summit, which is definitely possible.

If you don't hold a meeting in advance now, if you wait two months, even if you don't go bankrupt, it's very possible to close some storefronts.

Moreover, if the industry summit is such a big event, if the other party is invited, the other party will definitely not play a big name and not participate.

If you don't come, you'll offend all your peers.

In the end, the two sides negotiated this matter, and the companies that had been competing finally cooperated together, which made both parties feel very dreamy.

When they left, they were very melancholy for each other, the two companies had been competing with each other for so long, and they were both alive and well, but they didn't expect the company that came out of nowhere to be caught off guard, so they were powerless to fight back, and they couldn't afford to be hurt.


The next day, Lin Feixing, who managed the hotel business and managed the Guangyu Group for Jiang Yu, told Jiang Yu the news that the summit was going to be held.

"Mr. Jiang, do you want to attend this summit?" Lin Feixing's voice was very respectful.

Originally, Lin Feixing thought that Lian Xiaotian sold the hotel to a layman like Jiang Yu, and the hotel business would definitely get worse and worse, but he didn't expect Jiang Yu to bring him the peak of his career!

"I'm not going. "

Jiang Yu deliberately did not allow himself to become a shareholder of Guangyu Group and Lanmei Group, just to keep a low profile and participate in this kind of summit, which would go against Jiang Yu's original intention.

The reason why I keep a low profile is that I don't want to send a questionnaire like the last time I sent a questionnaire, and how many people think that I am bankrupt.

Lin Feixing knew that Jiang Yu would not agree easily, so he persuaded: "Mr. Jiang, many industry giants have recently contacted us and want to cooperate with us. "

"If you don't go, you'll become a public enemy. And I don't know who it's better to turn down, so it's better for you to face it yourself. "

The company belongs to Jiang Yu, so Lin Feixing feels that it is better to let Jiang Yu handle such a difficult task by himself.

Jiang Yu heard the meaning of Lin Feixing's resignation, so he could only agree: "Okay, then I'll go by myself." "

Jiang Yu is not afraid, so it doesn't matter if he refuses them all, but Lin Feixing is different, Lin Feixing has to consider that he may change jobs in the future, in case he offends so many big guys, he can't be mixed. _

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