After the two of them decided how to sing the duet, they walked out of the office and headed to the conference room.

Jiang Yu picked up his mobile phone relatively quickly, so he had already returned to the conference room at this time.

After returning to the office, Jiang Yu began to check the information.

Jiang Yu remembered that he was rewarded by the system and had a Baiyan brokerage company.

This company came unexpectedly, so Jiang Yu didn't pay attention to it.

Before, it was because Lin Huanya liked the relationship with an outdated star, so Jiang Yu instinctively felt that this brokerage company was not very good, but now that he looked at it, Jiang Yu realized that he was wrong, but this information became more and more exciting.

When checking the information on the side, the time was half past two, and Guo Xiangjing and the others were a little impatient to wait.

"They haven't come yet, how can they make the guests wait for so long, do they still want to cooperate, and we don't have to cooperate with each other. "

Although Wen Yun was the first film and television company to contact them to cooperate, Guo Xiangjing didn't think that there would be no other company willing to contact them for cooperation in the future.

Jiang Yu answered at this time: "When I just came back, I also specially asked the front desk if I had called them President Wen Yun, and she said that she would call and said that she would come soon." "

"That's not clear. Let's wait a few more minutes, and if we don't come, we'll go. "

Wang Xiaoman also has a temper.

Since we are here to cooperate, how can we keep waiting here.

If there is no sincerity, Wang Xiaoman does not want to grovel, because the cooperation in exchange for groveling will not have any equality at all.

Just as Wang Xiaoman finished saying this, a very noisy voice came from outside the conference room.

Su Qian's angry voice rang out: "Wen Yun, what do you want me to say." There is actually no point in signing a contract with such an Internet celebrity team, do you understand the judgment of the current situation?"

"Su Qian, I think your thinking is too old, why do you still look down on Internet celebrities so much now. In fact, their influence ability is not lost to some big stars at all, and there are absolutely only benefits and no disadvantages in cooperating with them, besides, am I the president of the company, or are you the president of the company? I don't need you to teach me how to do things. Wen Yun's voice also looked angry.

"Even if you are the president of the company, then I am also the vice president of the company. I have an obligation to monitor any decisions you make. I strongly disagree with your decision this time. "

"Even if you don't agree, it's useless, I've made up my mind. "

"Whoever said I don't agree is useless. I'm going to have to report back to the board of directors to see who I or you have ideas that will get their support. "

"Okay, let's go back to the board and see whose decision they approve of. Wen Yun replied not to be outdone.

The two men were arguing in the hallway outside, and it seemed to take a more and more form.

"No, could it be that their ministry hasn't reached a unified opinion on this matter?" Wang Xiaoman couldn't help but glance at each other, and finally understood why the other party came over, it turned out that they encountered opposition within the company.

A few people also felt that coming to sign the contract this time should be to talk about the problems on the rules, and the process should be very smooth, but they didn't expect that there would be such a big controversy within their company.

The president and vice president of the company had such a fierce argument, which was definitely something that Wang Xiaoman and they had never expected before they came.

"What if there is no way to reach an agreement today?" Gu Qingru suddenly asked.

Wang Xiaoman didn't think about what to do if there was no way to reach a proposal, and they didn't know how to answer this question for a while.

Jiang Yu saw that a few people didn't react, so he said: "What is the situation of the few of you, there is no agreement if you don't reach an agreement, there is no such cooperation, don't you just run the company well, what are you afraid of?"

Jiang Yu thinks that these are normal, because people in the entertainment industry will have some sense of superiority over the Internet celebrity circle, so it is normal to look down on Internet celebrities.

At this moment, Su Qian's black face actually represents Wen Yun's inner thoughts, and Wen Yun also looks down on Wang Xiaoman and their Internet celebrity team in his heart.

However, for the argument between the two people, Jiang Yu knew that they were playing double reeds outside, so they should all listen to the sketch.

Outside the hallway, the sound of the two people arguing is getting closer and closer, which means that the other party is walking this way.

Wen Yun was obviously moved: "Su Qian, I don't know if you want to, and I don't want to ask for your opinion." I don't need you to tell me how to do things, don't get in the way of my signing today, hurry up and let me go. "

"Why should I go, I'm the vice president of the company, and I'm qualified to be a part of this. So of course I'm going to have to see what kind of terms you're offering them. "

"Then you can just look at it, don't interject me. "

Wen Yun's words had a strong warning in them.

At this time, two people had already appeared at the door of the conference room.

The sound of the quarrel outside completely died down, and immediately after, the door to the conference room was opened.

When he came in, Wen Yun put away the red-faced attitude that he had just quarreled with Su Qian outside, and smiled randomly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, everyone, I really made you wait for a long time, half an hour late, please forgive me." "

Wen Yun spoke enthusiastically, and Su Qian next to him just had a cold face and didn't speak.

"is worthy of the old rivers and lakes, the attitude changes really fast, and the people in the film and television industry are really masters of acting. Wang Xiaoman and several people admired it very much.

If they were in a violent mood a moment ago, there was really no way to transform their attitude so quickly like Wen Yun, so this ability to change emotions was something they were worth learning.

Wang Xiaoman and the others ignored Su Qian's attitude, at least Wen Yun was kind.

Wang Xiaoman immediately replied: "It's okay, it's okay, Mr. Wen, we didn't have to wait long, so don't mind." "

"Miss Wang, you are not only beautiful, but also magnanimous, which makes me want to cooperate with people like you more and more. Wen Yun's smile was very sincere.

"By the way, let me introduce to you, this is the vice president of my company, Su Qian. "

Although Su Qian's face was cold, he still stretched out his hand and shook Wang Xiaoman's hand.

"Fortunately. "

The voice was not very enthusiastic, and he reluctantly said hello, and Wang Xiaoman only replied simply.

"Mr. Wen, Mr. Su, I will also introduce to you, these important shareholders have been notified, especially this Jiang Yu, who is the major shareholder of our company, and whether to cooperate today or not is mainly decided by him. "

"Mr. Jiang, when we meet for the first time, I am Wen Yun, and I hope we can reach cooperation today. "

"I hope that too. "

After a simple handshake, Wen Yun spoke again: "We're already here, so let's not waste time, let's start chatting about business." "

"Good. "

Both sides sat down. _

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