For Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao to come out and make an obstacle, Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan were not happy.

Gao Jiancheng stood beside Qi Guanyu, squeezed him to the side, and then continued: "By the way, Jiang Yu, we haven't finished talking about it just now, what do you think of the cooperation." "

Jiang Yu found that Gao Jiancheng was quite unwilling, so he smiled and said: "Actually, at that time, I also wanted to help the two uncles change your concepts, but I asked you to cooperate at that time, and you were not even interested in listening to this project, and now, I don't plan to cooperate with the big group for the time being, so let's talk about our cooperation later." At least for now, we have to take it a little longer. "

"Sure enough. "

Although he actually knew that Jiang Yu was talking to them about this project that day, when he heard Jiang Yu say this, Gao Jiancheng and a few people wanted to cry without tears: "If I hadn't been too arrogant at that time, and listened to Jiang Yu finish his project, everything would have been different today." The opportunity for Xuanchu Group to be the first in the industry was given up like this, I..."

Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan both wanted to smoke themselves, but they didn't grasp such a good opportunity, and their intestines were repentant.

"Heh, this is interesting, there is such a good project that I haven't grasped. "

"I'm too short-sighted, and now I'm still thinking about finding someone to cooperate, but if it's me, I don't want to. "

The people next to him were gloating, knowing that the cooperation between the Xuanchu Group and the Guanglan Group was basically impossible.

"I didn't take advantage of the opportunity I was given, so I should die now. Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao sneered in their hearts.

Squeezed Gao Jiancheng to the side again, Qi Guanyu smiled and said: "Mr. Jiang, you and Ruyi, Xingyan have known each other for a long time, these two children really don't know how to be polite, and they don't know how to invite friends to go home and sit down." "

"That is to say, these two children know such a good friend as you, and they don't know how to go home and sit down, they really don't know how to read and be courteous. But since we know each other, Mr. Jiang, if we don't have a meal together today, maybe there will be some good cooperation between us, what do you think?"

Qi Guanyu smiled and spoke, which made Gao Jiancheng on the side look very uncomfortable!

"Damn, I said that we would advance and retreat together, and now I actually want to get rid of us and reach a cooperation with Jiang Yu alone. "

"When the two companies met together two days ago, they said that they would work together, and now the words "work together" are directly in my ears. "

Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan despised it in their hearts.

It's just that Gao Jiancheng and Zheng Wenyuan seem to have forgotten that just now they also wanted to throw Qi Guanyu and a few people aside and reach a cooperation by themselves.

The other people next to him saw that Qi Guanyu and Jiang Yu were so enthusiastic, and they were a little jealous: "But you must not cooperate, if you want to achieve cooperation, this imperial capital is second, and the fourth in the industry is going to turn over." "

Qi Guanyu felt that there was still a lot of hope, so he smiled brightly.

At this time, Jiang Yu said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Mr. Qi, there may be no hope for us to reach a cooperation." "

"Hopeless. "

These words surprised everyone present.

Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao were even more incredulous.

Since everyone is friends, why not?

Even if Gao Jiancheng and Jiang Yu had a conflict just now, Jiang Yu was just talking about cooperation, how could they directly give it to the two who were so hopeless?

"Oh, that's interesting. "

The people next to me were curious, and it wasn't that simple.

"Mr. Jiang, did Ruyi and Xingyan say something that offended you, if you really said it without thinking, I will ask the two of them to apologize to you. "

"That's right, Mr. Jiang, if there is anything ignorant about the two of them, just say it, I promise to educate them well. "

Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao felt that there was a high probability that this should be the case.

If it weren't for the two of them offended, how could Jiang Yu refuse so thoroughly?

"It should have nothing to do with me. Xu Ruyi felt that Jiang Yu was not right.

But Qi Xingyan was very weak-hearted.

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Xu, if you want to offend me in language, I will not completely reject the possibility of cooperation because of this. My entry into the industry, though, was an accident. Originally, I just bought a small restaurant so that I could have a meal for myself. "

"Then I suddenly had such an idea, so I wanted to make it bigger. But the small restaurant I bought at the beginning was my inspiration, and I still care about it and cherish it. "

"But Qi Xingyan specially set up two stores near the entrance of my store some time ago, and then directly followed my restaurant to fight in the ring, using various preferential activities to make the business of my store miserable. If it weren't for the fact that I still have some money, I would have gone bankrupt. "

"Open... Just kidding. "

The corners of Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao's mouths couldn't help twitching, and the anger in their hearts suddenly began to emerge.

"Is this bastard in the water?"

The lungs of the two people were about to explode, and Qi Xingyan actually opened a store to the door of Jiang Yu's hotel, which is an offending thing that can only be done in the business field.

If they were Jiang Yu, they would definitely not choose to cooperate anymore.

Qi Guanyu and Xu Nenghao immediately looked at Qi Xingyan, wanting to confirm whether what Jiang Yu said was right.

Sensing the gaze of the two people, Qi Xingyan subconsciously avoided it, and did not dare to look at the two people at all.

"It's awesome. "

"Good guys, fewer competitors. "

"There are so many people present, why is Qi Xingyan so kind and helps them reduce the number of people they cooperate with? "

Everyone present couldn't help but give Qi Xingyan a thumbs up, and admired Qi Xingyan's courage very much.

"This is a ruthless man. "

Gao Jiancheng and a few others were also a little gloating.

They had only verbally offended Jiang Yu before, and several people were very worried just now, Qi Xingyan actually dared to open the store next to Jiang Yu's store, this kind of practice, even if they gave them a few guts, they didn't have the courage!

If Jiang Yu is really just the owner of a small restaurant, forget it, Jiang Yu is obviously very powerful.

In such a quiet situation, a company that has had a huge impact on the industry has been opened, and it has invested in so many special hotels, which is leveraged.

For Jiang Yu, what can a small shop do even if it is closed for a year.

These two people didn't have a chance to cooperate, so it didn't matter if they were there, and the rest of them immediately came up.

"Mr. Jiang, I am Zhuang Junxian of Yingfeng Group. "

Yingfeng Group is the first in the industry, but other companies are not to be outdone, and they all take out business cards one by one.

"Mr. Jiang, I am..."

"Mr. Jiang, I am..."

When these people handed over their business cards one after another, the people from Gao Jiancheng and Qi Guanyu were squeezed to the back.

The people on both sides glanced at each other, and there was a feeling that they were both fallen people at the end of the world: "Alas. "_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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