Although these people were all saying flattering words, Jiang Yu knew that they must be very unhappy in their hearts, but Jiang Yu didn't feel very happy when he heard it.

Jiang Yu said lightly: "Mr. Zhuang, and everyone, you see that you didn't want to talk to me just now, didn't you come back in the end? "

Jiang Yu's words made Zhuang Junxian and the others embarrassed for a while, because they really couldn't imagine that they would come back to beg Jiang Yu in the end.

"Debunk the hypocrisy of industry bigwigs and reward 50 billion in liquidity. "

"I didn't expect to be directly rewarded with double the money spent this time, which is really cost-effective. "

Jiang Yu felt that this time it was a bumper harvest.

But after all, there are so many successful people and so many rewards, which is also normal.

"This Mr. Jiang really doesn't show mercy at all, and he is not afraid of offending people. "

Everyone present felt that Jiang Yu was a little too straight.

With so many people, even if they were very powerful just now, if they were to change it, they might not be so straightforward in order not to offend people.

It's just that Jiang Yu doesn't have the strength, and these people don't look down on Jiang Yu, so where they rely on their strength to speak, they can't be offended by talking about anything.

"But now that you're back, I'll pick up on what I just said. "

"Mr. Jiang, you say. Zhuang Junxian smiled.

"I just said that I won't cooperate in a short period of time, because it is difficult to find a good cooperation plan in a short period of time when cooperating with large enterprises, so I have to cooperate with some medium-sized or small-scale companies first, explore the cooperation plan, and have time to find a reasonable way. It's not good for anyone to work together without thinking about anything!"

"So that's the case, Mr. Jiang, we really misunderstood. "

After listening to Jiang Yu's explanation, these people felt very depressed and knew that they were too anxious, so they had a misunderstanding.

"I didn't shoot well, but I offended others first, even if I cooperated, I would be reduced in my right to speak, it's really a blood loss!"

"It's all to blame Qi Xingyan and Xu Ruyi for talking too much, if the two of them don't talk too much, let Jiang Yu continue, how good it would be. "

Everyone began to put the responsibility on Xu Ruyi and Qi Xingyan in their hearts.

"Mr. Jiang, why don't we discuss the way of cooperation together, maybe there are many people, and we will come up with a good way. "

"It's an industry summit today, right?"

"It doesn't matter, discussing cooperation is also an exploration of the future. "

Then, everyone began to enter one after another, and then the discussion began, and this time the summit completely turned into a discussion.

"I want to talk to you about poetry and distance, and you talk to me. Jiang Yu is also very helpless, Jiang Yu has prepared some speeches, and now they are useless.

There are so many big guys, everyone is going to their own favorable plan to discuss, what Jiang Yu and Mei Qiufang can do is to try to write down the thoughts of these people.

After the meeting, Jiang Yu and Mei Qiufang refused all invitations and went back to the company to discuss cooperation.

After discussing for three hours, Jiang Yu and Mei Qiufang finally discussed the plan, each company cooperates with some stores, and does not give them all store resources, so Jiang Yu's hotel is still the most advantageous.

As for how to implement it, leave it to Mei Qiufang to decide.

After the discussion was over, Jiang Yu sat in his position and felt his back sore.

"Okay, it's done, I'll leave first, Qiu Fang, you should also get off work early. "

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your concern. I'll work on this plan with the rest of the company, but I have another idea. "

"You say. "

"In the current situation, since we cooperate with small companies first and then with large companies, it is better to further publicize them. At present, we are all relying on word-of-mouth and customer publicity, but when we cooperate with other companies, all customers can eat it, and other stores will definitely steal some of our store business. "

"Even if there are benefits to the partnership, it is definitely the best to have more guests at our own hotel, so I want to take advantage of the fact that we are expanding the word now. "

"Yes, you can determine what kind of publicity method you want to use, just advertise or ask for endorsement!"

"That's too costly, and it doesn't work well. I'm going to find a team of influencers to help us shoot a food video. I don't know if Mr. Jiang has paid attention to it, but some time ago there was a popular team called Wang Xiaoman's team. "

"Their team held a challenge event, so it attracted a lot of attention, and now it is a very popular short video team, so I thought that if we let this short video team come to our hotel to shoot a food video, it will definitely attract a high degree of views and attention, and it is cheaper than looking for an endorsement or something. "

"But the only thing I'm worried about is that we are a five-star hotel, and looking for Internet celebrities to help promote it is afraid that it will make the public feel a bit low-end. "

"There's no difference between an influencer and a celebrity, and if you're sure to let this team come, I'll just give you a phone call, because I have an investment in this company. "

"What, this is still the company you invested in, Mr. Jiang, how many companies have you invested in?"

Mei Qiufang's worship of Jiang Yu is like a surging river, endless, Jiang Yu can always emerge from the company, which makes people feel unfathomable.

"Actually, this is a team from my hometown, I met by chance, so I invested a few millions. "

"It's good that you have a chance vision, the company's team is currently valued at tens of millions of yuan, and even higher than the investment team believes to reach a valuation of 100 million yuan. There are some interested companies that want to invest, and we also want to invest, but the other party refuses, but I don't expect you to have already invested. You always see the future one step ahead of us. "

Mei Qiufang said this, which made Jiang Yu a little embarrassed, because the investment at that time was mainly because they were friends with Wang Xiaoman, Wang Xiaoman opened his mouth, Jiang Yu felt that millions were small money, and he didn't think about how much return he could get.

"By the way, Qiu Fang, don't forget, those specialty stores in second-tier cities with spending power, also try to talk about it, now we have more funds. "

Of the 500 billion just now, 300 billion of Yu transferred the system to the company of Happy Time Group, and the other 200 billion went to Guanglanji.

In the past, it was because of limited funds, but now the funds are more abundant, so of course it cannot be rough over the second-tier cities.

"Okay, I know, I won't let anyone else get ahead. "

Mei Qiufang immediately assured Jiang Yu that she also knew that others would definitely find a way to start from second- and third-tier cities.

However, the other party must have a concern, because if there is no cooperation with Guanglan Group in a short period of time, the loss of first-tier cities will be very large, so their cash flow is very stressed.

After discussing the matter, Jiang Yu went back. _

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