When everyone and Jiang Yu exchanged business cards, when it was Wen Zhenghao's turn, Wen Zhenghao handed over the business card with both hands and a modest attitude: "Mr. Jiang, I am Wen Zheng, Hao just us..."

"What just now, may I ask who you are, do we need to know each other?"

Jiang Yu's ruthlessness made Wen Zhenghao's voice come to an abrupt end.

"Makes you snobbish. "

Some of them had just witnessed the process of Wen Zhenghao coming over to greet Jiang Yu and turning their heads to leave, and they were very contemptuous in their hearts.

In other words, they were Wen Zhenghao, but they didn't have the face to go forward and greet Jiang Yu again.

Wen Zhenghao was immediately squeezed away by the person next to him.

Zhuang Junxian said with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, this time we are all more famous companies in the industry, we really want to cooperate with you, I don't know what you think." "

"That's what it sounds like. Many people gave Zhuang Junxian a thumbs up.

As the head of the industry's No. 1 Yingfeng Group, Zhuang Junxian wanted exclusive cooperation without opening his mouth, which made everyone feel more reasonable.

"Cooperation is for sure, but not at the moment, I haven't thought about it at this stage. I know that you are all big groups in the industry, but I have to think carefully about working with big groups. "

Jiang Yu's words made these people feel a little unhappy, now they are losing money every day, if it drags on for a long time, they will be a little unbearable.

"It's not like you're trying to drag us down and then dominate the high-end restaurant, right? "

They all think badly.

At this time, Xu Ruyi, who was next to him, said in a weird way: "Jiang Yu said just now that he will not cooperate with large groups in the short term, so you should rest, people want to monopolize the market." "

"Yes, I finally have a chance to defeat my competitors, and Jiang Yu will not be relentless. "

Qi Xingyan also added the yin and yang weirdness beside him.

Since they can't reach a cooperation with Jiang Yu, then let Jiang Yu become a public enemy in the industry, and see if Jiang Yu can really become a direct competitor to all the big groups in the industry.

Xu Ruyi's words made everyone laugh even more: "If the two people didn't deliberately talk nonsense, what they said was true, and they deliberately dragged us, Jiang Yu would be too damning." "

Jiang Yu didn't actually want to drag them down, just because he didn't think about how to cooperate, after all, if all the store resources were shared with them, then Jiang Yu's own hotel would be bought for nothing, so he always had to give himself a little advantage, and then other people could make more money than before, and it was most appropriate to win together.

"Actually, that's what I thought..."

Before Jiang Yu finished speaking, Mei Qiufang finally came.

When he pushed the door open, there were many people around him, these people were not from Jiang Yu's company, they were people from medium-sized enterprises he met on the road, so they chatted along the way.

"Mr. Mei, we all hope that the catering industry will get better and better, and we must cooperate more. "

"Of course, it is impossible for such a big restaurant industry to be alone, and we hope to expand the market with other partners, so there will be opportunities to cooperate soon. But let's talk about the time of cooperation today, and we'll talk about it another day. "

"Mr. Mei said this, which reassured us a lot. "

These people immediately felt relieved, but fortunately, Guanglan Group was willing to support them.

For these only Chinese companies, they are already very satisfied to get Mei Qiufang's promise.

"By the way, it's better to talk to this Mei Qiufang. The company is not Jiang Yu's alone, why is he so cold. "

Zhuang Junxian and the others felt that when Mei Qiufang came in, they heard that the people from these small companies were so promised, so there was no reason not to cooperate with these big companies.

Guanglan Group is jointly held by Guangyu Group and Lanmei Group, both of which are 50% shareholding, and if they can talk about Mei Qiufang, they can also negotiate cooperation.

These people immediately didn't want to say more to Jiang Yu, so they didn't say a word, and walked in the direction of the door, and the first person to bear the brunt was Zhuang Junxian, who was the most active just now.

"Mr. Mei, I am fortunate to meet you, I am Zhuang Junxian of Yingfeng Group.

While speaking, Zhuang Junxian also took out a business card and handed it to Mei Qiufang.

"It turned out to be the No. 1 Mr. Zhuang in the industry, and it was a pleasure to meet you. "

Mei Qiufang took out a business card and exchanged business cards with Zhuang Junxian.

Gao Jiancheng, Qi Guanyu and the others felt that they couldn't watch from the side at this time.

If Jiang Yu can't talk here, then talking to Mei Qiufang is also a turning point.

The two of them squeezed forward one after another and stepped forward to say hello.

Mei Qiufang was surrounded by many people who came up to say hello for a while, and she couldn't be busy exchanging business cards.

Jiang Yu's side immediately became empty.

"Jiang Yu, see it or not, this is the difference between being a person. If you knew how to be a person just now, then you would be the one who is surrounded by so many people at this moment. "

Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi glanced at Jiang Yu.

"Actually, I don't care about this kind of thing at all. "

"Just don't care. "

Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi didn't believe that Jiang Yu really didn't care at all, who didn't want to be beautiful and sought after by so many people.

The two of them didn't plan to waste time with Jiang Yu, Qi Xingyan was going to go up and get to know each other!

When exchanging business cards with Mei Hua, the people present felt that they were all quite good, and they felt that Mei around them could always say that they were willing to cooperate.

"Compared with Jiang Yu, this Mr. Mei has a much higher EQ when he speaks. "

Everyone is more measured, and they know that they can't pester Mei Qiufang too much, and they have to give others a chance, so they retreated after changing their business cards.

Soon, it was Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi's turn.

The two of them felt that they had to save it at this time, if Mei Qiufang's side could reach an agreement, then the matter of offending Jiang Yu might not be a big problem when they returned home.

Mei Qiufang, out of politeness, changed her business card no matter who came.

"Mr. Mei, you are not only beautiful, but even your name is good!"

"Mr. Qi is too good at complimenting. "

"How can it be a compliment, Mr. Mei, this is my true words. I really hope that our two companies will work together. "

"Yes, Sanyun Group is a leader in the industry, and of course we hope to reach cooperation with a company like yours as soon as possible to achieve a win-win situation. "

"Mr. Mei, then I hope we can really reach a cooperation, and it is best not to break down our cooperation because of some external human factors in this process. "

Mei Qiufang didn't know what Qi Xingyan was talking about, so she replied politely: "Mr. Qi, you are joking, we are interested in cooperating with a large group, this cooperation will naturally occur, and it is impossible for other people on the outside to influence our cooperation." "

"Mr. Mei, you really have a vision, much more far-sighted than Mr. Jiang of Guangyu Group. "

Qi Xingyan praised Mei Qiufang a little and stepped on Jiang Yu.

Although the company represented by Jiang Yu and Mei Qiufang holds a joint stake in Guanglan Group, the two have the same shares, so there must be competition, because each hopes to persuade the other party to operate the company according to their own opinions.

Touting Mei Qiufang, Qi Xingyan thought that Mei Qiufang might feel that she was more far-sighted and insisted on her own views, so as not to be persuaded by Jiang Yu afterwards. _

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