Soon, coffee was delivered at the front desk.

After that, Jiang Yu and the others passed ten minutes in the conference room, and it was already 2:05 at this time, and Wen Yun still did not appear.

Wang Xiaoman took out his mobile phone to look at the time, and asked Han Chi: "Han Chi, did you really make an appointment with this Mr. Wen at two o'clock? Otherwise, when the time comes, why hasn't the other party shown up yet?"

"I don't know. Han Chi also expressed confusion.

"We made an appointment at two o'clock, didn't the front desk just tell us that Mr. Wen would come soon?"

Han Chi felt incomprehensible, because it stands to reason that such a cooperation is to the other party's company to come to the door to cooperate, and there is no reason for the other party to be late, and such a thing happens unpredictably.

"Could it be that there was a delay in preparing the contract? We didn't communicate on the phone before, and we said that we could sign the contract by confirming the details today, maybe the other party was also confirming the contract. Guo Xiangjing spoke.

"There's a possibility, let's wait a little longer. Gu Qingru agreed with what Guo Xiangjing said.

Even if she agreed, Gu Qingru couldn't help but complain: "It's such a big company, and I don't know how to prepare a contract in advance." "

"Okay, let's not talk about it, in case people hear it, it won't be good. "

"Okay. "

Gu Qingru shut up and didn't complain much, and when she turned around and waited for herself to go back, it was the same for a few people to be locked in the room and complain.

Another 15 minutes passed, and the other party still did not appear.

"Wen hasn't taken too much nap, why hasn't he come yet, or I'll ask. Gu Qingru couldn't sit still, because Gu Qingru felt that there was no way to make the guests wait so long.

"Qingru, don't panic, we're waiting here, I believe the other party won't be so untrustworthy. If we wait another 20 minutes and they don't come, we'll go and say hello again. Wang Xiaoman advised Gu Qingru to calm down.

Jiang Yu could hear from Wang Xiaoman's attitude that Wang Xiaoman really wanted to cooperate with the other party, because the other party was indeed a powerful company that could bring them good prospects for cooperation.

However, Jiang Yu felt that such an attitude was easy to be seized by others during negotiations and the negotiation space was depressed.

"Sit down, I'll go out for a while. "

Jiang Yu stood up from his seat.

"Jiang Yu, you don't want to ask the other party why he hasn't come yet, right?"

"Why do you want to think so much, just now I touched my pocket and found that the phone was left in the car, so I went to get the phone. "

"So that's the case, Jiang Yu, you go and go back quickly, maybe people will come later, don't be there then." "

"I know. "

Then, Jiang Yu walked out of the conference room and walked out here.

Jiang Yu really went to get the phone, so it wasn't a lie.

When Jiang Yu walked out of the gate, a man in a light gray suit passed by.

When this man rubbed with Jiang Yu, he happened to have a phone in his hand.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Wen, don't rush, I'll come right away, I've already joined the company." "

When this person walked into the company, the front desk also specially greeted him.

"Vice President Su. "

Su Qian nodded and walked into the company.

When Jiang Yu walked out of the company, he heard the three words of Vice President Wen.

Jiang Yu didn't pay attention to it, so he walked to the place where he parked.

After entering the company, Su Qian came to the president's office.

Seeing Su Qian come in, Wen Yun stood up from his seat.

"Su Qian, you are finally here, what's the matter, didn't I greet you in advance and let you come at two o'clock, you are still late. "

Wen Yun's voice carried some complaints, and Su Qian immediately smiled: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't want to be late, but the car broke down on the way." And because there are few people in the place where the breakdown, it took a while to call a car before the car, and there was a traffic jam on the road, so I couldn't say it in my heart. "

"Then you say, now that I've been making the guest wait for almost half an hour, how should I explain?"

"Why didn't you just go and greet them first?"

"Have you forgotten that I said hello to you, let's sing a double reed. The other party is now a popular team, if we want to sign a contract with them, the conditions will be relatively high, I promise them high conditions, of course you have to lower some conditions. "

"During the negotiation, the two of us had to show disagreement and tension. Simply put, I want to sign with them, and you have to show that you don't want to sign with them. "

"And then this afternoon, we're going to mess up this signing ceremony and postpone it for a few days. When they came all the way to the imperial capital, they must have wanted to sign a contract with us with joy, so if they were to dry them for a few days, they would be anxious, and they would lower their conditions by themselves when the time came. "

"I remember, you told me about this, and you want me to sing a double reed for you. However, this double reed is a bit difficult to sing, what if the other party thinks that they are now popular and is unwilling to sign a contract with us?"

Wen Yun told him that he wanted to sing a double reed, but he didn't tell him how to sing a double reed.

When he heard Wen Yun's plan today, Su Qian felt that it was really not easy to operate.

"You think too much, the Internet celebrity circle is different from our entertainment industry after all. We look down on each other, and the other party wants to climb us, so it is an unequal negotiation. Most companies don't have the will to sign with them, because they themselves became popular because of a challenge, and without the background and fan accumulation, no one knows how long their popularity can last. "

"We are the first to be willing to sign a contract with them, not to mention that we are a powerful company, and of course the other party wants to sign a contract with us. But I gave them too generous conditions before, and now I think it's not cost-effective. In case they don't catch fire after a while, I'll cry when I sign this time, so that's why I let you play a double reed. "

"Later, we will give full play to the performance quality of our film and television industry practitioners, don't show me your stuffing. "

"I know, I know, but you're really difficult, wait for me for a few minutes, let me brew my emotions. "

"Okay. Give you three minutes, after which we're going to get over, and at half-past two, we have to get the conference room. And we had to start arguing from the road, and then before we even entered the office, we had to let them hear us arguing. "

"Don't worry, to put it bluntly, I'm just scolding you unilaterally, it's not difficult at all. Su Qian laughed heartily.

Because Su Qian felt that he would scold people when the quarrel was fierce, which was a very normal thing.

Even if it's your own boss, you have to scold when you should scold.

Wen Yun scolded with a smile: "Su Qian, I warn you, don't scold too much, if you scold too much, you have to invite me to dinner tonight." Otherwise, I won't be able to spare you. "

"Okay, as long as you scold and laugh, what does it matter if you invite you to dinner?" Su Qian looked indifferent, and then began to think about how to scold to relieve his anger. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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