Jiang Yu found that Qi Xingyan was really not in a hurry at all, he didn't care about the situation at home, but he still wanted to buy Jiang Yu's small restaurant, and he was very heartfelt.

"Qi Xingyan, I thank you for caring about me so much, but I think before caring about others, you should first care about your own family. Your company is big, and there is a bit of turmoil, but it's a big problem, and it's okay lately, okay?"

"Of course it's good. Although there have been some huge changes in the industry recently, and there is a strong competitor, what problems can there be for a company of my size? At most, it is just a small trouble, which can be solved quickly. "

Qi Xingyan was full of confidence when he spoke.

With this kind of confidence, Jiang Yu really wanted to ask him where he came from.

Jiang Yu smiled: "If you say so, I will be relieved." The condition of my small shop is actually fine, but after all, the scale is small, so if I feel that my small restaurant can't open one day, I will transfer it to you. "

As soon as these words came out, Qi Xingyan was immediately unhappy: "Jiang Yu, do you think I am picking up rags? When your small restaurant can't be opened, I will buy it again, and you will use me as a garbage recycling station, right?"

Qi Xingyan's tone was full of disdain.

"Qi Xingyan, what you said is not right. My store is fine at the moment, why should I transfer it to someone else. Of course, it will be transferred when the business is not very good or it is forced to open for some other reason. Otherwise, if the business is running so well, would you transfer it if it were you?"

"This kid is still strong. Both of my restaurants have been in business lately, and I'm at a discount on the price of his hotel, so it's impossible to open it well. Qi Xingyan sneered in his heart.

Qi Xingyan didn't allow Jiang Yu to pretend to be calm in front of him, so he said: "Okay, Jiang Yu, don't hide it, everyone knows why you came here today." Your mid-to-high-end restaurant is definitely not having a good time right now, and I'm thinking of coming over to seek cooperation. But Jiang Yu, in fact, people have to be self-aware, I don't think you really need to come, you look at the owner of a small restaurant. It's coming, people can't look down on it, it's impossible to cooperate with you!"

"Why are you so arbitrary? "

"It's not arbitrary, it's about telling you what reality is. Now mid-to-high-end restaurants, hotels and hotels want to cooperate with him, but even if they want to find someone to cooperate, the other party will only find a more powerful company to cooperate. What's the use of a small restaurant like yours?"

"I don't know how you got the invitation, but you came here for nothing today, I advise you to go back and think of a way, either sell it to me at a discount, or quickly make your small shop into a general low-end restaurant, so that you can barely survive." "

Qi Xingyan kindly gave Jiang Yu his opinion.

Jiang Yu asked with a look of disbelief: "Qi Xingyan, this is too absolute, how do you know that people are not willing to cooperate with me?"

"Hehehe. "

Qi Xingyan couldn't hold back anymore and laughed.

"Working with people depends on strength. To tell you some news that you don't know, Guanglan Group has invested a lot of money in other first-tier cities and quasi-first-tier cities in addition to our imperial capital, and basically invested in all the specialty stores. With such a big strength, do you need such a small hotel to cooperate, and you are also worthy? Isn't it a well-known enterprise in the industry, isn't it tiring for people to cooperate with you?"

"Not to mention such a big enterprise as Guanglan Group, even if it is a powerful enterprise, it is impossible to find you to cooperate. "

"Don't talk so badly, in case Guanglan Group likes to cooperate with small enterprises first. "

"You still don't believe in evil, let me tell you..."

When Qi Xingyan still wanted to educate Jiang Yu, someone came over.

A man in a suit came over to greet Qi Xingyan.

"Qi Xingyan, this is your friend, don't you want to introduce me?"

"Wen Zhenghao, you are here today. Let me introduce you to you, this is Jiang Yu, the small owner of a mid-to-high-end restaurant. "

Qi Xingyan specially emphasized the three words of the little boss.

When he heard Qi Xingyan say that Jiang Yu was just a small restaurant owner, Wen Zhenghao was a little disappointed in his heart: "I thought it was the heir of some company, but I didn't expect it to be just the owner of a small restaurant, how did this person get in?

Wen Zhenghao originally thought that if the other party had the strength, maybe he could report to the group for warmth, after all, if the newly emerged Guanglan Group could not reach cooperation, then everyone would cooperate and find a way to transform together, and maybe there would be a way out.

"Jiang Yu, you may not know Wen Zhenghao, I will also introduce it to you. Wen Zhenghao is the general manager of Zihu Group, which is very loud in our industry, and it just so happens that you can get to know each other, maybe there will be any cooperation. "

However, in Wen Zhenghao's opinion, there is nothing to talk about at all, so there is no meaning to say hello at all. Instead, he said to Qi Xingyan: "I'm sorry, Qi Xingyan, call me over there, I have to pass." "

Leaving this sentence, Zhenghao left directly.

After Wen Zhenghao left, several other people who had seen Wen Zhenghao come over to say hello and those who also wanted to come over to say hello immediately stopped.

Because Wen Zhenghao walked so fast, it showed that the other party had no potential for cooperation, so some people present were naturally unwilling to waste time and saliva with worthless people.

Of course, Qi Xingyan noticed this scene, and Qi Xingyan looked very proud, because just now Wen Zhenghao and other people who had stopped, they told Jiang Yu with practical actions that the people in the small restaurant were here, and no one looked down on him.

Qi Xingyan said with a smug face: "Jiang Yu, do you see it, what I just said may not sound good, but it is the truth." People who don't have the strength will be distant, so you should consider my opinion, sell me your small restaurant, and stop the loss in time, so as not to make your already not rich family financially worse. "

"Qi Xingyan, this is hard to say. Although you are a big group, I don't think you should talk too much. Your thinking is too limited, I'll give you a little pointer!"

"You're giving me some pointers?" Qi Xingyan felt that Jiang Yu was too self-conscious.

"Jiang Yu, you don't understand how to operate a large enterprise, and if you don't have experience, don't just give others random directions. "

Jiang Yu smiled: "You listen to me first, anyway, let's chat, let's chat, you can hear if it makes sense." What do you think. "

"Okay, I'll give you compulsory education today, so that you don't be too naïve. "

Qi Xingyan planned to give Jiang Yu ideological education, so that Jiang Yu could figure it out that selling the hotel to him was the best destination. _

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