Mei Qiufang didn't know Qi Xingyan's hard work, and she didn't know that Qi Xingyan was just trying to make her and Jiang Yu stand more firmly on the opposite side of their opinions.

"Mr. Qi, this is not right, Mr. Jiang is much more far-sighted than me. "

Mei Qiufang said this sincerely, but in Qi Xingyan's opinion, Mei Qiufang was just polite.

In any case, Mei Qiufang and Jiang Yu represent the Guangyu Group, which is a joint venture partner.

Qi Xingyan continued to praise Mei Qiufang: "Mr. Mei, you are wrong, Mr. Jiang just said that he will not cooperate with our big groups in a short period of time, which is not the same as you at all, and he doesn't know the benefits of cooperating with our big companies at all." "

"What, did Mr. Jiang just say that?" Mei Qiufang looked at Qi Xingyan with wide eyes, a little surprised, because Jiang Yu had never said anything about this, but recently told her that if you want to cooperate, you should give priority to medium-sized enterprises.

It seems that even this Mr. Mei is very puzzled by Jiang Yu's approach. "

Mei Qiufang's expression made these people can't help but think so.

"Mr. Jiang just said so, so Mr. Mei, we are all the same as Mr. Qi, I think you are more far-sighted. "

Other people patted Mei Qiufang's ass one after another.

It's just that everyone's words made Mei Qiufang a little embarrassed suddenly.

At this time, Mei Qiufang looked back from the crowd and found Jiang Yu sitting next to him drinking water.

"It was these people who suddenly surrounded me, so I didn't see that Mr. Jiang had come. Mei Qiufang blamed these people a little in her heart.

"Fortunately, I didn't promise that these people would cooperate 100% just now, otherwise they would have said the wrong thing. "

Mei Qiufang knew that she might be too polite, and if she was too polite and made these people really mistakenly think that she could make decisions, it would be bad.

Mei Qiufang immediately explained: "Ladies and gentlemen, I didn't think that Mr. Jiang said such a thing, if that's the case, I may have to apologize first, and our cooperation may really not be reached in a short period of time." The company's operation mode is based on Mr. Jiang's main opinion. "


Qi Xingyan and the others were stunned for a moment, and their smiles disappeared again.

Originally, I thought that I had a very good chat with Mei Qiufang, and it was very pleasant, but this change in the blink of an eye was so direct

Mei Qiufang's words puzzled these people, so some people immediately asked: "Mr. Mei, why is this, aren't you representing the Lanmei Group? The Guangyu Group and the Lanmei Group, each of which Mr. Jiang represents, hold 50 percent of the shares, and shouldn't you have the final say in the development of the company through consultation with each other? Your views are obviously very good and far-sighted, so why do you want to take Mr. Jiang's views?"

"Yes, Mr. Mei, you are the real insight, you should stick to your own opinion. "

They all hurriedly spoke, hoping that Mei Qiufang would stick to her own opinion.

But not to mention that Jiang Yu has a controlling stake in the company, even if it is a share, Mei Qiufang also believes in Jiang Yu's judgment, after all, this is Jiang Yu's idea in itself.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, yes, although I am here to participate in this industry summit on behalf of Lanmei Group today, you will definitely know in the future that Lanmei Group is 100% controlled by Happy Time Group through its branches. "

Now that Guanglan Group has become a company, it's nothing to say.

"Happy Time Group is 100% controlled by Mr. Jiang, so Lanmei Group is naturally controlled by Mr. Jiang. As for Guangyu Group, although Mr. Jiang does not have 100% of the shares, he controls 90% of the shares. "

Before, Shen Feng and they contributed 20% of the funds, but the shares of an enterprise, just giving money could not let them account for 0% of the shares, because this idea was conceived by Jiang Yu, so Shen Feng and they only accounted for 10% of the shares.

In fact, 10 percent of them are already happy.

"Therefore, in fact, Mr. Jiang has the final say in Guanglan Group, of course I have to listen to Mr. Jiang. I'm just in charge of the management. "

Mei Qiufang explained to everyone.

"What, Guanlan Group is actually such a share structure, converted, isn't Jiang Yu 95% of the equity of Guanglan Group? The other small shareholder has nothing to say at all. "

Everyone present was stunned, this result was really unexpected by them.

"God really has no way out. "

Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi were uncomfortable.

Originally, I wanted to redeem the fault of offending Jiang Yu through Mei Qiufang's side, but I didn't expect Mei Qiufang to actually work for Jiang Yu.

Now Mei Qiufang can't help them, especially when she came to say hello to Mei Qiufang just now, she said a few more words.

"Why don't you have a long memory?" Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi both wanted to smack their mouths.

"It turns out that the Happy Time Group is really Jiang Yu's. "

Gao Jiancheng and several people felt deeply uncomfortable.

I was misled by the video of the questionnaire being sent before, and they regretted it.

"If it weren't for that video to mislead, I would definitely think that Jiang Yu would still be the chairman of Happy Time Group. When I talk to him about the project, my mentality must be different, and rumors kill people. "

And at this time, they finally figured it out at this time.

"It's no wonder that the Guanglan Hotel will be bought a few days after our negotiation with Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu came to us at that time probably to use our hotel to make use of the resources of these stores, and now it's okay, I missed this biggest opportunity. I'm such a pig. "

After Gao Jiancheng and several people figured everything out, they all wanted to buy a piece of tofu and crash to death.

When some people felt embarrassed, Zhuang Junxian, who had just rushed to Mei Qiufang's side, immediately walked back to Jiang Yu's side, and saw that the wind made the rudder's skills vividly displayed.

Jiang Yu didn't say just now that he would resolutely not cooperate with large groups, there is still a chance. "

These people thought it would be better to listen to what the general had to say, so the others hurried back as well.

Zhuang Junxian acted as if nothing had happened, and laughed heartily: "Mr. Jiang, I really didn't expect that you would have as much as 95% of the shares of Guanglan Group, it's really surprising that you have done so much at such a young age." Compared to you, it really makes me feel like I was young and wasted. "

"That's right, Mr. Jiang. You have such a good vision at such a young age, and you have made such a big career all of a sudden, which is really beyond our reach and is an example for us to learn. If you don't dislike it another day, I invite you to come out and have a fun, and by the way, I will ask you what you think about the future of this industry, what do you think?"

When they spoke, several people were embarrassed.

Many people present didn't know about Happy Time Group, but they knew that Jiang Yu's Guanglan Group had so many resources, if it was compared with the industry's No. 1 Yingfeng Group, after a while, Jiang Yu would make the company bigger, and it would definitely be no problem to be worth 150 billion, which means that it won't be long before Jiang Yu's worth more than 140 billion.

With such a high value at such a young age, who can not envy it.

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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