Ma Teng heard that Mr. Jia wanted to delay the charging of "Zhuan Qi" for three months.

His mouth opened in shock, "What did you say?"

Chang Shengyang was stunned by his exaggerated expression, "Mr. Ma, what's wrong with you?"

Ma Teng was shocked inside.

Because he came here today to check the data.

The main reason is to want Chang Shengyang to delay the charging of "Chuan Qi".

This is the conclusion reached by their entire Penguin team after several meetings.

The reason is that they found that with the release of the Mouse game platform, the Penguin Show continued to explode.

Now is the best time to sell Penguin coins offline.

After all, the current network environment is still relatively poor.

Many young people want to buy Penguin coins, but they can only go to the bank to transfer money.

This method is not only troublesome, but also very cumbersome.

Therefore, Penguin launched an offline Penguin coin promotion policy.

The main thing is to cooperate with parking agencies and Internet cafes in various cities.

Give them penguin coins in the form of penguin cards and let them sell them.

Mainly to facilitate netizens to purchase.

According to the predictions of Ma Teng and other teams, once all the installation is completed across the country.

The sales volume of Penguin coins can increase at least 100 times.

For this reason, Penguin's marketing department has recently expanded, and many local promoters have been recruited from all over the country.

This is why he asked "Zhuan Qi" to delay charging.

For example, if someone wants to buy a point card for "Zhuan Qi", they will definitely ask where to buy it.

When he knows that there are Internet cafes in the nearby area or the ones sold at the newspaper stop, he will remember them there.

In the future, if his companions want to buy it, he will also play a role in promoting it.

Since "Zhuan Qi" is so popular, it will be a very good driver.

It drives players to buy Penguin cards.

After all, Penguin coins can also be used to recharge "Chuan Qi" point cards.

Ma Teng told Chang Shengyang the above reasons.

A wry smile appeared on his face, "I thought that after Mr. Jia's influence these days, our team would be able to keep up with Mr. Jia's pace mentally."

"But we didn't expect that we were still one step late."

Chang Shengyang was also full of surprise after hearing this.

Behind Mr. Jia's delay in charging the fees for "Chuan Qi", he actually created such a big net.

Chang Shengyang asked doubtfully: "Did Mr. Jia know your plan in advance?"

Ma Teng shook his head: "I have never revealed this to Mr. Jia."

"Since Mr. Jia established the Animal Group, he has not been to Penguin Company."

Chang Shengyang then thought about it. With Mr. Jia's level of thinking, it was impossible to plagiarize their ideas.

Unexpectedly, Penguin had gathered the brains of the entire company, but they could not compete with Mr. Jia alone.

Ma Teng continued: "The most important thing is that Mr. Jia's timing is extremely accurate."

Chang Shengyang asked curiously: "What kind of precise shot?"

Ma Teng said: "We estimate that "Zhuan Qi" will be free for one month first, so that it can be rolled out in basically first- and second-tier cities."

"It's free for three months. It happens to be installed even in third- and fourth-tier cities, covering almost the entire China."

Chang Shengyang asked in disbelief: "Mr. Jia's time is so accurate?"

Ma Teng nodded and said, "Yes."

Chang Shengyang sighed: "Mr. Jia is really a god."

Thinking of this, Chang Shengyang couldn't help but feel happy.

Thanks to Mr. Jia, their boss.

If he and Mr. Jia were always rivals, he would probably have to live in Mr. Jia’s shadow for the rest of his life.

After sending Ma Teng away, Chang Shengyang immediately asked the operations department to make an announcement that "Chuan Qi" would be free for three months.

As soon as this news came out, both the Mouse game platform and the number of people online in "Chuan Qi" reached new breakthroughs.

Together with the number of people playing "Crazy Tank" and "i Generation", they also began to grow rapidly.

Faced with the popularity of the game, Chang Shengyang was not complacent, but immediately led others to conduct a review.

Let’s summarize why the game “Chuan Qi” takes the lead among the three games.

Summarizing experience is also for better operations in the future.

The employees of Mouse Game began to discuss it in a flurry of discussions.

It can be roughly classified into the following reasons.

The first is its unique PK mode.

Although there are many online games on the market now, the PK mode is unique to Legend.

Legend allows players to truly realize free PK in the game.

Let the game become a free world that players want.

The second reason is that players have a very high degree of freedom.

Including leveling up, you need to fight monsters yourself.

Whether you can get good equipment or not depends entirely on your luck.

For example, many people went to the official website forum to share the new maps they discovered such as Skeleton Cave and Zombie Cave.

Others discovered the Viper Valley, and some even ran to the Day Gate, which aroused the desire of many players to explore.

The third reason is multiplayer.

This multiplayer game means teaming up with good friends and exploring together.

And the more people there are, the more interesting it is.

Legend is equivalent to providing them with the opportunity to form a team and explore a new world together.

But when it comes to its origin, the main reason is two words: free!

Because there are many games on the market, including "Stone Age" and so on.

They are all card-based games.

This will undoubtedly dissuade many players who do not have financial strength.

But three months later, what will happen after Legend starts charging point cards?

Chang Shengyang felt unsure.


After Jia Shoufu finished breakfast, he did not go back to the company, but went home and took a nap.

He slept straight into the afternoon, rubbing his hazy sleepy eyes.

At this time, an impulse suddenly occurred in his heart.

I want to quickly go to the company to play legend, especially I want to kill the "Dapi" family.

Jia Shoufu was startled by the impulse that surged in her heart.

how so?

Have you become an Internet addict?

This legendary game is really poisonous.

Jia Shoufu got up from the bed, washed his face, and then went out to eat something.

After eating, we immediately rushed to the company.

After entering the office, immediately open the Mouse Game Platform.

After clicking on the legend, Jia Shoufu found that the official had recently issued another announcement.

Change the original seven-day free period to three months.

Jia Shoufu nodded with satisfaction, although Chang Shengyang and Ma Teng learned a bit from each other.

But mobility is still possible.

At the same time, he also discovered that Chuanqi opened two new areas in the morning and added more than 10 groups of servers.

Without the need for Chang Shengyang to report the data, Jia Shoufu knew that the number of people passing on this game must have doubled again.

He now fully understands why Legend is so popular.

Because this game is toxic!

It will be unforgettable!

Otherwise, why would Jia Shoufu want to play Chuan Qi first thing when she wakes up?

How can we reduce the number of people playing?

Jia Shoufu thought for a long time but couldn't think of a good way.

In the end, I simply didn’t want to think about it anymore, closed the page, and entered the game.

Just after entering Chuanqi, Jia Shoufu suddenly found someone swiping the screen to promote a small assistant called wax-free.

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