Metropolis: I’m Really Not A Prodigal Son

56. Tiger 360 Was Established As The Third Subsidiary

Jia Shoufu curiously took note of this website.

After cutting out the game, access it directly.

Then download this little wax-free aid.

After he returns to the game again, follow the instructions and turn on the wax-free assistant.

In the game Legend, time is also divided into day and night.

Especially after entering the cave, you feel like you are in the cave, surrounded by darkness, and you need to use candles and torches to light up the fire.

Otherwise, there would only be a small bright spot around you, and the monster would not be noticed when approaching.

Many players will feel uneasy in this state.

He is always worried that he will be beaten by a group of monsters and sent back to Beech's hometown.

This function of Legend is similar to that of games such as Red Alert and StarCraft.

It's the so-called "fog of war."

This little auxiliary is to remove the fear of darkness.

Whether in the city, in the wild, or even in a cave, sweep away all darkness.

After using Jia Shoufu, I instantly felt that my field of vision was much broadened.

Indirectly, the difficulty is also reduced a lot.

Jia Shoufu thought to himself that the people who developed this support were awesome.

Legend can do this kind of thing in just one day of public beta testing.

No, although this wax-free assistant is useful, it is equivalent to opening a cheating device for the game.

This is illegal.

Jia Shoufu had an idea. Just now, he was thinking about how to persuade players to retreat.

This is an opportunity.

I guess based on what those people said, there must be a lot of people playing minor support roles.

Once they adapt to the wax-free aid, dependence develops.

Then by banning this small assistant, can we dissuade these players?

Well, that's a good idea.

Jia Shoufu immediately called Chang Shengyang to the office.

Ask him to come to you and point to the little assistant on the computer screen, "Do you know this?"

Chang Shengyang shook his head, because from the beginning of the server to now.

He only stared at the data, how could he bother to play in the game.

Jia Shoufu explained: "This is an auxiliary software that allows players to dispense with candles."

Chang Shengyang still knows a little about the game Legend.

When I heard that there was such a small assistant, I was surprised and said: "There is still such a loophole in the game? I have to arrange for someone to check it out."

Jia Shoufu asked: "Even if you plug this loophole, what will you do if others find other loopholes tomorrow?"

Chang Shengyang said: "We can only block it."

Jia Shoufu shook his head, "As the saying goes, the truth is as high as the devil. Do you think we can be powerful with thousands of netizens?"

"Mr. Jia, what do you want to do?"

Jia Shoufu thought for a while, what can we do to maximize the loss?

After thinking for a long time, he decided to let Chang Shengyang speak first to see if he could give him some inspiration.

"What do you think would work best?"

Chang Shengyang thought for a while, "Mr. Jia, do you mean online or offline?"

Online and offline?

This sentence suddenly gave Jia Shoufu a hint.

If you want to spend more money, of course you have to look offline.

For example, you can set up a dedicated hacking department.

Target the people who make these little assistants online.

Then find the local public security organs and jointly arrest them.

Of course, this kind of person can also be given an imperial edict and placed in a company to be raised.

It costs money to set up a department, and there will definitely be expenses involved in cooperating with the public security agencies.

At the same time, it can also crack down on those who are dependent on small supports and retreat in anger.

It’s like killing several birds with one stone!

Jia Shoufu immediately told Chang Shengyang what he had just thought.

Chang Shengyang heard that a new department was to be formed and the local police station was to be united.

His head was getting bigger, "Mr. Jia, this is a bit too energy-consuming."

Jia Shoufu thought so. Chang Shengyang was specifically responsible for these three games and was already quite tired.

It seemed too inhumane to give him another job.

Now, 25 chapters have passed since the first best employee election.

It’s time to select the second best employee.

Jia Shoufu patted him on the shoulder, "I understand, you don't have to worry about this matter, you go and do your business."

"Okay Mr. Jia."

After Chang Shengyang left, Jia Shoufu turned to look at his computer and saw a blue screen.

Jia Shoufu didn't take it seriously and restarted the computer, only to find that it wouldn't start at all.

Only then did he realize that the computer seemed to be infected.

Could it be that the little wax-free assistant just now had a virus?

Jia Shoufu quickly found someone to repair the computer, and it took a long time before the computer was repaired.

After repairing it, I logged into the Penguin, only to be told that the password was wrong.

Damn it, the Penguin was stolen!

Jia Shoufu is a pretty account with 88888.

But he didn't panic at all and just called Ma Teng.

The Penguin was back in his hands.

I guess the person who hacked the account was also confused.

How could the stolen account be recovered so quickly?

Jia Shoufu also became cautious. It seems that in the future, other people's information about auxiliary propaganda cannot be trusted.

He also learned a lesson at this time and wanted to download anti-virus software to protect his computer.

After searching several companies, I found that almost all anti-virus software on the market is paid.

The most important thing is that the fees are not low.

Jia Shoufu checked her account and found that after spending the past few months, she had less than 2,000 yuan left.

With these hundreds of dollars, what kind of anti-virus software should I buy?

Go out and eat some big ribs. Isn’t the big pork belly delicious?

Jia Shoufu exited the webpage where she purchased anti-virus software and suddenly had an idea.

Since I can't afford it, I'll find someone to make a free version of anti-virus software.

So why don't I just set up a safe subsidiary?

On the one hand, you can make anti-virus software, and at the same time, you can also be responsible for fighting against those who create auxiliary software.

The online and offline plans I just thought about are exactly the responsibility of the new company.

This way you lose money and satisfy your own needs.

It doesn't matter if you fail, as long as you can lose money.

As for the person in charge of the company, it all depends on who the second best employee is.

Jia Shoufu distributed the notice of selecting the second best employee to the heads of each company.

Because there are three branches, it is difficult to move around.

So Jia Shoufu simply asked Ma Teng to create an internal web page specifically for selecting the best employees.

As for the evaluation criteria, he asked three company leaders to discuss it, and Jia Shoufu just waited for the results.

One day later.

Jia Shoufu looked at the person in front of him. He was tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Especially the dark circles under the eyes prove that this person is a complete struggler.

Jia Shoufu asked: "Are you Xu Liang?"

That's right, this Xu Liang is the second best employee.

The reason for winning the award is that he proposed and designed the Penguin Show, which was a huge stab in the back to Jia Shoufu.

Xu Liang was very excited to see Jia Shoufu, because the legend of Mr. Jia is often circulated in Penguin Company.

"Jia...Jia is always me."

Jia Shoufu asked: "Do you know how to kill viruses?"

Xu Liang was confused, "Antivirus? Use pesticides?"

Well, it seems I don’t understand.

Jia Shoufu slapped the table, "Okay, you are the person in charge of Tiger 360 Company."

Tiger 360 is exactly the name of the security company that Jia Shoufu just thought of, and it just fits the tiger that is in effect.

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