Seeing the two of them leaving like this, Wang Xiaoman and the others wanted to laugh a little.

"Jiang Yu, it seems that they are afraid of offending you, so they don't dare to get angry. "

"It's nothing, it's just that there is a place where they begged me recently, otherwise these wealthy young masters would not be so stubborn. Jiang Yu said simply.

This matter was just a small episode for Jiang Yu, and Jiang Yu was not in the mood to hold a grudge.

"Alright, let's go. "

Jiang Yu drove a few people to the place where they lived and helped them settle down.

Eating in the restaurant, Jiang Yu picked them up and washed the dust.

"Jiang Yu, this luxurious hotel won't be yours, right?" Gu Qingru asked as she looked at the restaurant.

"It's mine, so I'm going to ask you guys to shoot a promotional video for me. "

"Do you need it? You're all full, and there are basically no empty seats. Such a good business also needs to help publicity. There are more people, have you entertained them?" Guo Xiangjing was speechless, if he had been him, the business would have been so good, and he would have been content a long time ago.

Han Chi answered: "Yes, Jiang Yu, such a luxurious five-star hotel, people come and go, even you, the boss, can't get a box to entertain us, just in this ordinary dining hall." So I can imagine how much business is going here. If we were the owners of such a shop, we would have enjoyed the rest of our lives for the rest of our lives. "

"That's right, I envy successful people like you, the business is getting bigger and bigger, ordinary people like us can't be satisfied anymore. "

"Come on. Jiang Yu interrupted a few people jokingly.

"In the afternoon, you have a good rest, because there are more people during normal meal times, so when it is late at night, there will be fewer people in the restaurant, I think it is more accessible to the people in this public restaurant than in the box, so I have to trouble you to work overtime at that time." "

"It's nothing to work overtime. Shooting in a public restaurant will give people a more consumptive feeling. But are you in a hurry to get a promo? If not, let's shoot it tomorrow. You'll meet with us this afternoon, and we'll help you figure out a plan tomorrow. "

"That's fine. "

Jiang Yu didn't care, remembering that Wang Xiaoman and they had something to do when they came to the imperial capital.

"I remember when you called before, you said this, who are you looking for to cooperate with this time?"

"It's a film and television company. Now we are making jokes and need to act. Now it's a bit popular on the Internet, and the other party said that he was willing to sign a contract with us. After reaching a signing agreement, he will provide us with some film and television resources, such as making online dramas, making big online movies, and the like. You can even participate in the filming of TV dramas or movies in the future. "

"They can let us participate in some small production of web dramas, movies and the like, but in fact, they definitely can't give any good roles. And he used some supporting roles in exchange for us to help promote, which not only reduced the cost, but also used a lower cost to promote, which is actually a win-win situation. "

"But for us, if we can get into film and television, that's a good thing. When we learn acting skills from professional actors, it will definitely help us make jokes, and maybe we will prepare to shoot some online dramas and online movies by ourselves in the future. This is our vision for the future. "

Gu Qingru and a few people are still a little pursuing, they don't want to just make jokes forever.

"You guys have a lot of ideas. Jiang Tou agreed.

"We don't know much about this company, so we thought that you were in the imperial capital anyway, and you were the major shareholder of our company, so we asked you to help us check the gates.

"I don't know anything about film and television companies. You must have checked the information of this company before you came, and if you didn't think it was reliable, you wouldn't have come. "

"I have checked this film and television company called Xinshi Group, which is very famous in the industry and has produced many excellent works. Now we are only a small team, and it is not clear what kind of cooperation the other party is willing to give. Actually, the promise on the phone was very good, but we felt that after coming, there would be variables. "

"There will definitely be changes. What time are you going to meet in the afternoon?"

"We made an appointment to go to their company at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. I'll have to trouble you to send us again!"

"It's okay, I've not been busy lately. Let's eat first. "

"Jiang Yu, your food here is really delicious, I'm not welcome, I'll order a few more. "

"Okay, whatever. Why is it that you still feel like a starving ghost on a plane, and you don't eat on the plane?"

"I don't usually have to shoot videos, so I have to keep my meals small. If you have a few days off, just indulge and eat more. What's more, usually we don't dare to come to this kind of five-star hotel to consume, you are the boss, we are also working hard for you, and now we should be treated as employees. "

"Okay, eat as much as you can, if you don't know. I thought I was abusing you employees. No food. But eat as much as you can, and try not to waste it. "

"Of course, no problem, we are not wasted children. "

The food ordered by a few people was slow because there were too many people in the store.

Jiang Yu and the others were not in a hurry, so there was no special preferential treatment.

By the time a few people had eaten a good meal, it was already one o'clock.

This time it was Wang Xiaoman and they went to talk about cooperation, and if there was a traffic jam again, Jiang Yu felt that it would be impossible to talk about it.

After eating and resting for a while, Jiang Yu drove in the direction of Xinshi Group, and when a few people arrived, it was exactly 1:50, which was about the same as the agreed time.

After entering the Xinshi Group Company, Wang Xiaoman came to the front desk.

"Hello, we have made an appointment with President Wen Yun, we are here to discuss cooperation, my name is Wang Xiaoman. "

"It's Miss Wang and your team, I know you. Mr. Wen has greeted me, you can just go to the conference room when you come. Please go inside, go straight to the end, that room is the conference room, you wait a while, I will call Mr. Wen now, they will see you soon"

"Okay, thank you!"

"You're welcome. "

After that, several people came to the conference room.

This room is spacious.

Several people sat down on one side of the conference table and waited patiently for a few minutes.

At the same time, the front desk called Wen Yun.

Wen Yun was playing games at his desk, holding his mobile phone, and when he heard the call coming in, he paused to pick up the call.

"Is it Miss Wang Xiaoman, are they here?"

"Yes, Mr. Wen, Miss Wang Xiaoman, their team has arrived, and I have asked them to wait at the conference room. "

"Okay, I see, you bring them a few cups of coffee first, and I'll be there right away. "

"Okay. "

After hanging up the phone at the front desk, he went to prepare coffee, while Wen Yun continued to play games. _

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