Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

17. Why Do You Want To Work At Penguin?

However, after these people were shocked, they all showed expressions of disbelief.

Because the price ranges from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in the city where they are located.

At least I can buy one or two houses.

Who would spend so much money on an unknown Penguin?

Isn't this neurosis?

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Jia Congliang called his wife over.

"Before Jingjing and I got married, we bought a couple's six-digit Penguin number, which cost a total of several thousand yuan."

"I saw a lot of beautiful five-digit accounts at the account dealer. The highest one cost at least 50,000 yuan. If you don't believe me, ask Jingjing."

Everyone looked at Jingjing.

Quietly nodded and said: "It's true."

The strength of one person is weak, but with the addition of another person, it is different.

Many people who had doubts began to waver.

Is this unknown Penguin really so valuable?

Jia Mu was also stunned for a while.

He walked up to Jia Shoufu and asked, "Son, is what your cousin said true?"

Jia Shoufu rolled his eyes and really didn't know what to say about this cousin.

You should be pretending it yourself, so let him pretend it all for you.

But this is good, at least it adds credibility.

Jia Shoufu nodded and said: "My cousin is right, my Penguin number is worth so much money."

"But I am only using this Penguin temporarily and will have to return it to the company in the future."

Jia Shoufu was afraid that her mother would misunderstand that she obtained the Penguin ID illegally.

Before she asked, he quickly explained it clearly.

When everyone heard Jia Shoufu's words, they suddenly realized that it was borrowed and not theirs.

Jia Congliang asked in shock: "Cousin, do you work at Penguin Company?"

Because he heard from Jia Shoufu that he received it from the company, so he could only borrow it from Penguin Company.

You can't borrow it from other companies.

Jia Shoufu nodded and said: "Yes, I am Penguin Company."

Cousin Jia Congliang slapped his thigh and looked at Jia's mother beside him, "Auntie, my cousin is already working at Penguin, why do you ask me to persuade him?"

Mother Jia was stunned, "What's wrong with working at Penguin Company? Is it good?"

Jia Congliang said: "Let me put it this way, among today's young people, if you just ask anyone, who doesn't know about Penguin Technology?"

After all, Penguin’s Penguin has a wide influence among young people.

Otherwise, Montnets’ business would not be so profitable.

How could Jia Mu run to the street and ask the young man.

“Is it better than state-owned enterprises?”

Jia Congliang said confidently: "It is definitely better than state-owned enterprises."

As he spoke, he looked at Jia Shoufu expectantly, "Cousin, go back and ask your boss what kind of people are still missing."

"If there are suitable positions, your sister-in-law and I will also work at Penguin."

Jia Congliang's words caused another commotion.

I would rather not have the iron job of a civil servant than go to work for Penguin Company.

What kind of magic does this Penguin Company have?

Before Jia Shoufu could speak, he saw his cousin's parents looking at him sternly.

It was as if if he agreed to help, he would be torn into pieces the next moment.

After all, the status of civil servants and other iron rice bowl positions in the minds of the older generation is unbreakable.

If my cousin and sister-in-law really leave their jobs, they will go to Penguin with me.

Jia Shoufu will probably be hated by their parents for the rest of their lives.

Thinking of this, Jia Shoufu smiled awkwardly, "I guess the person is not sure now. I'll go back and ask you."

When Jia Congliang heard that there was no shortage of people, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, cousin, you have to remember it for me."

At this time Jia Shoufu suddenly felt something was wrong.

It seemed that my cousin Jia Congliang wanted to persuade me to take the civil service exam.

Why did he go around and end up resigning to Penguin Company?

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