"Jiang Yu, hurry up, I'll say a few more words to you, I'll have to get busy. Qi Xingyan urged, not wanting to delay too much time with Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu immediately said: "If this Guanglan Group really wants to find someone to cooperate, in fact, a small restaurant like ours is a better partner for them, because our small restaurant cooperates with him and has no right to speak, but if you look for a powerful company like you, maybe you think your company has strength, and you want to negotiate and put forward any excessive conditions, why should he cooperate with you." "

"Since he has mastered high-quality resources and helped us small restaurants, on the one hand, he can handle it to death, on the other hand, he can't hold on to the industry giants, and the market share is his, if it's you, who are you willing to cooperate with?"

"This..."Qi Xingyan immediately stopped.

Qi Xingyan really didn't think that there would be such a possibility: "Jiang Yu seems to have a bit of truth in saying this, my hotel is looking for some suppliers to supply, even if it is looking for a large supplier, it will not only find one, lest the right to speak is on the other party, and the price will be increased at any time." Could it be that Guanglan Group really thinks so?"

Qi Xingyan felt that if he did this, these big companies would be in big trouble.

"Qi Xingyan, if it's really like what I said, I ask you if you're panicking. Jiang Yu asked with a smile.

If you want to panic, it must be a little panic.

Just when Qi Xingyan didn't know how to answer, Xu Ruyi came over and helped Qi Xingyan answer: "Jiang Yu, don't say it so absolutely, you have to think from other angles." "

Jiang Yu and Qi Xingyan both looked back and found that it was Xu Ruyi.

"Then what angle should I think about it, and please help me guide me through the maze. Jiang Yu showed an attitude of not being ashamed to ask.

"Jiang Yu, people like to eat in a privileged environment. If you eat at a five-star hotel and order dishes from other specialty shops just for a little more delivery fee, do you think those people will be unhappy?"

"The meaning of the existence of a high-end restaurant is that the environment is good, so a small restaurant like yours will lose directly in terms of environment. Cooperate with our five-star hotel, you can have more guests, why should people cooperate with you?"

"Yes, Xu Ruyi is right. Just like a house, everyone likes to decorate their home with splendor, and inviting guests to sit in the house will have more face, this is the difference. "

Qi Xingyan immediately agreed with Xu Ruyi's words, and at the same time felt a little happy in his heart: "Fortunately, Xu Ruyi came over, otherwise in terms of eloquence, he really lost to Jiang Yucai's boy, something with sharp teeth and sharp mouth." "

Regarding her own views, Xu Ruyi is still very confident.

"Jiang Yu, do you agree with me?"

"Of course I don't agree. Guanglan Group will not cooperate with you for at least a short period of time, and chooses to cooperate with small restaurants. "

Xu Ruyi immediately smiled: "It seems that your vision is only to this extent, and the limitations of your vision and judgment of the future lead to you can only open a small restaurant forever, and you can't become a big group." If you can't think in the shoes of successful people, you'll never succeed. "

Xu Ruyi's words carried a strong sense of superiority.

Jiang Yu really couldn't help but laugh.

"If you are so far-sighted, today it will be your Sanyun Group that replaces Guanglan Group, what do you say?"

These words made Xu Ruyi's expression condense, and he scolded. It's just telling you some general directions, at least learn to think about the problem from the perspective of Guanglan Group. "

"Not necessarily, I don't think you can represent the views of Guanglan Group. "

"Then your opinion can't represent Guanglan computer room, let's just use time to prove it. Xu Ruyi's tone was firm and very confident in herself.

Xu Ruyi was so confident, Jiang Yu could only brutally hit her confidence.

"Actually, there is no need for this, there is no need for time to prove it, I can answer you right now. In a short period of time, Guanglan Group will definitely not cooperate with large groups. "

"Just kidding, who do you think you are?"

"Because I'm here today on behalf of the Guangyu Group, do you think I can represent?"

"You represent the Guangyu Group, and I also represent Lan Meiji..."

Xu Ruyi's voice stopped abruptly, and she looked at Jiang Yu with a shocked expression: "Wait a while, you said you came on behalf of the Guangyu Group?"

Xu Ruyi shouted in surprise.

This news is really too shocking for Xu Ruyi.

Even Qi Xingyan next to him was taken aback: "No, how can you have anything to do with the Guangyu Group?"

The surprised voices of the two men attracted the attention of those close at the scene.

At this moment, these people are full of Guangyu Group and Lanmei Group, hoping to reach cooperation with these two companies, so when they heard about Guangyu Group, they naturally cheered up.

"Why is there a relationship, naturally I invested, do you say there is a relationship?"

"You... What did you invest in?"

Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi glanced at each other, and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

Especially Xu Ruyi, she came here just to help Qi Xingyan debate with Jiang Yu, but she didn't expect to inadvertently offend the person who can't be offended today!

Before going out today, her father Xu Nenghao also specially warned that he would bring her to see the world today, but she had to keep her eyes open and don't offend the bigwigs in the industry.

It's an iron plate that can't be kicked.

Xu Ruyi suddenly wanted to talk to Jiang Yu if she could go back a little bit, everyone lost her memory for a few seconds, when she hadn't come.

"Jiang Yu, you are really here today on behalf of the Guangyu Group. "

Xu Ruyi opened her mouth to ask Jiang Yu for confirmation, and at the same time kept praying in her heart: "This can't be true, otherwise it will be difficult to explain when you go home." "

"I'm not going to impersonate. Besides, I'm not here on behalf of the Guangyu Group, so I don't seem qualified to come to this summit today. "

"But don't you only have a small restaurant?" Qi Xingyan's voice trembled nervously.

"I never said I was here on behalf of my own small restaurant, you think it was your own subjective opinion. "


Qi Xingyan's whole person suddenly became bad: "Yes, Jiang Yu never said that he only came here on behalf of his own small restaurant." "

"Then the question is, Xu Ruyi, Qi Xingyan, do you say that you understand my thoughts, or can I represent my own thoughts?"

This made the two of them very embarrassed.

Who knows Jiang Yu better than Jiang Yu, the two of them are uncomfortable with themselves.

"Debunk the self-confident rich second generation, and reward 50 million. "

The balance of 50 million to Jiang Yu's card, which already had little money left, has increased a little, and now there is a balance of 300 million.

"I still wondered, the young man in front of me didn't look like he was famous in the industry, and I thought he was mixed in with a relationship, but I didn't expect it to be a new industry boss. "

"This young man is really hidden. "

The person next to him was also taken aback.

The people who didn't want to deal with Jiang Yu just now, now they can't pretend to turn a blind eye. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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