Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

18. We Must Speed Up The Speed Of Losing Money.

By the time Jia Shoufu returned home, it was already afternoon.

After the cousin's incident, my mother's attitude towards Jia Shoufu has fundamentally changed.

Because the neighbor, Aunt Wang, heard somewhere that Jia Shoufu is an employee of Penguin Company.

I learned that Penguin Company is better than state-owned enterprises.

He wanted to come over to get closer and asked if there was a chance for his son to go to Penguin Company.

Jia's mother felt so happy that she refused to let her son take the civil service examination.

Instead, he encouraged: "Son, work hard when you go back and try to be a good person."

Jia Shoufu nodded and said: "Don't worry, Mom, if you don't get along well, I won't come back."

In order to live up to my mother's expectations, I must work hard to lose money.

After all, I made money, but I didn’t get a penny.

Even the company's shares are all owned by the system.

Only after losing money, the money distributed according to the proportion can really fall into Jia Shoufu's pocket.

Lying in bed at night, Jia Shoufu finally turned on the system after many days.

Tomorrow is the settlement day for the system.

After opening it, when he saw the balance in the system, he almost jumped over.

Because the balance shows 8.74 million.

It's only been less than a month, how come the balance has gone from tens of thousands of yuan to nearly 9 million?

Could it be that Ma Teng led this group of Penguin people to rob the bank?

Jia Shoufu's mind is already confused.

He subconsciously took out his cell phone and wanted to call Ma Teng and ask for help.

But before he could dial the number, he put down the phone.

Because Jia Shoufu found out that he didn’t know what to say after getting through.

Can we still blame Ma Teng for making money for the company?

This is unreasonable.

If the fight is really over, Ma Teng will come up and congratulate Mr. Jia.

Isn't Jia Shoufu even more angry!

It's simply causing trouble for yourself.

Jia Shoufu was helpless.

I originally bought Penguin because the company had many users and was burning money quickly.

Who would have thought that it would make money faster?

Even if you regret it, it's too late.

Ditch Penguin?

It is estimated that the current stock price must be dozens of times higher than before.

The most important thing is that the stock market index of Stars and Stripes is falling again and again.

Many domestic Internet companies have entered the cold winter.

Many investors have heard that the Internet has changed.

Wanting to sell is also unknown.

If you sell shares at a reduced price, it will not be allowed by the system.

Even if you really buy a large amount, you will definitely get a bigger sum of money in exchange.

When the time comes and there is no place to burn money, wouldn’t it mean that we won’t be able to make a penny?

After thinking about it, Ma Teng finally decided to retain his shares even though he had been cheated twice.

It seems that we must start the online game plan.

As for the person responsible, he has already thought about it.

On the way to Penguin Company the next day, Jia Shoufu settled through the system and received more than 8,000 yuan.

Because of this one night, Penguin made hundreds of thousands more.

This time, the upper limit of funds provided by the system has become 50 million.

The settlement period became 6 months, half a year.

Jia Shoufu feels that the tasks on her shoulders have become heavier again.

This time we have to consider more than just losing 50 million in half a year.

We also need to consider the money that Penguin is constantly making through Monternet.

If calculated based on 10 million a month.

6 months is 60 million.

Plus today's 50 million.

Damn it, you will lose at least 110 million in half a year.

This is all based on the less. If Penguin earns more, it will have to spend more.

Once successful, he will receive a reward of 500,000 yuan in half a year.

Just thinking about this five hundred thousand, Jia Shoufu is full of motivation.

Just one word and it’s done!

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